I have a one person massage business. I cannot answer calls when I am with clients, and I can't afford a receptionist. Most of my clients scheduled after each appointment since they know it's hard for me to take calls. I have a few people who frequently cancel at the last minute, and then we go back and forth playing phone tag for days trying to figure out where I can squeeze them into my schedule while appealing to theirs. To them it's no big deal to play phone tag but to me I may be playing this game with 4 people at once. It keeps me at work late returning so many calls, which is also not safe. I've asked most of my clients to email, and most have complied. However, I had a lady who canceled last week, and nothing I offer her fits her schedule. Finally I sent her an email offering her a time, and she wrote back saying that time wouldn't work, and ordering me to call her cell phone and leave her another voicemail message, and she'd call me back and leave me a message, because she only checks her email twice a week. I really want to change my scheduling policy to email only, because these ongoing rescheduling calls are too much for the size of my business. Is this reasonable? If so, how can I explain this to the clients, and this lady in particular?