Why don't my parents believe that black lives matter?
2020-06-14 05:56:17 UTC
I do and I have fully supported charities and protests, but they do not. Actually, they've been mocking the current events and my mother has even said "Black lives don't matter, but mine does. I'm sick of this crap."

Why are some people like this? Do you think she would be more understanding if she educated herself? Or are some people too closed off for that?
91 answers:
2020-06-18 12:58:13 UTC
Why are you asking us? We do not personally know your parents! And they do not have to anyway. Just like how some people believe in god, your parents do not have to believe in Black Lives Matter. 
2020-06-18 04:32:53 UTC
Because they are not fully indoctrinated like you. They seem to be the wiser ones.
2020-06-17 21:38:17 UTC
Supporting "charities" doesn't do anything. Black people already have far more privelage than white people. I think all lives matter and are equal in value, but I also refuse to support BLM or KKK or feminism or misogynism or lgbt or any other group that is clearly supremecist. That might be what your mom is saying. That she isn't gullible enough to have fallen into the trap of believing any of this has to do with equality.
2020-06-16 16:23:19 UTC
The fact that you people consider black people a charity case is embarrassing. You people are the racist ones and you don't even know it. Stop seeing color, and you will start to understand. You all are treating black people like they are weak and need white mans help. What's next, black parking spots up by handicap? 
2020-06-16 01:07:16 UTC
The question is whether HUMAN lives matter!
2020-06-15 16:48:44 UTC
Because they are racist
2020-06-15 15:24:20 UTC
I doubt she thinks that black lives don't matter, I think a lot of people feel very fed up with the protests because they're kind of in their own bubble because they kind of remove the protests from the event that sparked them i.e. if you asked if they thought what happened was wrong they'd say yes, but they find the protests in themselves a nuisance. It's not a good attitude and it is kind of close minded but I think at a certain point in their lives, some people start to feel very "well what am I supposed to do about it?" Again, it's not a good attitude, but yeah, your parents are just living in their own bubble would be the short answer.
pliney the elder
2020-06-15 12:56:00 UTC
You don't mention your age, but it appears your parents (who are actually a different generation) do not respect your views because this is something that most of our parents think is useless. Ask your self; How does marching around (unprotected from Covid-19) and destroying property enhance the BLM movement?  Think about this, are they really trying to make a statement? Equal rights law has been on the books for nearly 100 years, whose fault is it that BLM supporters don't think they are getting fair treatment? 

Black lives do matter, ALL lives matter. 
2020-06-15 00:01:05 UTC
why should they change. each persons life matters to them regardless of colour. if a stranger miles away told you to save their life by giving yours and they were black you would say no yet if your parents said the same you would think about it first before making a decision
2020-06-14 15:41:29 UTC
If "black lives matter" then so does "all lives matter".  Yet, the latter induces fits of screaming and rage and the inevitable cry of "Racist!"

Also, couple that with THE FACT, not opinion but FACT, that more whites are killed by cops than blacks and that blacks kill other blacks more than any other demographic.  So no wonder your parents are sick of this crap.  Sounds like YOU are one who needs more educating.
2020-06-20 17:54:28 UTC
It sounds like your parents are using Common Sense and are looking at the larger picture.  I'm with them on this........I'm sick and tired of this crap too.  

EVERYONE, in America, was getting along just fine until 2008.  We had a president who divided us and turned us against each other.  Now, we have a president who's trying to change this while we have a terrible/evil man who's trying to destroy America.....George Soros.  So far, Soros, is controlling and paying Antifa, the media and the Democrats.  Get rid of him and all of this B.S. will go away and America will be peaceful again.  Now, you tell me - who needs to educate themself?????
2020-06-18 17:19:29 UTC
Maybe because black lives don't matter to the black people who kill each other in gang violence and civil wars all over the world. Because black people kill white people all time and it gets suppressed.

 Over 11 brutal killing in the last TWO WEEKS alone. Including Paul and Lidia Marino. Killed while standing at their sons grave and Rosalie Cook, an old lady stabbed to death while shopping at a supermarket.Maybe because white farmers are killed daily in Africa and Zimbabwe and no one cares. Maybe because Tony Timpa. A white man. Died in exactly the same way and no one cared. Justine Damond and Jeremy Dardis were killed by black cops. What did you hear about them ? Wake up to what the left wing media is and isn't telling you.
The Devil
2020-06-17 21:42:43 UTC
That is how they were raised and never outgrew it.
2020-06-17 19:44:24 UTC
Not sure if you're trolling or not.

Not supporting BLM doesn't make you racist. I don't support BLM but I agree with their message of stopping police brutality (against all identities, not just young black males) and changing cop culture.

BLM has caused a lot of business and city damage, along with assaulting people, so it hasn't helped their reputation.

