2016-04-20 11:59:21 UTC
209 answers:
Obi Wan Knievel
2016-04-21 08:22:29 UTC
PRESIDENT of what? You DIDN'T REALLY say. And I THINK YOUR caps key is getting stuck RANDOMLY, just so you know.

President of a Star Trek fan club? I wouldn't react at all. President or a corporation? No, those presidents aren't elected, they're just hired. President of a service club, like Lions or Kiwanis? That would be none of my business.

President of the United States? Not going to happen. You have to be at least 18 years old to even apply for that job, which is about three years older than 99% of Satanists. That's right, 99% of affirmed Satanists are age 14 to 16. They don't fit in anywhere else, so they put on black eye makeup and say stuff like "I'm a Satanist" or "I used to dabble in the Dark Arts" because that's their only hope of getting laid.
2016-04-20 12:37:01 UTC
As long as the satanist did not close down all the churches and take away the rights of peaceful free prayer, I wouldn't have a problem with that. Anyhow I would be concerned with the agenda the guy has for our country rather than whether he be of he same religion as me. I wouldn't be too surprised if that satanist would do a better job than what the present establishment status quo has been doing considering that a self proclaiming satanist may likely be from outside the ring of present run-of-the-mill establishment status .

Oh, by the way, how do you all know that many of our current politicians in office who run their mouths with all this christianic gibberish are really christians? How do you know if they themselves are not satanists going incognito? After all, they seem to always bring up christianic matter in the context of oppression of gays and pot smokers and never in the event of helping the poor but usually the opposite and that is not too Christ like in my view. If the satanist plans on making the economic playing field in our country more level for the less fortunate, by Jesus, I'll vote for that satanist.
I Am A Stranger Here
2016-04-20 21:46:16 UTC
Would it be worse? Hillary isn't on the god-fearing list of anyone. In fact, she's spit in the eye of everyone who has a religious view. Even Satanists have morals, values, and ethics. She doesn't.

Trump is a follower of Mammon. Selling his soul for money. You can't get much lower than that. The CIA hit teams will be back in full form if he's elected.

Honestly, I think the US would have been better off if Anton LaVey had been elected to office. Say what you will, he was highly intelligent and held firm beliefs. He would have HURT the churches in the US, but maybe that wouldn't have been a bad thing. Priests that rape, cults, mass murders... How can it get worse? He wasn't one to do something to get votes or be liked. He thought and then acted. If he started taxing the churches, we would have made one step to fixing some of our financial problems.

If A. Crowley had been elected, we would have more freedom. "Do what thou wilt" would apply to everyone, not just the government and politicians. Homosexuals wouldn't have been persecuted either.

All in all, the people who are ticked at religions tend to be smarter more tolerant. When we look at Democrats/Atheists like Communism, they want to become the new religion, like Hitler did.
Andy F
2016-04-20 15:46:24 UTC
I know that millions of people will disagree, but I think Ronald Reagan was almost as bad as a Satanist. Of course, he passed himself off as a patriot and a Christian, and some people think of him as a possible Antichrist. I think that's stretching the truth, but Reagan really did commit the US to committing and supporting horrible deeds oveseas, while being portrayed as this wonderful grandfather figure and a total nice guy.

I have no use for satanists - if Satan exists, they're worshipping evil; and if Satan is a myth, they're delusional. But I wonder if an outright Satanist would really be any worse than Reagan. I hope not.
2016-04-20 21:22:13 UTC
Pretty much the same if an atheist got elected

Since they are similar

I would praise the person

Satanist dont worship Satan like the name would suggest, there dont even believe he exist.

Its all about worshiping yourself

And the rules that Satanist follow are pretty positive like for example "Dont steal"

A better title would be if an anti-Christian was elected president

But yet those are mostly troubled teens who have seen too many horror movies
2016-04-21 00:49:36 UTC
I would be concerned with the reason why? if we are the ones who vote our leaders into office, then why did we vote for the satanist. Its the people of the nation who wanted that type of leader and that would be scary.

For me it would be an indication of the state of mind the people have, and what their values are. To be completely honest, i would not want to live in a world like that. Of course this is assuming the satanists religious beliefs was a primary reason for being voted in, and if the satanist imposed their beliefs on the nation.

