for jukebox- where are you from?????
I'm a waitress, and no way do i find being tipped in coins rude??!!! (no offence in tended to you- just wondered if it were a cultural thing)
Any money is good!!
In England- it seems to be that 1p left on the table is far more insulting than nothng at all-
Some people appreciate being tipped (like me!) no matter the amount- it's the personal touch they like- a 'this is for you because you deserve it.'
A scenario for you- two customers, one party of people all business men or suchlike and they leave couple quid on the saucer with the bill...makes me feel as a waitress- i'm doing this cos i feel i have to.
One lady sat on her own, or with her husband, and you bring back their drink, they press a 50p into your hand- 'this is for you, love!' that makes you feel worth it. Not as much money, but given with thought.
So, if you feel uncomfortable tipping, use the personal touch- people appreciate it more- and this includes taxis- if you think they deserve it- give them extra, if not- don't!
Hope this helps somewhat...