Saying "should she educate herself" sounds very elitist. I'd get away from condescending logic and shift towards compassionate...that she may be misinformed because of the media. Like the left-wing media is downplaying the damage caused by BLM, the right-wing media is painting BLM as a purely anti-terrorist movement. 

"Too closed off"...yes, some people are. And it isn't just white people. Racism is rampant among all groups, not just whites. 

Your mom may be shut off from this, but I'd recommend you open your mind up some as well. The first way to improve the world is to improve yourself.
2020-06-17 12:01:20 UTC
I think your parents have been around long enough to experience life and the history of the democratic party and how politics work in America, you might hear your parents saying words like Marxist and Communism, and they would be correct, this idea wasn't born in Russia, it was born in America and used in The Soviet Union, people were put into groups and isolated as victims, guess what? Their lives didn't get better being labeled victims, America follows the same formula, only its called Capitalism, our victimization comes through financial slavery, The democratic party needs a Segway to keep their party relevant because the merit of their convictions are not based on individuality, there is no power in a single victim, but there is power in the collective group, and victim hood is the lowest common denominator one can give up their individuality for, it why the inner cities stay poor, its why people of color stay poor, Victims=Votes for democrats.......where was the outrage under Obama when Trevon Martin died? yeah, people were upset, but not to the degree it is now, and that's because politicians are playing the black race card to divide support for Trump, if you do your homework, you'll find most Black Americans actually support have been tricked into what the democratic party does best, create victims and blame it on an opposing party....welcome to politics, you are supporting the very thing that makes you sick.
2020-06-17 11:31:05 UTC
Sorry about your parents and good on you for not letting the racism continue with you and then actually doing something to help. 

There is no difinative answer for why people are racist. I will tell you that racism is one of the most American ideals there are. Most people cannot even be honest about that fact. I'm sure you know that racism has been apart of this country since its founding. Racism is mainly based on fear, ignorance and hatred. Some people have also have massive economic interests to keep racism alive.

Your parents most likely got it from their parents and their surroundings at the time they were growing up. Most people are products of their environment. Instead of confronting it and fixing themselves it would just be easier for them to stay the same. Especially since black people don't matter to them. Older people in general are not as willing to change as younger people. Changing their views about race would mean changing some of their long standing core beliefs.

I'm not making excuses for them, but asking many white people to understand race and racism is like asking a man to understand childbirth. Men can read, learn, and even help, but they will never understand what is feels like to give birth. Same with racism. 

Most who think racism doesnt exist and still doesn't have affects, will never feel it. To them it doesn't exist. They are the same people who thought this way for centuries. 

Do you realize how many white people were against civil rights for black people, but still managed to think that there was never any racism, all the while calling themselves good Christians. That's a crap load of cognitive dissonance and plausible deniability. That's not something that's easily fixable.

I personally don't think education would work and I do believe people are too closed off but I'm a pessimist. People tend to only want to listen to the information that they are believe in. That's why people watch certain news networks instead of conducting their own research.

I would say always give people a chance to do better. Especially since they're your parents. Just keep leading by example and do the best you can. That's all anyone can ever ask of you.

Thank you.
2020-06-17 01:50:53 UTC
Woiuldn't your parents be the best source of reasons?  No one here is a mind-reader.
Alan H
2020-06-16 18:48:17 UTC
Their upbringing may have much to do with that.

You have only to answer for yourself.

AND to influence the next generation 
King Leo
2020-06-16 18:43:54 UTC
"Why are some people like this?"

——  You know your parents better than us. Tell your parents why your feelings aint the same as your them.

"I do and I have fully supported charities and protests, but they do not.”

—— Don’t dwell much on this issue. It’s irrelevant. Charities has nothing to do with BLM.

In general politicians take advantage of ignorant people by promising them something …...

