From my 360 page:
This guy didn't like an answer I left, and decided to e-stalk me for a couple of days, kind of funny!
Original question:Why was Nicoli Teslar not recognised as one of the greats?
Ive found that some of the greatest people in the world will never be known.
My original answer:
TESLA, buddy!
Maybe he won't be recognized as a great because people can't spell his name right!
So then he left this answer to one of my questions - I needed to get rid of a dog:
Hey BuddY!!
Here is the perfect idea for a person like you.
take dog
shove it up your *** with your ability to think you can correct the worlds english grammer
and f_ck OFF!!
there or their or they're or thaer or ther or thayr or thyre
THERE,a little criticism shouldn't hurt a knowledgeable man like you,right.
He then 'added details' to his Tesla question:
Additional Details
Feb 2, 2006 at 2:26 pm
TESLA My mistake, BUDDY!!
How bout a little less correction and a little more answering the QUESTION AT HAND...THANK YOU... prick
So I edited my answer:
EDIT: Aren't we defensive? Obviously the irony in your question escapes you! You're asking why a man whose name you can't even spell right isn't recognized as a genius.
As for an answer to your question - I recall something about copyright or patent fights with Edison or Westinghouse. Actaully, Tesla's (the band) Mechanical Resonance album had a big long story in it about how Tesla (the man) was ignored while other, lesser inventors were hailed. I haven't read it in quite a while.
As far as the name-calling, is it really called for?
So then he sends me this email:
yeah you told me to go to english **** that **** i know how to rite a sentence but im so ill right a mother ****** sentence how ever i want you old **** ***** your kids must hate you by the way im in honors so **** yes fool suck my big you shitty fag white cracker
I reply:
You got problems dumbass. Get over it! U rite a reel gud setents, stoopid. Yeah, you're in honors - in a retard school. Chill out and get over it, loser.
He replies (with no comprehension of my sarcasm): sukk my 20 inch dik check ur own writing dumshit.