Well, times have changed. I send out Christmas cards every year- at my husband s insistence. Mind you, he does not pay for the cards, sign them, address them or mail them. We get fewer and fewer cards each year. The first year we were married, we sent out over 40 cards and received just as many in return- some with those family newsletters (and, that's another story for another time).
Now, 28 years later, I send out about 25 cards and we re lucky if we get 10 back. We also get cards from co-workers- not send via the US mail, but hand delivered. All-in-all we get about 10 of those. One year I included a calendar magnet with a recent photo from a family reunion which I thought was clever. No response- no comments, no Facebook comments. Nada. I learned an expensive lesson- no more 'cutesy' stuffy. I wasted my time and money on it. *Sigh* So, I really know what you mean.
So, I can understand your frustration with the lack of response regarding your family Christmas cards.
A short Facebook message would be nice- like "Hey, great Christmas card! The kids are growing up so fast.." But, from your message, you didn t even get that. So, next year, cut way back on your cards. Send them to immediate family members or those who you think will appreciate your efforts.
Try not to let it bother you. This seems to be the trend now-a-days. Move on and enjoy your holidays with your family.