Ignorance maybe a major factor in your parents' case.
2020-06-16 18:17:18 UTC
People are strong to handle things. Let them move forward in this way. 
2020-06-16 14:44:00 UTC
I guess we believe freedom of thought and beliefs until they don't match ours.
2020-06-16 09:05:45 UTC
All lives matter. If one is being arrested they need to not resist and nothing bad will happen. obey the law
2020-06-16 05:28:06 UTC
The question is whether HUMAN lives matter!
2020-06-15 19:36:55 UTC
i am saying this and saying this now and i am black but black life don't matter we the people need to stop thinking about the past and doing these community is dumb and should realize every race have had the awful moment  and should  move on that how life works and working community doesn't solve it 
2020-06-15 19:10:08 UTC
I often wonder what they're going to tell God when they stand before Him and try to explain why they embraced lawlessness. God doesn't listen to "well he/she did this/that......."
2020-06-15 19:04:45 UTC
most of the people who think this way are old or not open to new ideas and the way society is changing around us. the young people are the new generation, the revolution. in a few decades the boomers and their closeted minds will no longer have a say nor would their actions matter. so dont worry, let them think and say what they want to say but keep in mind it does not matter and stay true to your own beliefs
2020-06-15 16:19:27 UTC
you just turned in your parents you young nazi you. arent you a cutsi
2020-06-14 19:42:16 UTC
Older people have seen this same **** over and over again. It seems to always happen during an election year too, fancy that. You think you are part of some big revolution that's going to change the world. Dad has been at the forefront of of 6 of those so far and guess what, we're all still doing the same ****.
2020-06-14 14:24:28 UTC
Some people hold a perspective that will never shift/change, as they do not want to have their opinion/beliefs challenged or possibly consider there could be an alternative worth exploring.  This usually stems from fear, and it is easier to remain comfortable in their own perspective.  The world is being challenged right now and uncomfortable conversations are happening and will continue to happen.  For people like your parents, that is simply too confronting and so the easier route is to remain attached to that which they know as opposed to venturing into new territory.
2020-06-14 12:40:18 UTC
It often isn't an issue of education, but simply a method of coping.  A lot of people cope by only focusing on how the world effects them instead of considering the big picture and even when faced with the injustices of the world choose to distance themselves from them instead of looking to solve the problems.  When they can't escape they say things like "I'm sick of this crap".  
2020-06-21 17:40:57 UTC
Your parents believe that your life & their lives matter just as much. BLM chants Pigs in a Blanket' Fry em' like bacon, what do we want dead cops, & tags BLM graffiti on vandalize & looted buildings, how's that peaceful? The Chant & Graffiti BLM period!!! pretty much says that Caucasian, European, Persian, Turkic, Oriental, Siberian, S/E, Asian, S. Asian, Central Asian, Amerindian... lives do not matter as much. BLMs Socialist revolution has created Protection Racket Militia in CHAZ now CHOP where if businesses & residence don't pay up, they get looted & vandalized by ANTIFA/BLM & criminal gangs, coming to Minneapolis & Atlanta. A political entity (DNC) is funding this embarrassment as it has no system of trade, governance, food production. Non-Congoids can empathize, but to demand that they should be subservient to Congoids victimhood delusion is bullying. BLM wants to use any incidents involving Congoid victims innocent or guilty of a crime to keep the victim mentality alive for Congoid crimes & Congoid bigotry to be tolerated for them to intimidate & oppress non-Congoids. If you're not Congoid according to BLM, you deserve every grief or suffering that any Congoid inflicts on you. The US is probably the softest & most lenient country in the world when it comes to crime & punishment that contributes to large amount of re-offenses & incarceration rate.

Tribalism & Bigotry will never disappear as it's not only human nature, but animal nature as well that can be suppress by being self reliant, honorable, humble, honest & kind. South Sudan, The Congo, Somalia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leon are all falling Apart despite all the foreign aide spent to help them. Sub-Saharan ruled nations like Haiti destroyed what the French left behind 216 years ago, they still haven't recovered from it. Liberia a Nation for freed slaves was ruled by freed slaves who ruled much worst & ruthless than the confederate states. Sovereigns as great as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan were built by their independent self sufficient/reliance, honorable, humble, honest, & hospitable positive society that's to be lauded as an example to emulate. Trying to paint Bigotry, Discrimination, Hate & Tribalism as inherently European is false as such behavior along with slavery started with Early humans in East Africa when early humans expanded into separate tribes competing for territories & limited food resources that are still practiced there since before the great migration of early humans. Journalist Keith Richburg Author of Out of Africa 'Thanked God for Slavery' bringing his ancestors to the USA.

Al Sharpton & the lawyer (hired by families of death by police) whose livelihood depends solely to sowing the ills of society to profit from are preaching that it happens everyday calling it a genocidal pandemic. WAPO reports 10 Congoids shot unarmed, 20 of Europid shot unarmed, & 18 others shot unarmed, down from 32-38, 3-4 years ago. If it happens everyday, there will not be 40+ millions of Congoids as reproduction won't be able to keep up since emancipation. Congoid world population grew from less than 30 million to 1 billion+ from 1500-2020 because of Europid industrialization, science, technology, medicine, food preservation, academics, economics, out of Africa & Europid pursuit to abolishing slavery. Brazil, Cuba, Caribbean Islands & N/E South America had a slave population of 40%-60%+, 20%+ slave owners, 2-5 decades late in abolishing slavery. Haiti had 2/3, if not 3/4, but didn't really end slavery rather replaced the masters with lighter & better haired version of themselves. Prior to the end of the US CIVIL WAR, the US had 3.5-4 million slave population owned by 1% of the free population of 40 million at the end of US Civil War. 28% of Louisiana & Mississippi had Congoids & Capoids Slave owners & owned plantations. Congoids replaced the Caribbean Amerind population. US Congoid population grew 20x than the Amerindian population from 4 million (1864) to 40+ million (2020).