But if the previous leaders are anything to go by, religion does play a massive role in the ethics and judgments employed by governments and i don't see why this would be any different.
2016-04-21 12:18:18 UTC
If he is you will not know until after the election and swearing in to office. If this happens in America, we can expect an immediate moral decay worse than we are seeing now. Satan wants to rule the world and not just be President of a country. He will rule the New World Order as Nimrod ruled over the First World Order from Babel. Are you trying to tell us that we are coming full circle in history? Nimrod was your satanist after the Great Flood of Noah.
2016-04-21 09:35:45 UTC
We already have had several in office. That were a part of Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, etc. by the way, the boy bands from Florida are leaving their's they pissed Buffy off. lol What we need is a Christian,business man in office. I am sorry, all the people that want to talk down God. Read Mark 9 and Mark 10 in The Holy Bible. When God opens those steel doors as tall and a diameter of The Empire State Building to flood Hell with you in it and become the Lake of Fire, you'll be begging for Jesus Christ like no one's business. But people need to wake up. Realize the world is not right at all.
Rebecca B
2016-04-20 12:05:36 UTC
Would not bother me in the slightest. However I'm not American. Over here we don't feel any of the same need to concern ourselves with a candidate's religion before deciding if we're going to vote for them or not. We tend to vote on a person's previous performance not whether they're the same religion as us. As long as they can do the job, I don't think most people would care if they were Christian , a Satanist, an Atheist, a Deist, a Buddhist, a Moslem or a worshipper of the Great Spaghetti Monster
2016-04-20 20:59:03 UTC
You mean the Antichrist? Unfortunately, the political system is being controlled by the satanic New World Order so this question shouldn't be all of a shcoker. I would get the **** out if a satanist becomes president.
2016-04-20 16:12:49 UTC
We have a Satanist for a president right now. Muslims are just Satanists who don't know they're Satanists.
2016-04-20 19:32:33 UTC
Obama is a Satanist and Hillary will be the next Satanic President.
2016-04-22 03:12:00 UTC
Of the United States? I'd be quite surprised if a Satanist were elected President, given how very biased our conservative Christians are.
Melvin Pringle
2016-04-21 12:18:40 UTC
Satanism atheism and Christianity have nothing to do with political events. People are just arrogant and think religion is everything. I'm agnostic I don't really care if God exists or not. The government doesn't care about religion either in fact there are rumors on how the government wants to keep people stupid well why not endow false faith so people would stop trying to figure out what's really happening. We shouldn't worry bout elections something big is coming and the government knows it and wants to keep us in the dark. So if there is a god hopefully he'll make people realize the dangers of this dog eat dog world
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-04-21 00:20:38 UTC
I've no idea how I would react if a known satanist was voted as prime minster. I am an atheist, I don't see it likely to happen.
The Goat Nose
2016-04-20 20:11:47 UTC
What kind of Satanist? T

Those jam tarts at the Church of Satan, they don't even understand atheism, their philosophy is kooky.

A Devil Worshipper, isn't that Donald Trump.

I wouldn't give a rat's tail if some loser becomes president of The Great Satan, as some Muslim clerics call the US,
Just Say No to War
2016-04-21 07:03:00 UTC
You mean there hasn't already been a Satanist president? I'm shocked. As much as politicians seem to live by the do as thy wilt philosophy, I figured they were all Satanists.
2016-04-20 16:08:00 UTC

SERIOUSLY, I see a few trolls jumpin on the question ... but if you wanna prove a SATAN ya gotta prove a God - good luck with that... than ya gotta find a good, kind, caring , non greedy for money, power and control... politician ( dem, rep, christian, jewish, satanist ... muslim ) doesn't mattter - GOOD LUCK with that too ! LOL
2016-04-20 14:57:13 UTC
George W Bush was elected in 2001 and almost destroyed the entire world. He let nazis invade Greece.

How do you think I reacted? I went into mourning for the millions of people he slaughtered and I got depressed I'd have to work for a murderer lunatic idiot from that movie the people under the stairs. Named George.

It was sad and the entire world still hasn't recovered. He basically killed all forms of progress.
2016-04-21 01:18:36 UTC
I wouldn't be surprise. The world is lying in the power of the wicked one, so it only natural that his subject would reflect the characteristic of it owner. 1 John 5:19, 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4 and Matthew 4:8-10. This why God have setup his own government. (Daniel 2:44)
2016-04-21 03:05:48 UTC
Then it'd be a time for a rebellion.. That's why American citizens are so armed to the they can stand against a tyrant government such as satanists
2016-04-20 17:46:26 UTC
Lol why the flying fornication would a satanist want to be in office? To run a bunch of brain dead idiots who do nothing but complain and then complain some more? Yeah someone needs to read the satanic bible...
Texas Czech Chick
2016-04-20 14:13:18 UTC
Oh, this is Yahoo answers???

I thought for a minute I was watching Looney Tunes cartoons......

I can just see it: "My name is Abaddon Demogordon, and I am a Satanist and the next President of

the United States of America" "Thank you, and "Satan destroy America!'

Come to think of it, a good dose of The Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote would be pretty good about now.

: < O
2016-04-20 13:28:47 UTC
I don't trust any religious cults --including Satanism, however, that will never happen. There are too many animal lovers who would be offended by their animal sacrifices, myself included.

