Do you think young people who don't drink alcohol are boring?
2008-02-03 11:34:44 UTC
I'm 18 and I don't drink. It's not that I'm against alcohol or anything, I've had champagne on special occasions to celebrate, but that's it really. I've never even been drunk. Whenever I go to bars/clubs and order coke, everyone offers me an alcoholic drink and when I say no thanks, they always say something like "Oh, don't be so boring!". i don't think i'm boring i just like the taste of coke/pepsi more. Everyone says it's not a good night out unless you totally p*ssed, but I don't agree with that. I always have a great time when I go out. I don't need alcohol to give me confidence or have a good time.

But do you think young people who don't drink are boring?
59 answers:
Ms Mat Urity
2008-02-03 12:08:29 UTC
Your friends who say it is not having a good night out unless you are totally p----- are showing their immaturity and ignorance. I am older and do like a drink but what you decide to do is your personal choice. There is nothing more boring that trying to have a conversation with a drunk person. Also what kind of guy would go with a drunken female? A drunk one like herself or one who would take advantage of her state most likely. Who would want one of them? Getting in to that state is a total lack of self respect for yourself and asking for trouble as lets face it the person hasn't a clue what she is doing long before the end of the night. It will be interesting to watch your friends in 10 years time. They will either be tied down in an unhappy relationship, or had a few broken relationship or at some point they will grow up and realise how stupid they have been. Whatever they do, you are wise not following in their footsteps. Unless you make your own mind up that you want a couple of drinks (ensure you stop at that) don't let any of these so called friends bully you in to drinking.
2008-02-03 11:43:56 UTC
There is no sense in getting pissed with a hang over the next day with sickness as well! I think you have the best idea of a good night out. I rarely drink alcohol and prefer a Pepsi max any day. If you were to drink on the odd occasion, I think its far more enjoyable to have a little than a lot. Drunks are so boring!
2008-02-03 11:39:27 UTC
I'm 25 and have never been a drinker. I might drink a daiquiri or a glass of wine if I go out to dinner or something but usually I stick with coke or pepsi. I don't like the taste of alcohol and it's actually been about a year since I've had *any* alcohol at all.

No, it doesn't make you *boring* to not drink. Those who only drink because everyone else does it are just followers.
2008-02-03 11:54:34 UTC
In my experience, when I'm tipsy and everybody else is drinking, that one sober person brings the group down. When I choose not to drink, I'm not having as much fun anyway because being the only sober one in a group, I'm annoyed by the stupidity of the drunkards, so I end up just going home or leaving and going someplace else with the other sober people.

You may be seen as boring. But don't worry about other people. You don't drink and that's good. There's nothing wrong with that.

Also, people who get pissy drunk are stupid.
2008-02-03 15:37:31 UTC
Talk about peer pressure! "EVERYONE says"???

M'dear... don't let what "EVERYONE SAYS" dictate to you what is right for YOU! I drink on rare ocassion, but I much prefer tea, iced, hot... whatever! Call me a tea-totaller, but no one is going to make me feel badly if I'm not drinking until I'm LITERALLY DEAD drunk!

Let me tell you something that just happened near here last week. We have a police/fire/ambulance scanner in our den (where the computer is... I'm listening to it right now). It was Monday night, about 10:30pm when there was a call that came into the police from some other motorist about a white van driving erratically on the highway, coming into the on-coming traffic lanes and forcing people off the roadway.

It was not more than 5 minutes later when the highway patrolman who was dispatched to find that white van to stop it, came upon ....

The white van... and a white pick-up truck...

Head-on collision....

BOTH vehicles fully engulfed in FLAMES!!

It turned out that ALL the occupants of BOTH vehicles were DEAD... and burnt BEYOND recognition!

The pick up truck... a 70-yr old man and his 65 yr old wife... DEAD.

The van... the driver and 2 passengers... DEAD.

