When is it okay to give cash as a gift.?
2005-12-20 17:10:26 UTC
I think it's always okay to give cash as a gift unless it's like $5 for your birthday from your husband. It has to be a certain amount for a particular occasion and depends on the relationship.
Six answers:
2005-12-28 17:24:47 UTC
Never. In giving money you clearly demonstrate how much you payed for the gift. With gift giving, it's the thought that counts - not the amount.

This requires more explanation. "The thought that counts" means that you have given thought to the other person to whom you are giving the gift. This means that you demonstrate that you know the person somewhat and, therefore, would know what he would like. You show thought. Money, as a gift, is perfectly impersonal and thoughtless.

What is the good of giving a gift if it demonstrates no "cost" of time and energy in selecting something personal?
2005-12-21 09:27:53 UTC
For adults: When you do not know what the person needs or would most desire and an inappropriate gift would be a problem (like if a friend lives in a small apartment with limited storage, or it's for a new mother and you don't know what baby things she still needs more of and what she's already recieved too many of) or if you know they're kind of strapped and want a graceful way to help them out without hurting their pride.

Cash (or a gift card for grocery stores or the campus bookstore)is always an appropriate gift for college students.

Children can always be given cash, but you should check with the parents first, to make sure of what would be considered too much.
2005-12-20 17:12:52 UTC
I think that you should give cash as a gift only to a person that you are close to and that you know needs/appreciates cash. It should be accompanied with a small gift because it really is it the thought that counts and cash does not invoke a thought.
2005-12-20 17:13:41 UTC
it is ok to give them money than a gift co'z with the money u gave they are the one who can deside from the fact what they want.
Ginger Sling
2005-12-21 13:02:32 UTC
Money is always in fashion, and always appreciated!

2005-12-20 17:48:45 UTC

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