However, Rafael Cruz and his father have recently been accused of being "Satanic." based on their political sermons. (The Blaze, National Review,

It was pointed out in an article by Mother Jones David Corn that "Cruz's father, an evangelical preacher who officially campaigns for Cruz, truly believes and promotes satanic conspiracies, claiming in a recent speech that Lucifer was responsible for the Supreme Court's gay-marriage decision." This is they type of radical fundamentalist rhetoric that can become dangerous.
Nick Danger
2016-04-20 22:13:52 UTC
Well since the existence of Satan has never been proven, I'd say the guy wasted his life believing in a falsehood. The fact that he got President could help him forget what a terrible delusion he was suffering from.
Jennifer W
2016-04-22 08:14:12 UTC
I don't think this is a possibility ANY time soon, if ever. The enormous problem with this is that Satan is the face of evil... everyone has this association, no matter what their religion, unless they live in a box. No, we can't be a country with reverence for evil at our helm. If that ever happened, I would have to move.
2016-04-21 04:55:55 UTC
As a professed Christian I know that this world is NOT our kingdom.

Our leader was convicted and crucified for saying the truth. When asked if we should pay our dues to the governing bodies He gave out a straight answer of 'Give to Ceaser what is Ceaser's and to God what is God's'.

So therefore as long as we do not have to deny God then we must and have to abide by their earthly rules.
2016-04-24 17:46:32 UTC
It would depend on their policies. You'd be surprised how caring and open minded Satanists are compared to Christians. Either way I would not care what religion they are.
2016-04-21 05:37:40 UTC
They are all invariably Satanists outside of a hereditary monarchy or random selection process as no Christian would be drawn to a position of power per the will of God. We simply live with it and continue to be Christians expectant of persecution and misunderstanding. It is in times of greatest persecution and misunderstanding that the church grows the fastest! God is real!
2016-04-20 18:49:27 UTC
I believe all the presidents ever elected were and are satanist, unfortunately.
2016-04-23 07:25:11 UTC
I would leave the US. I think that Obama is maybe an atheist/agnostic but at least Obama isn't an overt Satanist.
2016-04-20 14:40:45 UTC
The same as if any religious zealot was elected. Satanists are religious people. Just a different idol.
2016-04-20 17:14:39 UTC
What's the difference, we've had Obama now for almost eight years; Obama a Satanist again what's the difference!
2016-04-21 00:46:30 UTC
I would have to question how many Satanists were near me for them to be elected. Then I would emigrate.
2016-04-22 23:49:04 UTC
As long as this 'Satanist' was just, kind, generous and didn't abuse their power. Also, do you mean Satanist who is a member of the Church of Satan or a devil worshipper?
2016-04-21 08:56:10 UTC
in reality we have had many Satanic presidents. The 33rd degree mason is told that Lucifer is the light bearer or the Great Architect of the Universe. Here are a couple of quotes from the two most prominent masons confirming my point. !st is by Manly P Hall who is the top ranking US mason and their leading philosopher of all time, he said

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.”


Albert Pike is buried in the grand lodge and is a confederate general also founder of the KKK yet he has a bronze statue in DC and he said this.

“Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!”


list of US masonic presidents

George Washington

James Monroe

Andrew Jackson

James Polk

James Buchanan

Andrew Johnson

James Garfield

William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt

Howard Taft

Warren Harding

Franklin Roosevelt

Harry Truman

Gerald Ford

There are many other dark sub groups of the illuminati such as skull and bones. Bohemian grove,and such.
2016-04-20 20:11:35 UTC
Who would care about the president lol the majority of people had to of been satanist to vote for him, thats scarier
2016-04-21 05:47:09 UTC
depends on the type of satanist, are they a borderline laveyan/atheist satanist? if so i would be ok w that bc they are pretty much just atheists that dress in black. or are they one of many cults that express interest in an evil dark lord which they actively worship and believe exists? i would not be ok with one of those.
liberal lion tamer
2016-04-20 13:25:54 UTC
It wouldn't really matter unless Congress was also full of Satanists, besides executive orders, the POTUS really can't do anything by himself.
2016-04-20 13:19:13 UTC
As long as churches aren't closed, Christians are persecuted, and we still have equal rights between us no matter the situation, and we aren't forced to worship satan, I MIGHT be okay. Just might. It really depends though because I might be really mad but I might be a little uncomfortable depending on their views. The chances they would get elected though are probably slim. I wouldn't agree with their "religious" beliefs, but I might be able to stand them.
2016-04-20 21:01:52 UTC
if you can not even put the statue of 'satan' next to the ' ten commandments' in the county court house; why do you think the christians will allow a satanist to be president? what religious freedom do you think we have in america? -----i think most often you have only the right to be christian.

america is a country of christian elitism.
2016-04-20 22:33:28 UTC
Even the Satanist would have to work within framework of constitution. So nothing to worry. In case he indulges in any tyranny, he would be impeached and removed.
2016-04-21 17:15:37 UTC
I think Obama might be one. JUST KIDDING. Everyone knows he's an atheistic Muslim. (KIDDING)