The driver was a 41-yr old man, too... not some young teenager or 20-ish year old. They are still performing autopsies, but because of the prior call of the erratic driving of the van, it is STRONGLY suggestive that he was DRUNK.


Y'know... I don't care if this 41-yr old wanted to drink... I don't care if he even killed HIMSELF... but WHY.... WHY did he have to involve 4 other people? WHY did he have to KILL 4 INNOCENT people because HE was having a "good time" getting STONED DRUNK???

HOW many people are going to have to keep DYING? I cry just thinking about the total waste of human life because of the stupidity of this one man and his "need" to have "fun" by getting "piss-drunk."

Please... if anything... if you don't care to drink WHO CARES if you're BORING... at least you're more ALIVE than this guy ... and the 4 others. I have seen too many people die... I KNOW too many people who have died because of drinking (not just drinking and DRIVING... but just OVER-DRINKING).


Have a polite day.
2008-02-03 11:39:05 UTC
I'm 18 and I don't drink either. I just don't seem to see the point in it. Other people don't understand how I can go out and not drink, yet still have a really good time. I'm sure other people think I'm boring because I don't but that's their opinion and I'm not going to let it shape the way I act and the person that I am.

By the way, good on you for saying no :)
2008-02-03 11:38:23 UTC
No i dont think young people who dont drink are boring because i dont drink i am 18 all my friends drink and what is the fun in being sick when you have drunk so much i always get a pint of coke when i am at work
2008-02-03 12:56:31 UTC
no your a good girl wish i could have fun without having a drink, no I can but I just love drinking, love the the taste. If you dont like the taste then you have more chance of staying healthy. God now I sound boring x
2008-02-03 13:08:57 UTC
I don't drink either, and to be honest, I have this friend who is constantly "Man, I got rat-arsed last night... woah, it was mad!" and after hearing that every day I find it kind of boring. Some people need alcohol and some don't - don't worry about it! Besides, it's not lady-like to get drunk!
Jeevan T (Just Curious)
2008-02-03 11:53:17 UTC
One thing is that if all people are under same environment, there will be more fun in some cases. like drunker , smoker etc. if some people are sad and somebody are laughing then it will not be good. but your question is totally different from this example so that.

Only Useless people say Boring.......... and Good people allways say sorry to you for Drinking Alcohol with you.
2008-02-03 11:39:26 UTC
You don't have to drink to have a good time. But there is nothing wrong with having a casual drink once in awhile. People who say to you that its not a good night unless you are pissed... dont really know how to have a good time anyway. I wouldn't let people bring you down just because you don't want to drink.

I don't think that people who don't drink are boring though... I think sometimes people who drink may act like complete idiots though!!!
2008-02-03 13:13:51 UTC
No, I don't think it makes you boring. I don't drink at all, never have; probably never will, though I don't rule it out. I'm far more energetic than my drinking friends when we go out ... *and* I have the luxury of remembering it in the morning.

Besides, if you're boring, does it matter? You must be happy with who you are or you'd change; I'd keep yourself intact, if I were you.
2008-02-03 13:03:26 UTC
No, young people or any people for that matter are not boring because they choose to not drink. Stand your ground. If your friends believe you need to drink in order to have fun with then get some new friends. What losers they are. I admire you very much for your conviction.
2008-02-03 11:51:09 UTC
they arnt boring. just keep standing up for yuourself, people will either respect you or wont be your friend, so you dont need them kind of people anyway if they only accept you for your drinking. either way you come out a winner. and you will really know who your true frinds are through this process. i've never drank alcohol in my life and i have a led a very happy life with some wonderful people regardless.
2008-02-03 11:46:38 UTC
No. I don't think young people who don't drink alcohol are boring. I'm older than you, but I'm still young (27).

I don't drink alcoholic beverages. I don't like the taste of alcoholic beverages and I don't really care what people think about me.

Not drinking means being mature, which is good!