FBI Stats Intra-racial Homicide among Congoids is 89% & 82% among Caucasian (European, Arabs, Hebrews, Bedouins, Afghans, Turks, Persian), includes Mestizos in the mix. US law enforcement takes a lot of abuse, harassment, & assassination for being very soft & lenient to law breakers (only in America) attracting criminals foreign or domestic across the world.

European descent have a higher chance of being victim of interracial crimes. In Interracial Homicide 15% are Perpetrated by Congoids upon Europids & 7% are Perpetrated by Caucasians upon Congoids. There should be more emphasize on Interracial Homicides, Rape, Mob Assaults & Robbery. All interracial crimes 60,000 Blk victims by Wht perps; 600,000 Wht victims by Blk perps. 42% of cop killers are Blk 3.5 times more than the Blk population ratio.

At 12% of the Population Congoids are already Committing twice the rate of the 72% of the Caucasian Population. If you adjust the Congoid Population to match Caucasian Population by multiplying 15% Interracial Crimes by 6 how will the total be, or Both Population can meet in the middle which is 36% therefore multiplying 15% by 3 and dividing 7% by 2 , the result is (B) commits 45% vs (W) commits 3.5% when equalizing population in the middle.

Blk on Wht interracial rape is at 80%-90% annually. Wht on Blk rape is virtually 0 at 0.1% annually in terms of population. A Mulatta with a higher percentage of European ad mixture (60%-99%) has a higher chance of being raped by all degenerate of any ethnicity than a pure or mostly Congoid female. Must have something to do With the standards of beauty that Arabs-Islam created when purchasing wives or harems putting eastern Europeans on top, Northern Europeans 2nd; Assyrians, Persians, Southern Europeans, Mediterranean, Mongol, East Asian 3rd; Indian/south east Asians 4th; Australoid, Congoid/Capoid 5th.

The push to abolished slavery world wide would not have been expedient if the US Civil War hadn't Happen. England abolished slavery in the late 1700s (Serfs)- early 1800s (Congoid). Russia abolished slavery & emancipated Russian Serfs (Europid Slaves/Slavs as Eastern Europe didn't have African Slaves) in 1862. USA Abolished Slavery in 1864. Brazil abolished slavery in 1890s but continued it with the Xingu Amazonian Tribes through 1920s for rubber. The Russian waves of Immigrants in the late 1800s & early 1900s before the 1914 Russian Revolution were most likely former Russian Serfs/Slaves turned indentured servants. European slaves existed since 3K BC & there were European Slaves up to 1880s in Turkey when the Sultan abolished slavery for Europeans (mostly Crimean, Circassian, Ukrainian & Slavic States) & Congoid Slaves. When Russia turned Communist after the Russian Revolution: Royals, Nobles, Aristocrats, commoners, & former Serfs were subjugated into state bondage forcibly or voluntarily. Southern Europeans in Spain were enslaved for 800 years until the late 1400s when the Moors were expelled from Spain. European slaves gradually got their freedom before WWI, but could've persisted until 1964 when Saudi Arabia Abolished Slavery. Europeans growing strength from their technology & push to abolished slavery globally likely convinced Islamic states in N. Africa & Arabia to end caste/chattel slavery in 1964 with the exception of Mauritania where it continued until 2007, but slavery continues in N. Africa, Yemen, Sahel... as Al Jazeera reported just 5 years ago.

Before the Portuguese sailed around Africa & set up trading ports with costal Bush kingdoms. Africa was the worst continent for Congoids & Capoids. Tribal warfare controlled population through sacrificial ceremonies that may involved having to consume sacrificial offerings, a practice that still exist. Joshua Blayhi (Gen. Butt Naked) being notorious for conducting these sacrificial ceremonies as its High Priest in Liberia (VICE: Cannibal Warlords). In Tanzania Albinos, mostly children, are killed for their body parts as charms, souvenirs, & even consumed in the same manner that Gorilla hands and feet are sold as charms or souvenirs, the rest being consumed in the beliefs of gaining some powers.

With the arrival of Arabs (1000CE-1100CE) in the interior of Sub Sahara then Europeans (1500CE), it became more profitable for Congoid bush kingdoms to sell rival bush kingdoms, tribes, criminals, & peasantry. After abolition of slavery swept Europe, N. Americas, then central & S. America 20-40 years later Congoid bush Kingdoms, later republics, still had a reliable slave trading partner with Arab & Arabize nations for another 100-140 years (Saudi Arabia (1964), UAE (64), Zanzibar (64), Mauritania 2007). The most famous slave market was in Egypt well into the 60s. Sunni Islamists ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram... brought back slavery in their territory & Caliphate.