I'd feel the exact same way I would if the law of gravity was suspended for 24 hours. "Gee I never thought this would happen. Now we're in for some serious kaka."
2016-04-20 22:23:58 UTC
It would be cool, satanist won't bring religion into the upbringing of the country for that period of time, which is what we need
2016-04-21 09:00:54 UTC
There are some differences between Satan and Satanist.
2016-04-21 02:09:42 UTC
That will never happen. They scrutinize the life of every president who has ever been elected to Office.
2016-04-23 13:54:34 UTC
Well, satanists are just our mortal mutated kids, so they can be presidents only to themselves. As long as we collaborate... we will make some plan.
2016-04-20 21:50:39 UTC
Honestly couldn't care less who's elected, and even if I did, I wouldn't give a **** what they believe in as long as they don't force it on people.
2016-04-20 13:57:44 UTC
2016-04-20 18:16:55 UTC
Follow-up question: did you know that Satanists don't actually worship Satan?
Alright alright alright
2016-04-20 13:01:58 UTC
They are all pagan and Celtics and they very much have agendas but the people are to moronic to realize a small society actually is in the White House every time they vote.
Fox News Lover
2016-04-20 14:21:50 UTC
We already have a Kenyan born muslim communist satanist as our president right now.
2016-04-23 07:21:00 UTC
I think ANYBODY who HATES other people's religion and other people's culture and want everybody to be the same is a Satan believer, a devil in disguise whose trying to break everybody apart. That's what devils do, they want to divide people apart and they never want everyone together.
2016-04-20 14:59:34 UTC
You actually think trump is a satanist
2016-04-26 11:06:36 UTC
I would invite that person to the country, I also would ask a higher power. To send a single bolt of lightning to them to see were there heart really is. Hypotheticaly speaking
2016-04-21 06:36:09 UTC
No need for election.Already enthroned as the god of this world he continues to wreak havoc in every area life including science and religion of which he majors on all counts but the Kingdom of God.
2016-04-20 16:08:09 UTC
Wouldn't care
2016-04-21 04:34:38 UTC
nixon, george bush jr, barack obama? most recent presidents were satanists
2016-04-20 14:27:29 UTC
Ephesians 6:11: [I would] "Put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. "

I would be ready for the final war cuz if that should ever happen. I know that it must mean the true end of times.
2016-04-20 21:02:24 UTC
We already have Donald trump and Hilary... Now it's just a matter of time before the US implodes
2016-04-21 09:18:34 UTC
what? you mean like the nazi bush family. who claimed to be christian in order to get the popular vote. or like obummer who said he was a christian but also said he would choose Islam over christianity.. theyre all satanists, no one gets into power or any government job without the mark of the beast anyway.
2016-04-20 20:01:46 UTC
Un needed paranoia has struck your mind and their is not a threat of such a person evolving to the Presidency.
2016-04-23 19:47:14 UTC
well when you think about it, satanists are the good guys in their eyes.

so maybe it wouldnt be too bad theyd just do what they want and who knows it probably wouldnt be too different to our society now a days?
2016-04-20 17:50:14 UTC
I don't care if he's Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, or long as he can run the country decent, he has my vote.
2016-04-20 12:16:36 UTC
Wouldn't care.
2016-04-22 15:35:11 UTC
As long as they don't take away others' rights and are a good president, it would be okay with me.
2016-04-21 12:09:44 UTC
I'm a Bible Student and follower of Jesus Christ (Christian) Jesus said at (John 17:17) Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. Therefore I believe what the Bible say in RE: to mankind in general as it states at :

(2 Timothy 3:1-5) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,  betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,  having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. (2 Corinthians 11:14, 15) And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.  It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. (2 Timothy 4:3) For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.  They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories.  

(2 Timothy 4:5) You, though, keep your senses in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. (1 Peter 5:8) Keep your senses, be watchful! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. (2 Corinthians 2:11) so that we may not be overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs. (1 John 5:19) We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4) If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing,  among whom the god (Satan the Devil) of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.
2016-04-21 03:44:52 UTC
Most of them are informal satanists, anyway. Pursue wealth and power, the things Satan offered Jesus, and you serve Satan.
2016-04-20 17:27:51 UTC
I will put a bullet in their head... **** people that worship that kind of being. Someone like that who is responsible for all these pain and suffering in the world should be hated not worshipped.
2016-04-21 01:33:38 UTC
All presidents are satanists...
2016-04-20 21:44:51 UTC
well it depends. can this satanist solve the country's problems or will he just tell the country to offer him a sacrifice everyday of the week?
2016-04-20 19:18:35 UTC
Donald Trump is probably going to become president thanks to this idiotic country. So I'm guessing most of the country doesn't care since they are voting for one. I'm moving to Canada.
2016-04-24 04:54:29 UTC
We already have had several in office. That were a part of Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, etc.
Marc Gritz
2016-04-20 18:04:31 UTC
Ted Cruz or Donald Trump will not win
Ravi Sakugawa
2016-04-20 22:14:06 UTC
Be myself.