People who only think about alcohol are really immature and, they spend a lot of money drinking garbage.
2016-10-06 13:17:44 UTC
in case you're an person, one to 2 glasses of wine an afternoon are sturdy on your well being. And after the menopause of older females, one - 2 glasses of wine an afternoon are a drug to maintain bone potential. So it is not continually undesirable. only an severe volume is undesirable, which applies to maximum issues.
2008-02-03 12:22:22 UTC
I am 22 and i dont drink!

People tell me occasionally that im boring, to which i tell them that getting blind drunk EVERYTIME you go out and having to rely on everyone else to get home- is boring..

My real mates dont call me boring, they respect me.. but the "casual" mates that i have might make a comment.
2008-02-03 11:42:44 UTC
i have the same problem as you but honestly i don't think peolple need to drink in order to have fun we all have our own crazy sides lol and we all know how to have fun without drinking so why not - i'm sick of seeing people do stupid things when they're drunk i like to have the momories of the good times not just get drunk to "forget" everything and have "fun" there's no point to that! there is absolutely no problem with u lol don't do things in order to satisfy other people PLEASE! lol do what u like always think about urself first in these situations =)
2008-02-03 11:45:07 UTC
You keep to the non alcoholic drinks, i used to drink,but after a spell in hospital (Not related to Booze) and convalescent period i actually saw how stupid and silly people reacted after drinking. From being happy to being offencive. Look after your body and the rest is well known. You have a look at people that have,say,10 years of drinking and see how it ages them!
2008-02-03 12:27:47 UTC
You don't need to have alcohol to have a good time and it certainly doesn't make you boring. I think it's great that you can have fun without getting a buzz. That just means your comfortable and happy with yourself. So, just keep being yourself and don't let peer pressure steer you wrong. It sucks for those who have to have alcohol to enjoy themselves. I think the company your with is what it takes for a good time. Kudos to you.
2008-02-03 11:40:35 UTC
Def. not. Like you I don't enjoy drinking much and prefer a soft drink. I am just as much fun as the p**** artists and feel great the next morning.

By the way I am a long way away from a teenager but have been like this since I was one.
2008-02-03 16:09:19 UTC
Nah, I don't think they are boring. It's just really in their opinion. It's a matter of opinions.

I would rather spend my time doing something else than drinking.
2008-02-03 11:38:51 UTC
Nope, I don't think people are boring when then don't drink. It makes them seem more mature. You can definately have a good time without drinking.
2008-02-03 23:18:46 UTC
I'm in the same boat as you. It's not being broing, it's just personal taste. For me, I prefer lemonade with a slice of lemon or lime in. 'Course you're not boring, people like us, we're wicked.
2008-02-03 11:49:38 UTC
Certainly not. Some pubs GIVE you a glass of water if you tell them you are the designated driver . If's got ice in it and everything. Keep it in mind for those short of cash evenings
2008-02-03 11:48:26 UTC
Certainly not......alcohol to me, tastes horrible and is probably one of the most personality changing drugs out there. i stick to a couple of pints of Tennents lager at max and that does me.....gets me a little as they say "tipsy". I also love my coca-cola (5 cans a day)'s THE number one drink!!!
2008-02-03 11:47:13 UTC
that is a very important personal decision. I am 28 and I don't drink , but when I go to a party I rock , all my friends like to go out with me . you dont have to be drunk to be funny or happy. dont do something you dont want to do. dont let other to live your life.
2008-02-03 11:42:25 UTC
Nope... I know plenty of people who drink that are boring. It entirely depends on the person. Don't feel pressured to do anything to fit in... just be yourself.
2008-02-03 11:42:49 UTC
Youngsters can't seem to go out and have a couple of drinks...they have to get legless and puke all over the place. As they get older they will realize that you can enjoy yourself without getting shitfaced. Don't let them coerce you into getting drunk out of your skull just to appear 'cool'. You'll appear stupid to outsiders.
Bears Mom
2008-02-03 11:44:07 UTC
No, I think they are smarter than the ones who feel the need to get drunk to have a good time.
The Scouser
2008-02-04 01:00:04 UTC
Alcohol destroys brain cells.

