Was it rude to tell this woman that she should be married by now?
2015-02-11 08:36:03 UTC
I had a customer come by my house today and she told me tomorrow is her 29th birthday. I asked her if her husband was planning anything for her and she told me she wasn't married. Then I told her, that she's 29 and should already be married by now. I also told her that everyone over the age of 25 should be married.

My mom said it was rude to tell her this. Was it?
332 answers:
2015-02-12 12:33:20 UTC
Rude and not making very much sense.

You know that many people will never marry?

And you know that unlike the myth that it's a modern thing not to marry, in 1800 1 out of 5 women never married and 2 out of 5 never had children. To be honest other than being a completely normal, rational and intelligent choice and way of life it also helps to keep entrophy balanced by maintaning a proper rate of births (if every person in the world had a child, there wouldn't be a world anymore to live in)

So check history facts again, even in the old past with not feminism, still marriage was not for everyone and nowadays, that we're less prone to believe in fairy tales and superstition the rate is even of marriage is way lower.

Also I wouldn't consider marriages that end up in a divorce 4-5 less years after as real marriages, I mean what was the point? Could have been simply engaged, would have saved lot of money and troubles. And if you start to ignore the marrages that last from 1 week to 5 years, you end up with a marriage rate which is extremely low, like 1 out of 5 women.
Joe Pizza
2015-02-12 11:27:30 UTC
Yep. That's just your opinion and it wouldn't be appropriate to tell someone else how to live their life. Where I live most people get married before 21. That's way too young to be making important decisions like that. A lot happens on the road to adulthood. Things change pretty quickly and who you were as a kid when you got married is much different than who you are at 35 and beyond.

I feel it's better to wait until you're older. I would wait until the 30's, at least, when you have a better sense of who you are and what you want out of life. Don't let that stop you though. There's no such thing as a perfect life so we can't be afraid of making mistakes along the way. You gotta start somewhere and learn from your mistakes.
2015-02-12 07:57:01 UTC
Very rude indeed. Age 25 is more or less the age when marriage STARTS becoming socially acceptable (in some places, like where I'm from). Before then and people might think you're making immature decisions because you're not fully grown up yet. Also, you don't know her personally situation. Maybe she was in an abusive relationship and she's better off now that she's not with him. Or maybe she has a female partner and same-sex marriage might not be legal yet in your area. I have an aunt who did not get married until just a couple years ago (in her 60s) because same sex marriage just became legal; she has been with her partner for 30 years but it was literally not an option.
2015-02-12 19:55:13 UTC
Yes, it was rude to say she should be married by age 29.

1) Some women simply do not have a desire to become married.

2) Some women would become married if it was before World War II. But, with the way the United States has changed since 1960, they are naturally afraid to enter marriage now. (In 1960, less than six percent of couples living together were not married to one another. By 2012, this had increased to over forty percent.)

In past years, marriage was viewed by almost everyone as being a highly important and strong bondage. Whether this will be the case again in the future is unknown.
2016-01-30 16:26:43 UTC
Rude, no wrong in a sense that that a woman when they reach a specific age they should be married. There's nothing wrong with being single and in fact I am 33 and single and am happy. You can'tdetermine whether someone should or shouldn't that's a personal decision or like me a lot of bad luck and it's taking me a long time to be happy just with myself. I know exactly what I want and what I don't want. And I don't need someone to be happy. If that special someone comes inGreat if not that's fine. I personally don't trust men and then it would take a lot for me to give my heart away.But I've lived on my own since I was 20: I pay my own bills Own my own-home. There is no age limit where someone should in fact be married.were you rude no but that could potentially hurt her feelings as if something is wrong with her.
2015-02-13 09:48:19 UTC
Rude, no wrong in a sense that that a woman when they reach a specific age they should be married. There's nothing wrong with being single and in fact I am 33 and single and am happy. You can'tdetermine whether someone should or shouldn't that's a personal decision or like me a lot of bad luck and it's taking me a long time to be happy just with myself. I know exactly what I want and what I don't want. And I don't need someone to be happy. If that special someone comes inGreat if not that's fine. I personally don't trust men and then it would take a lot for me to give my heart away.But I've lived on my own since I was 20: I pay my own bills Own my own-home. There is no age limit where someone should in fact be married.were you rude no but that could potentially hurt her feelings as if something is wrong with her.