If the satanist does not do any harm to my and my beloved ones, be thankful, if he takes my privilege to a church, be happy that I have my friends, if he takes my friends be happy that I still have my family, if he takes my family be happy I have God, If he takes GOD....... He cant!
2016-04-21 14:57:48 UTC
Some weird people have become heads of state keeping their very private tastes to themselves.....and these sometimes came out after their death.
2016-04-20 17:19:16 UTC
I would definitely freak out, because they would go against Christians, Catholics, and Jews too. They would probably close down all the churches and synagogues, since they do believe and love satan.
2016-04-20 18:51:38 UTC
No worse than someone who believes there is a god being elected
2016-04-22 14:41:03 UTC
Hail, Caesar.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-04-21 09:58:33 UTC
What are you talking about? There have been many Republican presidents. Darth Cheney was vice (and I do mean VICE) for eight years!
2016-04-20 14:54:50 UTC
2016-04-20 21:34:00 UTC
As long as he can balance the budget and not rase taxes I'll be cool with it. Hell anyone but Hillary will do.
2016-04-20 23:33:16 UTC
Starvation is a scary thing as long as they protect me from poverty and feed me I don't really care
Ed Harley
2016-04-20 12:10:17 UTC
Shrug- at least it's not Hillary.
2016-04-21 02:05:46 UTC
By driving a holy crusifix drenched in holy water, through their heart.
Oh paleez
2016-04-20 12:43:16 UTC
He/she would probably do a better job than some the evangelical nutjobs that have tried to run for president.
2016-04-20 17:38:01 UTC
You mean another one? You realize Obama is president right?
2016-04-22 06:18:24 UTC
How would things be different? It would just mean that another myth believer held high office in the USA.
2016-04-20 13:55:30 UTC
I wouldn't care.
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-04-20 13:22:50 UTC
You kidding, right? One is about to be - and he's got all the extreme Christians voting him in.
Frank Barnwell
2016-04-20 16:16:30 UTC
WTF? you have to be a Satanist to be President anyway, who else could spent four to eight Years in such a highly perceived Government position, and not straighten out at least this Nation? ...0420.2016
Truth Sayer
2016-04-20 20:10:29 UTC

Nobody cares

Republican Presidents have been bombing and killing women and children and doing Satan's work since forever

No one cares
2016-04-21 09:47:38 UTC
Some of the conspiracy people think the Bush's were less than pure. Personally, I am not sure.
2016-04-21 00:43:26 UTC
i will just sit in front of tv and just watch what the president is doing , after that i will critisize about the president to my friends , just like most of the people do .
2016-04-20 22:17:31 UTC
As long as he's not pushing his religious beliefs on anyone it doesn't matter.
2016-04-20 16:29:23 UTC
I will leave if Hillary gets elected.
2016-04-20 12:03:10 UTC
We are about to find out if Hillary gets elected...
2016-04-20 22:32:18 UTC
I thought we just did. Twice. So what of it?

Allah don't cut no ice here. But what else do you call an idiot who worships him?
2016-04-20 22:31:52 UTC
Obama was elected.
2016-04-20 16:35:51 UTC
Satanists are ******* idits
2016-04-21 08:36:50 UTC
Oh, I don't think that Donald is going to get the nomination so don't worry.
2016-04-20 13:51:57 UTC
Lots of people would've had had to vote for him.
2016-04-21 06:30:51 UTC
Really wouldn't care to much so long as they repsected the separation of church and state.
2016-04-20 15:31:19 UTC
How do you know there hasn't already been one? A secret society kind of thing..
2016-04-20 13:42:47 UTC
I would say finally someone who can be trusted to fix this messed up country
2016-04-20 13:06:02 UTC
2016-04-21 00:51:16 UTC
Obama is president and Clinton was president so one has :)
2016-04-20 22:10:38 UTC
We will see if trump wins. Because he is no Christian. Or if Cruz wins because he is definitely not following the teachings of Christ.
2016-04-20 19:15:48 UTC
Separation of state and religion.
2016-04-20 13:39:59 UTC
We have one in office now
2016-04-20 12:11:32 UTC
I wouldn't.
2016-04-21 04:57:54 UTC
I'd be all like, "argh...oh!", as if I was in a zombie apocalypse and a zombie was about to eat my brain.
Dane Youssef
2016-04-20 22:46:33 UTC
Usually, people just elect Satan.
2016-04-20 17:04:41 UTC
So long as they dont attack our churches, or force us into something terrible, and do a better job than obama and bush, idc
2016-04-21 00:01:40 UTC
I will first try to seek clarification from my Mentor for your genuine doubt.
2016-04-21 10:09:05 UTC
Whats the difference thats in Washington now with all the so called Christian politicians!!!!
2016-04-20 19:22:23 UTC
Would make me become a better Christian and pray our Lord Jesus returns SOON!
2016-04-20 13:20:28 UTC
Well, Donald Trump is inexplicably popular....
2016-04-20 20:10:56 UTC
I'd migraite as soon as possible
2016-04-20 12:09:00 UTC
2016-04-20 12:10:24 UTC
Mickey Mouse is a better fairy tale
2016-04-20 21:26:59 UTC
Trust me they already are! And our government never told us that Isis is in our state, of USA!
2016-04-20 20:02:56 UTC
Well satan and i r pretty chill so i don't think i would mind another person in the satan friend group
2016-04-20 12:04:24 UTC
Like trump?
2016-04-20 22:46:47 UTC
I don't like this group.
2016-04-20 12:36:30 UTC
Finally, someone with some morals!
2016-04-20 12:09:49 UTC
That would be Crooked Hillary!
2016-04-20 15:02:35 UTC
2016-04-22 08:44:53 UTC
I feel like that'd never happen.
every time I die
2016-04-21 05:28:45 UTC
well, he killed less people than god in the bible. also any other US president has killed more in reality than what the devil did in the bible. so I'd rejoice that we would have our least trigger happy president to date.
2016-04-21 10:41:06 UTC
Take it easy, Trump's not in yet.
2016-04-20 12:39:13 UTC
All the evil that exist in this country it would not suprise me one bit
2016-04-20 15:56:19 UTC
I think I would tear off my head, like the proverbial chicken.
Groove doctor
2016-04-22 07:57:44 UTC
I'd be like "thank Allah it's not Donald trump!"
2016-04-21 15:08:48 UTC
Why does a candidates religion matter??
2016-04-21 07:50:04 UTC
I'd vote for him definitely. Hail Satan!!!
2016-04-21 09:57:14 UTC
Very,very,very,veryX20 surprised. they might actually be a really good president.
2016-04-20 15:03:46 UTC
Well I sure wouldnt express my anger in all caps.
2016-04-20 12:47:48 UTC
Pray against it. I would bind him in Jesus' name.
2016-04-20 12:00:20 UTC
Couldn't do much worse than most of the others.
2016-04-20 15:19:25 UTC
Full of moral outrage.
2016-04-20 13:21:34 UTC
We have a Muslim president right now the Muslim religion worships death and satan
2016-04-20 14:26:29 UTC
Cry perhpas
2016-04-20 20:11:00 UTC
I would hope hes better than obama
2016-04-20 22:56:51 UTC
i feel very bad because i don't like this group.
2016-04-20 22:06:17 UTC
We're doomed!.....
2016-04-22 03:59:33 UTC