Remember by not drinking it, you will have more of them.

You will be smarter than your alcoholic friends.

Sharper with answers.

Definitely not boring.
2008-02-03 11:45:07 UTC
not all all! i dont like alcohol but i might have it on special occassions lol

you have more sense not to drink it good 4 u!!
2008-02-03 11:46:46 UTC
No, people who are drunk are usually boring. Problem is only who isn't drunk notices.
2008-02-03 11:39:00 UTC
You are a far more mature person than those trying to pressure you. I do not think you're boring. I think you kick butt!!! Rock on!
2008-02-03 11:46:17 UTC
Young lady, you show wisdom beyond your years. If I was twenty years younger, I would throw my hat in the ring.
2008-02-03 11:44:57 UTC
No, people who stay sober are smart and show that they are independent and that they have self respect. People who can´t have fun without booze are boring.
MiMi Sugar
2008-02-03 11:44:12 UTC
No You go girl! You don't have to drink to have fun!!! Say I'm not boring I'm the designated driver!!!!
2008-02-03 11:38:38 UTC
Nothing boring about that. Only a fool needs booze to have fun.
2008-02-03 11:48:43 UTC
Sometimes all that drinking leads to lots of casual sex. If you're still going out and having fun and having lots of casual sex without drinking, then that's not boring. But if you're not having lots of casual sex, some people might think you're boring, and it might be a result of the lack of alcohol. Although you might think it's better to be boring than a s.lut, and that's legitimate. Note that regardless of whether or not you're boring at 18, people usually start drinking a lot more and having casual sex a lot more in the few years after they turn 18. So things may change as you get older.

Edit: That may be your opinion. But you should be aware that many people don't share it.
2008-02-03 11:43:03 UTC
Its fun to be tipsy as you wont have a hangover in the morning, you have a great laugh that night!!

I get tipsy then go on to coke (the drink!) or othe non-alcholoc drinks.

Getting totally pissed just makes you feel so **** in the morning its unbelivable!

Fun to get totally wrecked every once in a while though!
2008-02-03 11:37:56 UTC

actually, I believe if you HAVE to drink alcohol to have fun, you're pretty damned boring then.
2008-02-03 12:39:14 UTC
nope , im about to be 20 , and i dont drink . i just think that its more fun to remember what happened ...
2008-02-03 11:47:23 UTC
I think they're sensible if anything, Not Boring :)
2008-02-03 11:41:34 UTC
I think you shouldn't be bothered by this, did you know that the law is you can't drink unless you are 21 or older, so really you aren't be boring, you're being lawful. I admire this. If people say you're being boring say, "My taste buds prefer soda rather than alchoholic beverages." You can still have fun!
2008-02-03 17:11:47 UTC
Their not boring, their smart.
Qwerty Q
2008-02-03 11:41:21 UTC
no they're not boring. they're the one's that help when you're wasted out of your mind. :)
2008-02-03 11:38:24 UTC
No i think you are mature and deserve to have good life
2008-02-03 11:40:06 UTC
not at all.. you don't need to drink in excess to have a good time..
2008-02-03 11:38:22 UTC
everyone to their own personal taste
2008-02-03 11:44:19 UTC
No I think you are extremely mature.
2008-02-03 14:18:05 UTC
No,I think they are smart.
2008-02-03 11:37:51 UTC
hell no, if u think they are then get some new friends
2008-02-03 12:23:07 UTC
2008-02-03 11:39:31 UTC
good for you have a mind of your own. i like that.
2008-02-03 11:37:50 UTC
No, I think they are smart.
Chris J
2008-02-03 11:37:34 UTC
no. of course not
2008-02-03 11:37:41 UTC
2008-02-03 18:28:31 UTC
Nope.... ^_^
2008-02-03 11:41:55 UTC
semen is better than alkyhal

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