-Take up hard shoe Irish step dancing, and schedule your daily practice time for 5am. (Or a time when you know they will be asleep.)
-Wipe your butt with a paper towel, then rub the towel all over the knob of their front, back and car doors.
-If you don't have a dog, make a recording of a dog and play it for long enough to drive someone a little crazy. Then, if they or the landlord asks about it, you can say, "I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't have a dog." But just keep doing it.
-Buy a bird. Then hold it over the person's car and squeeze it.
-Invite a bunch of friends over to run in place for a while every morning at the buttcrack of dawn.
-Sign them up for the San Fransisco Gay Men's Choir newsletter, or for a Mormon Bible.
-Pee in their mailbox.
-Fart in the cracks of their doors.
-Get one of those Muslim call to prayer machines and crank it.
-Cook things that smell like farts.
-Pay a neighborhood kid to come by randomly and ring the person's doorbell and run away.
-Get chickens. And a cock. A big, loud cock. (Attn Yahoo: By cock, I mean a male chicken.)
-Host larping extravaganzas on your lawn every Saturday morning at dawn. Bring your cock.
-Hire a clown to jump out and scare the person every few weeks so as to give them ptsd, then get a job as a birthday clown so they have to relive the trauma every work day when they see you walk to your car and back.
-Set alarm clocks and let them go off for a long time, especially during when the person sleeps. So as not to drive yourself to suicide, you should listen to Salt N Pepa on headphones to drown out the noise.
-Have sex very loudly.
-When you're on the can taking your daily morning poop, pretend the dump hurts really bad and that you have to pound on the walls and yell in tongues to get it out. Very loudly narrate everything that's happening. Sing Spice Girls songs very loudly between pushes.
-Buy a monkey.
-Sublet your house to a screamo band or a sex offender.
-Start feeding the neighborhood strays on their doorstep.
-When you hear them entering the apartment, routinely open your curtains and stick your face in the window, and just hold it there with a weird stroke face and you can even give them the thumbs up while you do it.
-Send them a box of bees.
-Stick a small cactus in the bottom or back of their mailbox. Or a black widow.
-Put butt prints on their car windows at night.
-Pour cans of tuna and the juice in them around the person's car and/or doorstep to attract all the kitties in the neighborhood.
-Take a chili dump in their gas tank, or poop in their outdoor plants and then cover it up.
-Start composting underneath their window.
-Squirt sugar syrup all over their windows with a super soaker so eventually they look out and think they're under attack by a swarm of bees, hopefully.
-When you know they've gone into their apartment, put a sign outside that says "Prostitutes Galore - This way." or "Best Lucky Happi Endings This Side China." Of course, you'll want to have an arrow pointing at their door.
-Cover your entire porch/walkway/parking lot with birdseed. Park your car somewhere else first.
-Draw cocks and balls on their car if it gets dusty or icy. (Attn Yahoo: By cocks, I mean chickens, and by balls I mean baseballs and footballs... In case there are any perverts out there.)