Source (s):

2016-04-23 12:56:45 UTC
Meh, who cares
2016-04-21 08:19:02 UTC
Since I did nothing to prevent it---it is my fault--since I was part of the problem.
2016-04-20 20:07:25 UTC
no theocrat can be elected which means not cruz either
luis l
2016-04-20 22:36:10 UTC

2016-04-20 20:06:43 UTC
oooooh yeah space cowboyeah
2016-04-21 08:29:16 UTC
Aren't they all, they have been for many years now.
2016-04-20 15:42:31 UTC
I learned that it isn't really them behind most abuse cases.
2016-04-23 16:41:22 UTC
now a days i would be concerned if the president was into god nevermind satan
2016-04-20 12:53:14 UTC
Mr. Immortel
2016-04-21 10:50:21 UTC
Armageddon everyone!
2016-04-24 09:08:05 UTC
I'd be OK with it
2016-04-20 12:02:45 UTC
I would drink Cyanide.
2016-04-23 10:12:13 UTC
2016-04-20 17:00:30 UTC
I thought George W.Bush was Satan .
2016-04-21 19:03:25 UTC
Portugal ?
2016-04-21 11:42:40 UTC
It could be that the mark of the beast is just complete bollocks
2016-04-20 14:00:20 UTC
SATANIST is another word for ZIONIST JEW
2016-04-20 15:15:54 UTC
Canada, here I come.
2016-04-21 05:26:45 UTC all your answers there just look for those 21 questions
2016-04-23 10:55:16 UTC
Satan is part of the Christianity; not another religion.
Maggie Mae
2016-04-20 15:58:43 UTC
I would move back to Europe...
2016-04-20 12:14:05 UTC
Congratulate them on the basis that we do not discriminate.
2016-04-23 05:35:46 UTC
Leave the country
London Man
2016-04-20 23:37:49 UTC
I think you mean TRUMP, well it would be a disaster
2016-04-20 19:15:43 UTC
would be pretty cool. maybe we can tax those free-ride churches for once.
2016-04-20 16:19:03 UTC
nothing ill just leave and move to mexico.
2016-04-20 22:03:15 UTC
2nd amendment
2016-04-20 22:01:31 UTC
I thought we has one
2016-04-21 08:54:57 UTC
better than an atheist
2016-04-20 18:18:07 UTC
I would praise them
2016-04-20 17:36:19 UTC
2016-04-20 14:58:32 UTC
2016-04-20 17:52:53 UTC
We'd have to rename ourselves "Israel" then
2016-04-22 20:40:45 UTC
I would celebrate
2016-04-20 19:31:43 UTC
Hopefully that will never happen.

