My dear, we really should not concern ourselves too much with others peoples wasteful activities. While I am a green freak, recycle paper, cardboard, cans, glass, plastic and anything else I can, I know if I peeked into my neighbors trash cans, I would surely have a stroke, or perhaps, dive into their cans snagging bits of this and that to take with me to the recycling place (yes I take mine on my way to do errands, so as not to waste precious fuel!). I cannot get worked up over what THEY do or DO NOT DO! Their house, their rules. While I understand your feelings, don't we wish we could wave our little recyclers wand and make everyone be green and a prudent citizen of the planet with our dwindling resources? And making it known to your neighbor how distasteful his wastefulness is, might, for a moment, make you feel better, I assure you, your rudeness will be lost on him. You will not achieve the resolution you seek. BTW, those chemical soaps, are probably greener than you think, unless he is spraying like Armor All on the ground. Soap will make grass green up nicely. I can't wash my vehicle in the yard, like I did at other places, as this one has PVC piping and I've been told it won't carry the weight of my vehicle like my other places did. But I knew then that is was better than letting it run down a drain and into the nearest river, and it watered my grass at the same time. He may have that same problem, but even if that is not the case, his house, his rules. Your home is your castle, and he can be as wasteful as he likes as long as he is paying for it and there is no restriction on water usage. Unfortunate, but true. Good luck!