tara c
2006-08-21 11:40:37 UTC
I am of Irish decent, & I have dark hair.
Ever since I've been in NY, I keep having people come up to me and it seems like the 2nd question on everyone's tongue is "are you jewish?"
No one has ever asked me that before, so I'm a little taken aback.
Is this normal in NY?
There seem to be a lot of Jewish girls in my dorm. They are very nice & I like them.
But whenever I am introduced to them, they ask my name, my major, and within 5, no 2 minutes, the question is "are you Jewish?"
Why do they ask so much?
Also I get the feeling they are always trying to find out in the first 5 minutes if you are or not, and sometimes they throw in things like "oh, Temple XXX is really good" and quickly look at you to see your reaction, or am I imagining thing?
thank you & I do not mean this to be racist in any way. tara