Zarina K
2006-11-27 12:58:50 UTC
I've known a girl "Sara" since we were in elementary school together. We came to the same college where we remained friends. Eventually, due to our friendship, my roommate also became friends with her. Happily both my roommate and I were invited to Sara's wedding, so began the process of choosing a gift.
My roommate "Marcia" purchased something off the registry. I decided to put together photo albums and DVDs featuring pictures of Sara and all her childhood memories as she had recently lost all her belongings in a fire. She cried and cried over all her memories going up in flames. It took months and the input of many of her friends to compile this gift.
After the wedding, Marcia recieves her thank you card and I recieved none. I didn't really care until I bumped into Sara's mom in a store and suddenly she blurted out "Sorry about not sending a card, they were expensive so I decided to reserve them for the expensive gifts"