Breath, relax, think calm thoughts.
Do sports you like to take up your time, preferably sports that help your need to let off steam.
If you need help, get it. If you feel you need help, it doesn't matter what others say.
Breath, relax, think calm thoughts.
Write your feelings down. Even if you have the traits, this doesn't mean you are or will be a serial killer.
Get help if you want it, don't let anyone talk you out of it. If trying to get help from a particular person makes you feel worse, stop and go somewhere else.
It's hard to break habits, but try catching yourself when you see a bug. Get away, and breath. Relax. Think calm thoughts.
If you see someone getting bullied, help them. Find someone to stop it. Stay with them. Find common ground.
Hope you feel better. :)
Good luck, my best wishes with you.