I would rather be happy alone to be unhappily married with the wrong person .
2015-02-12 12:00:29 UTC
If you were a senior citizen and said what you did then the receiver of your comment could have understood since when the seniors were young everyone got married prior to age 21. But since the late 1980's people just aren't marrying these days and they're just cohabitating. A better comment you could have made would have been "would you like to buy something for your significant other?"

So yeah you were rude.

It's no longer a matter of marrying early and having all your kids when you're young. People wait today until they're in their 30's to have children, if they're going to have them at all, simply because it takes two people working and with great careers to afford a house, car and pay the bills.
2015-02-13 18:55:19 UTC
Yes. I find it very offensive. Many people are not marrying until later nowadays. Who are you to judge when a person should get married? I'm not sure of your age but you seem very young and not enough life experience to understand something as important as marriage. One should not get married just because they hit a certain age; they should get married because they found someone they can't wait to spend the rest of their life with. In New York, people don't get married until their 40s and it's very socially acceptable. In the Midwest, many start getting married at age 25 but definitely not all (and many have already been divorced by this age).

YOu also don't know that woman's background; maybe she was married once and it didn't work out and now you were basically scolding her for not being married (again). Next time, please think before you speak.
2015-02-12 07:06:21 UTC
To get marry is a personal decision. It is just not the other person business or place to give advice that is not asked for? I would rather for someone to stay single than marry someone abusive just to say they are marry. Marriage is beautifull when shared with the right mate. It should based on love between the two party not one. It should not involve infidelity. There is a legal age regarding getting marry without consent from ones parent.

Marriage, of course, involves the closest of friendships. As this scripture shows, such a union can provide assistance, comfort, and protection. A marriage is especially strong if it is more than a bond between just two people. A twofold cord, as this verse implies, might be torn apart. But three strands woven or braided together would be much harder to tear apart. When pleasing Jehovah is the prime concern of both husband and wife, their marriage is like that threefold cord. Jehovah is a real part of the marriage, so the union is very strong indeed.

7 Marriage is also the only context in which sexual desires can be properly satisfied. In this setting, the sexual union is rightly viewed as a source of delight. (Proverbs 5:18) When a single person is past what the Bible calls “the bloom of youth”—that time when sexual urges first become strong—he or she may still struggle with sexual desires. Uncontrolled, such desires could lead to unclean or improper conduct. Paul was inspired to pen this counsel for single people: “If they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion.”—1 Corinthians 7:9, 36; James 1:15.

8 Whatever reasons motivate a person to marry, it is good to be realistic. As Paul put it, those who marry “will have tribulation in their flesh.” (1 Corinthians 7:28) Married people face challenges that single people will not face. If you choose to marry, though, how can you minimize the challenges and maximize the blessings? One way is to choose a mate wisely.
2015-02-12 11:00:06 UTC
To get marry is a personal decision. It is just not the other person business or place to give advice that is not asked for? I would rather for someone to stay single than marry someone abusive just to say they are marry. Marriage is beautifull when shared with the right mate. It should based on love between the two party not one. It should not involve infidelity. There is a legal age regarding getting marry without consent from ones parent.

Marriage, of course, involves the closest of friendships. As this scripture shows, such a union can provide assistance, comfort, and protection. A marriage is especially strong if it is more than a bond between just two people. A twofold cord, as this verse implies, might be torn apart. But three strands woven or braided together would be much harder to tear apart. When pleasing Jehovah is the prime concern of both husband and wife, their marriage is like that threefold cord. Jehovah is a real part of the marriage, so the union is very strong indeed.

7 Marriage is also the only context in which sexual desires can be properly satisfied. In this setting, the sexual union is rightly viewed as a source of delight. (Proverbs 5:18) When a single person is past what the Bible calls “the bloom of youth”—that time when sexual urges first become strong—he or she may still struggle with sexual desires. Uncontrolled, such desires could lead to unclean or improper conduct. Paul was inspired to pen this counsel for single people: “If they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion.”—1 Corinthians 7:9, 36; James 1:15.

