Strange behaviour?
2006-07-28 03:35:55 UTC
HDoes anybody know any more strange behaviours/habits us humans have?

1) We cover our mouths when we yawn and cough, even when we're alone.

2) If someone bumps into you they apologise and you accept, however if you accidently pull out in front of someone in the car they sound their horn and give you the V sign and proceed to drive so close they are almost in your boot.
25 answers:
2006-07-28 03:40:19 UTC
1. Couging and covering your mouth when you yawn and sneeze is down to upbringing and manners... these shouldn't fall away when we are alone..

2. Again, I too apologise if someone bumps into me, this is courteous and makes the other person feel better for their mistake....... in a car, most peoples actions are bloody deliberate and not an accident, so they deserve the V, the mouthed obscenity and a honk of the horn... goodness me... where did I put my manners.....
2006-07-28 03:46:30 UTC
Studies have found that most people don't laugh when watching comedy on TV, reading humorous material, etc. if they are alone.

"Laughter is primarily a social vocalization that binds people together. It is a hidden language that we all speak. It is not a learned group reaction but an instinctive behavior programmed by our genes. Laughter bonds us through humor and play.

Students in my classes confirmed the social nature of laughter by recording the circumstances of their laughter in diaries. After excluding the vicarious social effects of media (television, radio, books, etc.), its social nature was striking: Laughter was 30 times more frequent in social than solitary situations. The students were much more likely to talk to themselves or even smile when alone than to laugh. However happy we may feel, laughter is a signal we send to others, and it virtually disappears when we lack an audience (Provine, 2000, p. 58). "
Baby Bloo
2006-07-28 04:25:53 UTC
In regards to the car habit.....people become totally selfish behind the wheel. They feel protected in their metal machines. Researchers need to perform brain scans while a person is driving and come up with a theory as to why the transformation happens.
2006-07-28 04:11:24 UTC
2006-07-28 04:08:26 UTC
They are not so much 'strange' behaviours. It is what human instinct is and people do whats in human nature. As humans (comparable to animals) we have the gift to be able to 'think with intellect' - therefore etiquette is displayed as part of civil society for us all to be able to live in a harmonious way (or suppose to).

Taking into account cultural diversity and subcultural societys in different countries - peoples behaviourisms and etiquette varies from place to place.
2006-07-31 20:56:50 UTC
1) Parents ask a kid to explain themselves and the minute the kid speaks the parent tell them to stop back answering.

2) Parents telling their kids to close their mouth and eat their dinner

3) Men complain that their wives no longer look after themselves since marrying but whinge every time she wants to buy new clothes or makeup.. (C'mon guys think about this!!)

4) Men who date Barbie dolls and then wonder why all they find inside is stale hot air.

5) Women who marry a guy cause they love him just the way he is and then set about changing everything about him.
2006-07-28 03:41:02 UTC
Human nature ..out of cars we are all more our cars..especially men we are like beasts..don't get in our way..its the truth

We read on the toilet...but most would not admit it....

We drive above the speed limit ..then slow down below the speed limit when we see Mr. Smokey..
2006-07-28 03:40:55 UTC
normal ettiquite kicks in when yawning or coughing, which is to cover our mouth. However, people stress more when they're driving than anywhere else. So people are more likely to give you the "finger" when driving.
suzanne m
2006-07-28 03:40:45 UTC
In answer to your first question...It is called manners, something you know very little about, Your mother obviously never taught you! The second question...Well! if your on the road ..GOD HELP US! no wonder they sound their horn at you and give you a V sign.
2006-07-28 03:47:37 UTC
A vehicle is nothing but a mortorised metallic prison!.. people who are in prison naturally are under pressure and act erratically
2006-07-28 03:42:54 UTC
Walking down an aisle in a supermarket and farting.

Looking at the closest person to you as if it was them.

Or is that just me lol
2006-07-28 03:43:38 UTC
How's about saluting a single magpie and muttering "Good Morning Mr Magpie" apparatly its bad luck to see one magpie, but good luck to see a pair!
2006-07-28 09:04:35 UTC
One I get a laugh out of. When people go to see a horse race, they yell like crazy people at the horse. The horse isn't going to run faster just because you are yelling at him, hell he can't even hear you yell his name.
2006-07-28 03:41:01 UTC
WOW! You are a deep thinker, aren't you? LOL! Wish I thought of that! Have a nice day or night (depending on where you live!)
2006-07-28 09:09:35 UTC
when we trip we will look at the ground as if blaming it for making us trip/fall.

when we eat alone we eat like pigs

i think most of us dance when no one is watching
2006-07-28 03:41:12 UTC
you dribble a bit on yourself while peeing, no big deal. Someone pees on you the world is ending.
2006-07-28 03:38:48 UTC
road rage, some people thnik they are invincible in a car
Mike M.
2006-07-28 03:41:24 UTC
What can I say? People will do what people will do. It's called LIFE....So get over it already!
2006-07-28 03:38:39 UTC
LMAO What is not strange when it comes to humans?
2006-07-28 03:39:50 UTC
nice observations. Never thought of that before...
2006-07-28 03:45:29 UTC
1 we've learnt it - natural

2 cus some ppl r mad angry peeps
2006-07-28 05:49:03 UTC
We learn by imitating and it's all learned behavior!!
2006-07-28 08:36:59 UTC
its waht every human does.
2006-07-28 03:40:25 UTC
how we pretend to like other people ,,, even if we don't.

no other animal does that.
2006-07-28 03:41:56 UTC
making bubbles on the tip of my tongue....

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