A woman on a forum I post to mentioned in passing in an Instant Message that her husband had died about eight years ago. I didn't know her at all and I didn't know if she wanted to talk about it, plus I'm uncomfortable talking about things like that with people I don't know, so I didn't mention anything about it. Two months later she told me that I had hurt her feelings by not offering condolences. If I knew her or her husband, or if it had happened recently, I would have. And if I knew that she expected it I would have. But it never occurred to me to offer condolences to someone I didn't know, for her husband I didn't know, in an instant message. I wouldn't for an instant expect someone to offer condolences now for the death of my parents ten years ago. Especially from someone I only know from instant messages. Is this really a major faux pas, or is she being overly sensitive?