Europids tried to develop Sub Sahara Africa. Now China tries to finish where Europeans left off. What Congoid Africans truly need to be successful is to have a majority (90%, if not 100%) of the population responsible, self reliant/independent, accountable, honest, honorable & control population growth necessary for stability & prosperity.
2020-06-18 12:59:29 UTC
Some people are so biased against people of color they can't see it any other way.
2020-06-18 12:35:28 UTC
They're in denial, because it's not their problem, they're not dying, they're not black. Some people just aren't so empathetic. Besides, they probably don't want to think about more problems. They're in denial, that's it.
2020-06-18 12:26:49 UTC
They could be racist.
2020-06-17 20:55:44 UTC
Because they're older than you so they can see it for what it is. A silly fad for bored rich white kids and angry young black men.  It'll be quickly forgotten about when the next big craze comes out.
2020-06-17 12:58:37 UTC
You are just confused because your parents are smarter than you.
2020-06-17 08:33:12 UTC
Parents, man. They just don’t understand. And many of them from a certain era are racist. Peace and love brother.
2020-06-16 23:25:28 UTC
Some people do not support Black Lives Matter because of the racism some radical members hold towards white people. This makes some people feel defensive, however, that does not mean they are racists. But your mom just straight up saying "black lives don't matter" is reason for concern. 
2020-06-16 23:24:53 UTC
They are racist
2020-06-16 19:49:02 UTC
Most people can empathize with individuals but tend to tune out when it's a corporate organization trying to foist collective guilt onto them for something they had no part in. Sadly the organization called 'Black Lives Matter' has an agenda far beyond just protecting black people from police brutality. So a lot of people who might feel very deeply about situations like George Floyd get turned off by the more extreme goals of that particular company. So try to appeal to them based on the real black lives they know and appreciate. The amorphous mass with the violence and revolution is scary to sane people. Reminding them that their black friends are important is usually much easier. 
2020-06-16 04:55:42 UTC
kids like you and younger adults dont have enough LIFE experience.  Everybody LIVES matter and not just blacks.  

Do you think racism only applies between White and Black?   How about muslims?  they hate christians and always start a fight without no reason.   How about Chinese to Japanese people in China?  The chinese people dislike Japanese because of their crimes during the WW2.   People of any skin colors always dislike other skin colors.   The reason, human always hate other because of their hatred and we are born like this.    Thanks to GOD for making us like this.   We are all tired as a human being because of our own "actions".     
2020-06-15 22:27:40 UTC
Blm is a sort of choice based thing but we are trying to convince more and more people that the racism some people show is unacceptable. If they truly dont want to support it then that is their choice BUT we still fight for rights and other things because everyone is important.
2020-06-15 20:10:23 UTC
You have a very strange idea of what "Etiquette" means. Move your question to "Family and Relationships".
2020-06-15 19:43:37 UTC
You made  a movie? :D The museum was already amazing enough but a movie. I wonder how much you disclose. 

WTF is hollywood? Who in hollywood knows about such things? 
Hot Coffee Light No Sugar
2020-06-15 04:02:26 UTC
You can only educate those who care to want to be educated; I don't think your parents are into it. As your parents have their own rights of a way of thinking, you do too. However, In a family, it can be discussed the importance of respecting each others belief system. You, as a collective group, should understand for a point of keeping peace in the family, you all need to keep your thoughts to yourselves, especially if there is no point in sharing. The point of no sharing are the racist slurs, etc. When your parents use racist slurrs around you or make fun of the cause, it's no longer a point of sharing beliefs, it's a point of hurting each other and that's the real problem that needs to stop. So if your parents are not into seeing your point of view, then have talks about respecting each other and how can we do this so as to live harmoniously. 
2020-06-15 03:09:43 UTC
Im sticking with God on this matter.  ALL LIVES MATTER
2020-06-15 03:07:30 UTC
Too bad your parents didn't exercise birth control.
2020-06-15 02:30:52 UTC
Maybe they just don’t support their politics. 
2020-06-14 17:40:21 UTC
I hate to say it it just the way some people think my fathers the same way and it aggravating it is but you have 2 options tell them how you feel and ask them not to talk like that in front of you or learn to bite your tongue a lot. I'm personally biting my tongue in till I head off to college then I'm going to tell them how I feel and if thy truly care about me to not talk like that in front of me
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-06-14 06:40:07 UTC
You'll understand when you're more educated.  Some things only come with age and experience, and knowing the difference between schooling and education is one of them.
2020-06-18 15:23:35 UTC
Because BLM is a joke. I don't blame your parents. BLM has been rioting and destroying cities. 
2020-06-18 10:58:40 UTC
They have different values from yours. Your parents probably have others things to worry about. How are their bills and jobs holding out. Maybe they just don’t have the money to give out . You have been their charity by that I mean they have to take care of you.,

   They might also see all the violent protesters as a threat . 

