Agree or Disagree - Public smoking ban - UK?
2006-12-15 05:11:01 UTC
I am non smoker and I would like to get peoples views on this issue. I have seen many arguements from a smokers side of view that basically says "if non smokers don't wanna be around smokers then they shouldn't go to pubs!"

I might be the only one in England that see it differently, I see there are 2 options:

A) The smoking ban goes ahead and then smokers brave the cold for 5 mins to have a cigarette and only those who want to kill themselves with smoke can leaving the rest of us healthy


B) Non smokers have to drink outside the pubs and smokers can stay inside!

Please tell me your views
31 answers:
2006-12-15 05:13:55 UTC
I think all non smokers should stand in the rain where they will get plenty of good clean air whilst i sit snugly it the pub with me pint and me cig

why should I have to breath in all the exhaust fumes from the chelsea tractors all the non smoking librals drive hmmmm?

in fairness it is an addiction and there is nothing worse than a reformed smoker spouting off how nasty the habit is, I bet a pound to a pinch of sh1t they didnt care when they were doing it!

and why dont horse riders have to clean up the c rap from the horses when dog owners do eH?
aoife k
2006-12-15 13:23:51 UTC
well im a smoker and i live in ireland as you know the smoking ban came in here a few years ago. when the ban came in i thought it would be a disaster but it is actually a great thing. you can enjoy a drink without the smell of smoke. and although smokers have to go outside for a *** it is actually great crack. and also most pubs have a lovely beer garden.

I was on hols in spain in sept and i found the smoking in the pubs was rotten especially with food being served.

With the smoking ban you get to know more people if you are a smoker when there is idle chat ie giving out about the ban.

Also for the workers it is so much easier to work in a clean non smoking area.

And if you are a non drinker you will find that the headaches fade away and that a hangover is not a strong your eyes are not sore and you dont smell.

At the start i dreaded it but now i would not go back to a smoking pub. I eveb find now i go outside of my house to have a ***.

So my house is not as smelly anymore either.
2006-12-15 14:16:22 UTC
Here's what I think. First of all Pubs/Bars are privately owned and the Govt. should not be the one to tell them what they can and can't do as long as it is not breaking the law. Smoking is not illegal, therefor the owners of the Pubs/Bars should be the ones who make the descision of allowing or not allowing smoking in their establishment.

If Non-Smokers get bothered by the smoke, then all they have to do is get up and go to a non smoking Pub/Bar. Just the same as a Smoker would have to go to a smoking Pub/Bar. Simple as that.

You talk about health, employees that work at a Pub/Bar that allows smoking are in risk, therefor the employer should have them sign a contract of some sort stating that they wanted to work there while knowing that smoking was allowed and the employer is not held liable, if they don't want that, then they don't work there. As far as the rest of the population, the smoke from the Pub/Bars only affect those inside, so the public is not affected and should not complain. If a Non-Smoker goes to a Pub/Bar that allows smoking and gets sick, it is his own fault for going in there knowing the health risks.

So in all I said pretty much my view is that Pub/Bar owners should be the ones to ban or not ban smoking in their establishments, not the Govt.
2006-12-15 13:55:53 UTC
I think (as a smoker) that non smokers shouldn't go into pubs if they don't like the smoke. I'm sorry but smoking and drinking go hand in hand and what simple pleasures have we left? I do not agree with the total ban on smoking in pubs and all public place. It is taking away peoples rights!!!!!

Why can't it just be food pubs that have a smoking ban and if you want to smoke there should be pubs that do not serve food that could be for smoking!! Non smokers could enter at their own risk and if a smoker wants to go into a no smoking food pub that is their choice again. It is that fact that the government is taking away our right to choose!!!!!
2006-12-15 15:46:36 UTC
I live in New York and I love the smoking ban. It is so nice to go into a restaurant and not have to smell it or leave smelling like smoke.

One of the points of the smoking ban is to protect the employees who work there so there can be no smoking in any area where an employee would need to go. Therefore, making people drink outside and smokers stay inside is not an option.

Some of the businesses here have erected some sort of smoking area outside protected from weather and that seems to work well in most places.
2006-12-15 13:22:35 UTC
A few months ago as a smoker I would have probably been going mad certain that we were being unfairly targeted. However, I have now been quit for 2 months and can now understand the non smokers point of view. As a smoker you really don't see how disgusting it is for others around you, I can now honestly say it really is a filthy habit.

So my point is now, at the end of the day everyone knows that smoking kills so if smokers choose to kill themselves then fine. I am sure though that it wont hurt to give others the chance of clean air by going outside for 5 mins.
2006-12-15 13:17:44 UTC
well, i am a smoker, but i am looking forward to the ban. i understand the views of non-smokers (i havent been a smoker the whole of my life) .There are a lot of non smoking bars opening up where i live, and i have no problems going outside for a smoke, i actually smoke a lot less when im there, which is good for me!