8 Whatever reasons motivate a person to marry, it is good to be realistic. As Paul put it, those who marry “will have tribulation in their flesh.” (1 Corinthians 7:28) Married people face challenges that single people will not face. If you choose to marry, though, how can you minimize the challenges and maximize the blessings? One way is to choose a mate wisely.
2015-02-12 20:42:14 UTC
What gives you the idea anyone should be married by a particular age ? First people mature differently. Women mature faster then men, However so many male and female are to Immature to marry. They have not established their life, do not handle responsibility well and can hardly take care of themselves and some of those are far past 25....many are in their 30's,40's,50's,60's etc etc.....

But about the etiquette of the matter, it is NONE of your business what this person does and their personal choices, unless that choice affects you.

You could have said, most people are married by 25 or You thought people were mostly married by 25...but to say to this Lady she "Should" be married at her age is indeed rude and frankly NONE of your business.

This persona may have bought you more business, she may take your demand as an insult and that may lead to loss of business . Word of mouth goes along way...Your Mouth may go even farther and cost you your business !!!
2015-02-13 14:55:13 UTC
Yes that was rude. Who are you to decide when someone should be married? Marriage isn't for everyone. It's hard work to stay loyal and faithful to the same person you're with for the rest of your life that's why divorce is such a common thing. You don't even know if that woman was married before and is now divorced. Marriage is clearly not her thing and I agree with that. So yes to answer to your question, you were being rude. Your mother was right to tell you that too.
2015-02-14 12:02:43 UTC
Yes it's rude! I'm nearly 35 and not married nor do I have children. I'm happy being single! Especially when the divorce rate is so high right now! And it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS whether or not she's married. Don't believe that a woman should or shouldn't be married. Being single is not an illness! It's actually fun!
2015-02-13 05:50:19 UTC
Yes but its kind of naive and cute depending on your own age, it just shows your upbringing and religious or personal values.

I guess it also depends on your gender. I know some men who would use that as a pick up line, it may work for some women but others it would just offend.

I would laugh and if you were older I would still probably laugh it off. It helps you in the long run to be polite. Sharing your opinion is great when its asked for but it is rude to offer an opinion on a person without them initiating the probing, its not helpful for you to be openly opinionated about peoples person lives so I would listen to your mother.

You sound like a strong character, try to use it for your benefit rather than getting yourself enemies and into trouble.

The woman may not of been offended and laughed. Possibly your mother is over worrying, because she holds marrying young as important and assumes all unmarried women 'can't get a man'. Some women have that attitude but it really is a reflection of themselves and their upbringing than unmarried women.

Its a very old fashioned view. I've noticed that many elderly married women are quite naive in that they assume unmarried women are either sleeping with everyones husband or that they are frigid.

Maybe if more of them spent more time educating themselves on the diversity of the human species they would not bring up more children to have the same close minded opinions. :P
2015-02-13 03:32:11 UTC
Yes, it was very rude. I'm married and I think its the best thing since cheesecake was created, but just because I am happy in marriage doesn't mean I should go around telling people how to live their lives. Perhaps instead of phrasing it the way you did, maybe (if you had to say something) you could have asked her if she ever thought about marriage? Or saying, "Wow. That's cool. What things would you like to do before you got married, if that's what you want?"
2015-02-12 09:50:41 UTC
Getting married is a personal decision and that was incredibly rude. Some 25 year olds are still in university, or aren't financially or emotionally ready to do that. I won't be getting married until about thirty, a lot of people wish to enjoy their twenties and then think about settling down when it's more convenient.

