2012-06-05 14:59:10 UTC
Long story short, I’ve established a (professional) relationship with the writer/producer/director of a television series I admire. Recently, I mentioned my family’s vacation to California during late August. Due to my interest in the field – as well as the supposed potential he’s gleaned from our conversations – Mr. *** has graciously agreed that we visit the studios.
As per our most recent e-mail exchange (April 6), I offered the dates of our vacation, so as to plan a studio visit. Haven’t heard anything back. I sent an email on May 19, validating his receipt of the prior email and requesting that by June 2 - My parents were looking to finalize plans by then. Haven't heard anything back.
I completely understand and sympathize with his management of time-consuming projects, but today is June 5. Considering A) this is a verified account, B) he has become my professional mentor of sorts, and C) this experience may have catalyzed my career, I'm crushed.
NOW my question is... Should we proceed to finalize the plans for our vacation, or should I *send one final email, requesting a yes or no response*?
Thank you so much, everyone! Cannot convey my appreciation.