   We all see the world differently based on what are experiences are. Our life experiences shaped our minds .

   Since your parents have seen much of life experiences than yourself they will view it differently than you.

    To really answer why your parents think the way they do is to listen to them on why they think that way.




2020-06-17 18:32:40 UTC
Some people like myself have been attack by such black critters that we don’t want them to hurt others by weasel their ways into homes to attack them and they are strong like an animal 🦓 
2020-06-17 05:23:49 UTC
Maybe it is the high body count in Shootcago every year. Maybe it is because sperm donors do not stay around to take care of their children. Maybe it is because of the high crime rate of blacks. Maybe it is because the saying is racist. How about GOOD Lives Matter to include all colors ? {And to exclude thieves, rapists, drug dealers, murderers...}
nicks name
2020-06-17 00:00:16 UTC
It’s because black people are melinated which means they are the light (illuminated in DARK MATTER) which is The space unoccupied and the space you can’t feel. and white people are the lesser light they came from black people that’s why blacks can’t exterminate whites, it’s because we will have to kill our own offspring white people are out cast but claim to be superior to other human beings and try to condition black peoples kids with globes and Lies to keep them from discovering that they out number white people 9to1 that’s why every commercial has a white person in it. When in actuality the world is unlimited in space and depth and the minority is white people that’s why they kill and steal because they want to get rid of god which is black people to whites
2020-06-16 23:11:40 UTC
They must literally be Hitler.  Both of them.  Two separate people.  Both literally the same person.  That person being Hitler, who committed suicide 70-something years ago.  Literally.  
2020-06-16 19:39:18 UTC
A lot of black people are racist against whites and do not want our help. Just look up the youtuber cynthia g
2020-06-16 17:52:24 UTC
Tell ur mom she's a racist piece of trash
2020-06-16 17:32:44 UTC
Because they obviously don’t for the most part. Look at it this way, the vast majority of blacks that were killed by the police had a long and violent criminal history. Furthermore, prior to their death they contributed absolutely nothing to society. George Floyd, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, etc. all were dangerous criminals and were treated as if they were heroes once they were dead.
2020-06-16 14:23:49 UTC
Because coloreds are full of crap. They SAY that they wanted to be treated the same as everyone else but what they really want is special treatment. These jabbering animals think that they're entitled to it and when they don't get their way they riot and loot until they do get what they want.

People are bending over backwards to make 13% of the population happy and that's ridiculous. 

If coloreds are so unhappy here they should leave. No one is forcing them to stay. In fact, I suspect that almost everyone would be happy to see them go away. They contribute nothing to our society. They're nothing but rabid animals. 

If we can thin the animal population by issuing hunting licenses for deer, bears, wolves, and hogs, why can't we have an open season on coloreds? Why not? They're a menace to our society the same as other animals.
2020-06-16 13:45:20 UTC
Ask her. All Lives Matter!
2020-06-16 08:28:10 UTC
coz they are black and they think their lives don't matter 
Sunday Crone
2020-06-16 03:40:43 UTC
Many older people who experienced  the deaths of the Kennedys, King and Malcolm  have watched numerous riots for black lives in the last 5-0-60 years and have seen not significant black politicians surface to assist in the civil rights movement, therefore, we tend to have little faith in the Black Lives Matter movement as anything other than another riotous protest for entitlement with no political work from the black lives matters movement to secure what the protests and riots are suppose to be for.
Jan C
2020-06-16 02:43:28 UTC
We must remember to always respect our parents. Each person has the right to their opinions and in this case, it is family so we have to respect them and not be critical.  I grew up in a prejudiced place so when I was old enough, I had to form my own thoughts, but not necessarily talk about them. Try to avoid the conversations. 

2020-06-16 01:00:53 UTC
Here's the thing: one can believe that black lives matter without supporting the very politically motivated "Black Lives Matter" movement.  Only a cultist would believe that one must regurgitate the talking points of the BLM movement in order to affirm that black lives do in fact matter.

I don't know your mother, but I know that I get sick of the political opportunists of the BLM movement hijacking issues like police brutality to turn it into a victim narrative.  Maybe your mother is expressing a similar frustration in a rather direct way towards YOU?

"Why are some people like this? Do you think she would be more understanding if she educated herself? Or are some people too closed off for that?"

Well from where I sit, those same questions would be better directed at you.

I mean you're essentially ratting out your mother for making some rather crass statements, but not before you identify yourself as 'one of the good ones.'  