...and if it did, hopefully he/she would be a nice ruler.
2016-04-20 17:44:26 UTC
I would not be supportive
2016-04-20 16:05:30 UTC
isn't Obama one?
2016-04-20 18:47:05 UTC
Hakuna Matata
2016-04-20 14:08:51 UTC
the world is about to end and hell is about to break lose
2016-04-21 09:19:21 UTC
Atheist would be better.
2016-04-20 12:24:00 UTC
I could come out of the closet...
2016-04-21 11:32:54 UTC
Well.......we'll find out.....if she beats TRUMP....
2016-04-20 13:07:14 UTC
I think we already have
2016-04-23 10:16:03 UTC
he was elected; obama;
2016-04-20 16:06:18 UTC
it wouldnt reall
2016-04-20 14:11:53 UTC
Like Hillary ????????
2016-04-20 22:44:55 UTC
never gonna happen
2016-04-21 03:25:39 UTC
2016-04-20 18:19:37 UTC
Again ?
2016-04-21 02:53:12 UTC
2016-04-20 22:19:44 UTC
no feelings
2016-04-21 17:01:55 UTC
I would **** it since it has no sex ;)
2016-04-22 20:13:43 UTC
Mad as Hell
2016-04-21 10:20:01 UTC
i would be concerned
2016-04-20 19:45:48 UTC
Celebrate!!!!!! God is dead!!!!. satan lives!!!!! 666!!!!!
2016-04-20 15:58:53 UTC
2016-04-21 00:31:23 UTC
2016-04-24 01:12:56 UTC
From George Washington to Obama we have had the SECRET GROUPS the BLOOD LINE of the HOUSE of CAIN in high places of government and banking and other ruling our land.

Christopher Columbus was a FREEMASON and a JEW. All those that say they are JEWS are not the JEWISH PEOPLE that LOVE G-D and LOVE and SERVE goodness .

THIS WAS THE TRUE message of Jesus to tell you that they have come among us again. G-D removed them once from the face of the earth Genesis 4:14 and they are pure evil and have come again among us to destroy MANKIND for once and fall all. Psalm 4:14.

G-D warned you and told you they would come again: you can call them to MIND they left foot prints in the earth were they came among us and CIVILIZATIONS have been wiped out by them.

George Washington was not our FIRST president yet he was the first president of the ILLUMINATI BLOOD LINE that secret group of people that have been among us with another agenda.

They hid behind what you think is GOOD like the POPE . All the presidents have been KNIGHTS OF MOLTA the QUEEN of ENGLAND and her family are all KNIGHTS OF MOLTA. These people SERVE THE POPE OF ROME.

USA was slowly taken from WE THE PEOPLE... USA is now owned by a CORPORATION of the CROWN.

This is what BUSH father said they been working for generations to FORGE and that THEY WILL have their NEW WORLD ORDER. so his LITTLE MINION son took down the TOWERS and played THE FOOL were did the WEAPONS go he jokes. Then they bring the WHITE HOUSE pet DOG in and he pissed all over and know one did nothing. SHAME came upon us, once a GREAT NATION they deceived and lied to us yet again and gave OBAMA he was CREATED BY THEIR CIA to be president.

To your FACE Obama states you are just ORDINARY PEOPLE with TOOOOOOO SMALL OF MINDS to think for your selves that you must give over you will to THEM a higher power.

THEY WITH MAKING WARS have made HELL ON EARTH and you let them.


GRBRIEL is NOT the ANGEL OF THE LORD YOUR G-D. He gave lies & deceits Mary and Muhammad WERE GIVEN LIES AND DECEITS and the WORLD followed the WRONG SPIRIT. Isaiah 30:1

JEREMIAH was asked by G-D HIMSELF to make a BOOK for you all Jeremiah 30:1-2

PROVE ALL THINGS YOUR SELVES trust no one. Jeremiah 4:22 states you NEVER known G-D nor have you ever known GOOD that you are foolish people that have learned to rush to do evil.

PROVE ALL THINGS: IF you knew G-D and IF you knew GOOD then and only THEN would you BE: THE NEW CREATION in the earth : a new thing done: a WOMAN in those vessels of all colors male or female young or old a child. Jeremiah 31:22 Jeremiah 51:22

PROVE ALL THINGS: THEN all the MARK of the FALLEN WOULD BE BROUGHT DOWN IN PIECES....yes...all they built would be TAKEN DOWN. Not ONE STONE would be on another NOT ONE !!!! JEREMIAH 22:22

PROVE ALL THINGS: for WE are the STONES of DESTINY that G-D MOST HIGH wants Ps.82:8 to return Isaiah 35:8 and be made in our FULLNESS Psalm 51:8

THE WOMAN: is the STONE OF DESTINY that G-D builds HIS HOUSEHOLD , HIS TEMPLE Psalm 118:22 They MARKED all they have taken from MANKIND .


PSALM 144:11 they are STRNGE PEOPLE that go into high places to get control. Hosea 5:7 they have the SPIRIT of WATCHMAN the fallen angels. THEIR GODS are the FALLEN who lead them from the UNDERWORLD. They been working for generations with them. UFO'S are a LIE and DECEIT.