My brother lives in the states, and he has said it is just getting pathetic with regards to the smoking ban out there. you cant even smoke outside your own front door! i just hope it doesnt get to that stage here, i dont smoke in the house.
2006-12-15 13:19:06 UTC
I am a non-smoker and I firmly hope that I never smoke in my life. I know lots of smokers and whenever I am around them and they start smoking and I sart to feel sick. Smoking literally kills you very slowly and the worst thing is that you are not just killing yourself you are killing those that are around you. I say that because a pub is a public area smokers shouldn't be allowed to be inside with non-smokers as they are killing them. If people want to smoke they should have to go to designated areas or their own homes to do it.
2006-12-15 13:25:30 UTC
Do you know this ban has really pissed me off! i am a smoker and have always been considerate of others so the fact that i cannot smoke in a pub which is a place of social gathering for wife beaters, druggies,thugs, and maybe a few decent people its a flipping joke. I mean prisoners are getting compensation because they cant have their heroin inside so where is my compensation????? I certainly wont be going to any pubs. At least smoke disguised the stench of bear which smells like piss. these do gooders all drive cars and are probably on the payroll of companies that produce the most pollution anyway. ooh im going before i really loose it.
2006-12-15 13:22:35 UTC
I do not smoke and cannot be within 100metres of a cigarette without my nose feeling bunged up. I have refused to go into a pub for many years. Even those with no smoking areas you get the smoke carry over. I do go to some pubs near my home that are even now totally non smoking and the biggest problem is that they are packed out and cannot get near the bar on Friday and Saturday.

However I still go to them. Happy Christmas
2006-12-15 21:42:19 UTC
i think the total smoking ban is a fantastic idea,why should non smokers not go into pubs there should be smoking pubs and non smoking pubs but even better smoking should be banned from everywhere and smokers should only smoke in there own homes away from non smokers who shouldn't have to breathe in there foul air,if they want to kill themselves go ahead but we shouldn't have to suffer because of these thoughtless morons.
2006-12-15 13:24:09 UTC
We introduced the no smoking ban here in Scotland and it is working very well, despite all the propaganda from the smoking lobby that it would cause untold employment in pubs and clubs by smokers staying away in fact takings in pubs and clubs has gone up, and it nice to see the people you are taking to instead of seeing them in a blue haze of smoke
2006-12-15 13:27:40 UTC
Smokers are the one who are knoweingly want to kill. They should be allowed to kill themselves; hence they should go out and do it! Furthermore, it is not the act of smoking which is dangerous to others too. Its the smoke in the room. Hence, smokers are the one who should leave the pubs and all public places.
2006-12-15 13:16:41 UTC
I think that a ban is a good idea. I gave up 2 years ago and only realised then how smelly it really is. There are bad points though, i remember that there was nothing quite as relaxing as a cigarette with a cold pint of cider after work. It is the only bit i miss. I suppose i could have done that outside too though.
2006-12-17 00:04:02 UTC
Smokers should quit. Then they wouldn't need to stand in the rain and they could enjoy a drink with their non-smoking friends.

The ban has been great in Scotland, it has forced large numbers of smokers to quit, great for them, great for everyone else, great for the NHS.
2006-12-16 18:51:59 UTC
well I'm a smoker and i don't like the idea i mean i do agree that certain places should be off limits didn't get me wrong, but people have been smoking in pubs and clubs for yrs and well didn't see it will change much just social paranoia
button moon
2006-12-16 13:00:01 UTC
even though i smoke i actually agree with it, i hate going into smokey pubs, and resteraunts etc, though i do think we should be allowed to smoke out on the street because that doesnt realy affect others, if this plan goes ahead they need to put more things so people can dispose of them properly, otherwise outside every pub/club etc its going to be full of butts everywhere
Hove Andrew
2006-12-15 13:25:34 UTC
As a smoker I agree with ban and it will help me to quit
2006-12-15 13:16:28 UTC
A non smoker i think that people should be allowed to smoke outside f they want to. It will not harm us and its their choice.
2006-12-15 13:15:54 UTC
the ban seems to be working in scotland ok. i never thought it would, as there was a lot of people who said i won't be going outside for a puff or i will just stay at home. the fact of the matter is that they do still go to the pups and bars and they do go outside. its only common curtesy after all!
2006-12-15 13:16:35 UTC
If I have a private business and I want to set the rules for my business I should be able to do so. Freedom in the marketplace. If there is such a demand for non-smoking pubs then let someone open one but no one needs the government to do it for them. If you keep giving up your rights pretty soon you will be wearing dresses and lipstick too.
2006-12-15 13:24:48 UTC
Ban smoking in public places - they'll get used to it, it'll just become normal after a while and the rest of us can get on with living life.... smoke free.
2006-12-15 13:14:19 UTC
Non Smoker and i totally agree with the Ban!
2006-12-15 16:25:40 UTC
Total ban is a better option
2006-12-15 13:14:32 UTC
A) definitely.

I stopped smoking 4 months ago as I didnt want to die a painful horrible death.

I dont beleive anyone should be subjected to the possibility of cancer just because someone else wants to.

Really the government should ban smoking and the sale of tobacco, but they make too much money on it. same goes for booze.
2006-12-15 13:15:08 UTC
I go with your option B - I'm sick to death of smokers getting the bum deal all the time xxxxxxxxx
2006-12-15 13:13:50 UTC
I agree! Smokers should go outside!!!
Not Ecky Boy
2006-12-15 13:14:26 UTC
a) the smokers have lost. It's a "done deal"

b) they will be standing outside, in the rain smoking their stupid cigarettes

c) they will do it without a murmur. Because it's the law. When Scotland brought it in, the compliance was 100%.
2006-12-15 13:24:36 UTC
the only answer to this question as far as i'm concerned is option A
2006-12-15 13:13:31 UTC
Total ban - sod where the smokers carry on their filthy habit.
2006-12-15 05:13:00 UTC
have seperate screened off areas like in airports

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