And think about how arrogant what you're saying ultimately is.  Your mother birthed you.  She has lived longer than you...and not only are you implying that you're more learned than she're also potentially othering her!  

In an era of "my truth" and "lived experience," you're showing a remarkable degree of dismissal of the truth and experience of a person who you'd expect you'd be loyal to above all others!  

I go back to my original opinion: one can believe that black lives matter without supporting the BLM movement.  One can believe that black lives matter without supporting reparations.  One can believe that all lives matter include black lives.  

You really should rethink the indoctrination you've been fed...before you discover the mob that you support coming for you!
2020-06-15 19:52:34 UTC
People develop many beliefs early in life. And that is hard to change. She may know it logically, but that won't change her feelings. 
2020-06-15 16:48:29 UTC
Because they have experienced the horrors of black people.  You almost weren't born because your mother got pistol whipped by a black man trying to rob her.  You'll eventually learn the truth when a black man asks to borrow your phone and then bolts
2020-06-15 15:11:02 UTC
What are you and how old are you today?
2020-06-15 07:05:15 UTC
Because their IQ is higher than the average American
2020-06-14 14:57:37 UTC
How can black lives matter, when black lives don't matter to other blacks.  They kill each other more often than anyone.
2020-06-19 00:03:34 UTC
the same reason you believe that they do matter, it's what you want to believe, just as it's what they want to believe...
2020-06-18 13:07:28 UTC
your mother has been on this earth longer than a spoiled brat like you.listen to your elders.
2020-06-18 00:59:06 UTC
Your parents believe Black lives matter; just the same as they believe all lives matter. 

When your mother says "Black lives don't matter, but mine does and I'm sick of this crap", she's referring to the actions of those individuals who have aligned themselves under the banner of "Black Lives Matter", and who are rioting, looting, and burning, and chanting "Black Lives Matter" and carrying signs with those words written on them while they're doing it. 

Those people have taken the original, unifying concept behind  Black Lives Matter, and turned "Black Lives Matter" into the name of a domestic terror organization. 

That's the crap your mother is sick of, and is what she means when she says "Black lives don't matter".
2020-06-17 17:59:32 UTC
Why do you ask ME about YOUR parents?  I don't know them.  Don't YOU know them?  If you want to ask anybody at all, why not ask THEM why they feel a certain way??
2020-06-17 16:31:15 UTC
Because they are racist
2020-06-17 09:16:30 UTC
She's done hearing you lecture her about social justice and wants to make it abundantly clear that she DGAF, so that you'll stop talking about it.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-06-16 12:27:25 UTC
I wrote a poem that might inspire the "better angels" of your parents' deeper selves, anonymous---a poem I used as my career military dad's eulogy a few years back:  "Down very deep in the shadows you keep/Your somebody's son loved by someone/Who watched you from birth/Planted seeds in the earth of your mind/Touched your dreams with a kiss/With a sign watched you cry/Watched you grow to goodbye/And move on/and move on."

You ask "why" your parents or others reject the message of "Black Lives Matter" as the demonstrators both nationwide and worldwide continue, and a psychology/theater double major from college days suggests the answer might be a combination of feelings, one of which is fear.  The fear is complex, however.  Your mom's "but mine does" could suggest she feels unrecognized or unfulfilled---sort of a "Dreams of the Everyday Housewife" thing that, as she ages, she feels none of her own deep-rooted dreams or her heart's yearnings will come true.  A starving kitten will sometimes eat from one dish while growling and trying to cover up any other dish with a paw to prevent any competitor kitten from having anything until that starving kitten is full.

You might want to give your mom or both your parents a book entitled "The Education of a Wasp" (available on from a few decades ago---it is very enlightening and is a true story of a Caucasian couple who never thought of themselves as prejudiced at all, so when they tried to help a coworker's family buy a house in their gated community (the family was black) without believing anyone in their neighborhood would mind, the coupled was eventually ostracized and mistreated by neighbors they'd known for years.  But even more importantly, the wife came to realize she had come to accept assorted stereotypes as true without once understanding these beliefs were stereotypes.  It might open your parents eyes, minds, and hearts to the cry with which they can identify:  Simple equality and justice for all.
2020-06-16 05:32:50 UTC
The question is whether HUMAN lives matter!
2020-06-16 05:01:10 UTC
They don't because they know a leftist scam when they see one.   Only one slinging crap here seems to be you so get sick.  Nothing like destroying your family over a political disagreement.  Sounds like the one who needs self education is an ungrateful child.  (That would be you.)