THE ANCIENT PEOPLE are CRULE bond belief and about to RETURN to DESTROY you and your world. Jeremiah 5:15 . G-D IS ANGRY AT YOU ALL BECAUSE YOU DO NOTHING TO STOP THEM. Micah 5:15

THEY HAVE KEPT you all under their COVENANT of DEATH and HELL covered in VILE lies & deceits, they create EVILS for your MINDS & HEARTS to embrace. YOU LIGHT the FIRES of HELL on EARTH with your evil imaginations your desires to SIN. ISAIAH 28:15

9/11 ...MARKED ..the TAKE OVER of THEM and your FALL. A People DIVIDED. YOU ALL WERE SYMBOLS OF THE TWIN TOWERS the STONES fell that day on the TREE BELOW that burned down to just a stump and landed in front of the CHURCH that GEORGE WASHINGTON prayed at GROW ZERO to his GOD SATAN for your FALL.

read Jeremiah 33:15 it is in your DAY and in your TIME the STUMP has happen. YOU ALL MUST COME TOGETHER and with YOUR TEARS make the STUMP grow back. Jeremiah 50:4 and serve ONE HOUSE Ps.110:4 and all breath the SAME AIR let G-D BE THE AIR YOU ALL BREATH IN LOVE IN GOODNESS IN FREEDOM Job 33:4....

Jeremiah 33:15 the STUMP can GROW if...if.. YOU hear & obey . You are to BE THE APPLES OF G-D'S EYE Psalm 17:8 to15. G-D waits for you ALL for YOUR ALL are a MIXTURE of seeds that G-D has CHOSEN for HIMSELF to be made strong Psalm 80:15. G-D waits for you, your all the DESIRES of G-D'S heart & mind in THIS DAY HE HAS ALL READY EMBRACED YOU ALL Deut.29:15 come embrace HIM Deut.30:15

HE WILL GIVE YOU NEW TEETH so you do not EAT and grow strange but SPIT their LIES and DECEITS back Isaiah 41:15

WE ARE THE NEW CREATION: Jeremiah 31:22 THE WOMAN who SEES THE ONE WHO SEES HER Genesis 13:16. THE WOMAN: read the BOOK OF THE LORD and HIS SPIRIT gathers her to HIM for she wants NO OTHER Isaiah 34:16. He is her BELOVED and she is HIS. Song of Solomon 2:16

COME OUT OF THEM: close the DOORS on them, they have made you all WAR ON G-D in the earth Psalm 2:1 to 4

YOU NEVER RETURNED TO G-D: you remain in a broken spirit over and over REINCARNATION happens to you all. YOUR THEIR BLOOD SACRIFICES to their GODS . THE CURSE OF DEATH hung on a TREE over and over the STUMP you have cast off and cut down: Jeremiah 10:1 to 4


YOU NEVER: ASK G-D in your VESSEL flesh or clean it out and wait ON G-D TO COME TO YOU...YOUR ALL LETTING THEM CLEAVE to your MINDS & HEARTS Psalm 101:1 to 4

YOUR THE SWORD in the HAND OF G-D that will take down all the DRAGONS & SERPENTS that have kept you from HIM Isaiah 27:1 to 4

THE DRAGONS and SERPENT have kept you from G-D the WOMAN in you can RISE UP and STAND UP and FREE YOU..... THE STONE OF DESTINY...the hand of G-D I AM THAT I AM Exodus 3:15 pulls out the SWORD from the STONEY HEARTS....TO GO TO WAR WITH YOU IN HIS HAND, G-D is a MAN OF WAR Exodus 15:3

HE IS THE G-D OF HEAVEN EX.3:15 & EARTH Ex.15:3 you are to be like Psalm 17:15 come out of their darkness they have placed you all in Genesis 15:17 TURN Ps.17:15

THE WOMAN is in the HAND of G-D HIS Battle axe and weapons of war: Jeremiah 51:20-21-22-23 note: verse 23 rulers & chiefs they are of WATCHMAN's spirits in your world that lied & deceived THE WORLD.

YOU BEEN THEIR WALKING DEAD they joke about...for ...when death comes for your vessels of all colors your broken spirits are hunted down in DEATH Ezekiel 13:20-21-22-23

TRUTH can set you all FREE: the WOMAN comes in the DWELLING...PLACE...G-D made for ALL generations to come Psalm 90:1

THE WOMAN....STANDS up in this PLACE and ask FORGIVENESS for her self and all GENERATIONS for REINCARNATION brought her in them in all vessels of colors Neh.9:2-3

THE WOMAN:...IS WHO YOU WANT TO BECOME... THE WOMAN is the ONE that pulls down DEATH and his rider and all those that followed the WRONG SPIRIT Jeremiah 51:20-21-22

2016-04-22 09:40:13 UTC
i dunno, all i care is points from here
2016-04-20 15:13:22 UTC
2016-04-22 07:08:06 UTC
2016-04-20 17:33:50 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.