Funny that you'd post this in the etiquette section since you so obviously have none.
2020-06-16 04:59:08 UTC
Here’s the thing. Your mom doesn’t think the black lives don’t matter. Your mom is annoyed with the false premises that the liberal commies are pushing, which are:

1) That blacks are somehow killed interracially more than whites are (FALSE. Blacks kill whites at 2.19x the rate that whites kill blacks.) 

2) That whites don’t care about black lives (FALSE. They do. They just don’t like propaganda BS pretending like whites don’t care, or pretending “black lives are in constant danger from cops/whites” which is bogus).

3) That police are out intentionally hunting black people (FALSE. Less than 240 blacks are killed by police each year, versus 460 whites killed by cops. That’s less than 1 in 100,000 blacks. And out of those 250, only 10 were unarmed. The other 240 had a weapon and were threatening the cops. Meaning a black person has about as good of a chance to win the lottery as they do to be an innocent victim of cops. If you don’t wanna be killed by cops? Don’t assault the cops, grab their taser and shoot the taser at an officer during an otherwise peaceful arrest, like the drunk black guy at Wendy’s did a couple nights ago.)

Every white person I know- and I know well over 100- agrees black lives matter. Ironically, our only difference of opinion goes down party lines, and it seems to be mostly for political reasons.


NOW, I saw that some people had pointed out what I’m pointing out here- that blacks kill 94% of others blacks who get killed, that blacks kill whites over 2x as often, that blacks commit 58% of all violent crime, etc- 

And I saw in your responses that you were pointing out that this is because the black community has been poor, and underprivileged, for a long time. 

And OK, I agree, maybe that is something important to talk about. Maybe black poverty, black education, and black families needing to stay married and raise children in 2-parent households, and blacks needing to save and invest their money into assets (like stocks or real estate) instead of blowing it on liabilities like fancy shoes and cars etc, are all important issues.

But don’t go pretending like people are out killing innocent black people in disproportionate numbers or racially targeted attacks. The reality is, black people are getting themselves killed by attacking cops, resisting arrest, and grabbing their weapons. 

Instead of trying to make this about systemic racism or “evil white people”, we should make it about the actual problems of poverty, financial ignorance, lack of financial discipline/good money strategies, lack of 2-parent married households, the black community not receiving a good education in bad democrat-run schools, or lack of free choice busing (something Democrat’s oppose). We need to address the real problems in the black community, and not pretend like it’s all caused by the “Big Bad white boogeyman”. 

Hopefully your IQ is high enough to realize the uncomfortable truth to what I’m saying, but I doubt it. 
2020-06-16 03:58:44 UTC
At least you believed the correct thing. Discuss this with your parent but don't let this split up/generate hatred within your family. You and your parents may have different ideas but can still continue to respect each other. What you can do is donate to the NAACP and other organizations that advance black rights as well as promote #BlackLivesMatter on social media.
2020-06-16 01:23:18 UTC
Good for them black lives matter is racist.  They only care about there own race it's so narcissistic 😡 
Almost anonymous.
2020-06-15 22:51:06 UTC
The trouble for me is BLM are racist. With a total 429 civilians having been shot, 88 of whom were Black, as of June 4, 2020 so it should be all lives matter. Racism is not just a white problem.
2020-06-15 21:58:29 UTC
Your parents  are obviously smarter than you. Get a clue.
2020-06-15 20:20:40 UTC
They sound not educated or informed cos a black person could maybe save their life one day.

I've experienced many acts of kindness from different cultures and have come to the conclusion that wherever a baby is born we are all the same and it is some of the religion's that are evil.
2020-06-15 17:32:20 UTC
My parents are the same way.... they’re full on assholes about it, even saying names and ****. It’s incredibly hurtful to know the people that you have known your whole life.. you really don’t know them. I understand completely. But you can’t change there minds. They grew up in a different time and they don’t think anything is wrong. They’re stubborn close minded people. My advice. Avoid the subject around them to avoid conflict because. I mean they are still your parents. But don’t be silent. Fight for what you believe in. No matter who tf is in your way.
2020-06-15 15:43:10 UTC
I fully do not intend to be rude, but... because they're assholes.
2020-06-15 15:07:04 UTC
All lives matter, even those in the womb.
2020-06-15 08:46:31 UTC
I do charities of all kinds I dont support BLM because it is a Racist Organisation if it was

ALL Lives matter the Could get my Vote and Money
2020-06-15 08:04:17 UTC
Tell your parents the Internet thinks they are goddamn savage (in a fun way) 
2020-06-14 12:41:34 UTC
We can't speak for your parents. A lot of people say they're "tired of this crap," not understanding that in itself is the point. Some of us simply want to erase all the prejudices and boxes, live and let live, let each person's behavior speak for him/herself. Prejudices and stereotypes run deep - and sounds like your mother is reinforcing one as well.

You can't force her/their education. It sounds very much like she doesn't want to hear it anymore.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.