Perhaps she doesn't even want to get married, you should stop judging people using your personal opinion. What 25 year old has a stable job and wants to then get married? Heck, how many 29 year olds do you know in that position?
2015-02-14 14:56:57 UTC
Wow customer too. I think that someones marital choices and reasons are personnel. Who knows if she wishes she had met the right man , or has no marriage or even Men. The point is unless someone is a close and dear friend the topic of what they are doing with their life is personnel and not up for discussion of a casual nature.. The only time I speak to friends about their own life and criticize is when I feel they are being self destructive or overly hard on themselves. The adage if you haven't something positive to say then don't say anything applies. "You should be married already'" is not very helpful on any level. Rude may be the wrong word Nosy is better.. This customer, do you consider her a close friend ?
2015-02-11 19:56:08 UTC
This just came up with one of my friends as far as family telling her stuff like this. It is rude and it is embarrasing! Obviously there is much to the whole story and if the woman does not want to discuss it, for whatever reason, that too should be respected.

Better to be single for a long time, than married to the wrong person is what I have always heard. Another truth that people should think over!
2015-02-12 11:18:36 UTC
That was fairly rude (no offense). There is absolutely no reason why anyone has to get married ever. Some people take that long just to find the right person. No point in marrying just for the sake of it if you're not ready. There may be some people like me who at 21 am perfectly happy single & am not in any mad rush to get married. Not offense, but that comment of yours was really quite harsh. No one should have to feel pressured into getting married when they haven't met the one or are not ready.
2015-02-12 11:30:49 UTC
She said and you believe that .In deed she was too rude to tell you such thing ,if you have not any relation with her or knowing her .It's like straightly asking you for sex .

The correct way was to she invite you to her birth day,and show you her attention to clear your mind that there's no one else .

The point is that women it's not thinking ,the different men what are thinking .A thought of the man grown in family and relationship it's different with a man that it's always in the bar or party with different women .

Your answer it's rude some how ,cause you can ask her to introduce herself till you know her better ,and of course a woman from no where tell you such thing will cause you a lot of questions ,which the first one was same thing you ask her to make sure does she is single or not?
Bella B
2015-02-13 06:55:48 UTC
Rude and stupid.

1) Not everybody marries (for whatever reason)

2) It is no longer the 1850's where most of the population marries

3) It is none of your beeswax (business) what anyone's maritial status is

4) This isn't the middle ages where the average lifespan was like 35 and so marriage at 25 or 29 would have been weird. People can marry at whatever age they want...
2015-02-14 18:16:36 UTC
Yes. In my opinion, it was very rude and unethical.

From my own view, 25-29 is a very young age range to be married, especially if you bar it from the other categories.

I would be shocked and insulted if someone said that to me; I may not want to settle down - I might have dreams of my own to complete before a family got in the way, but then you come along and tell me I should do exactly that.

You many want that, and to be honest I think it's a rather boring way to live life. While you're that age, you should be enjoying yourself, not wiping up baby sick. Commitment can come after.

In short, don't tell people what they should be. It's stupid.
2015-02-13 20:44:07 UTC
My great aunty (nana's sister) is now almost 70 years old and has never been married. She's never had any children either and is one of the happiest people I know.

When my parents married, my mum was 19 and my dad was 29.

A teacher of mine at school last year told us that she married when she was 21 and a couple of years later her husband died. She only just got over it a few years ago and married again last year when she was 48.

There's nothing wrong with getting married early or late in life, as long as you love the person. People can get married whenever they wish to get married.
2015-02-13 05:07:52 UTC
What is wrong with you? How can you tell someone they should be married by now? What if I told you should go back to college and pay attention in class? Her not being married is not relevant to anything. Being married is as arbitrary as celebrating valentines day. It's just an event. Yes you are rude.
2015-02-14 05:38:17 UTC
Rude. Ignorant. A lie. None of your business. Who made you Grand Decider of when anyone should be anything? I am 50+ years old and very happily NOT married. I see no reason to change nor have I met a woman with enough money to make me think about changing. Some people are just better off not married and, given the number of divorces, many of them still do it.
2015-02-14 01:34:23 UTC
You sure as Hell know how to lose customers.

No matter what a customer looks like or says, they are 'the customer' and there's a simple rule, "The Customer is always right." No matter what. It's just good business sense. In other words, instead of being a 'bossy boots'. Stop being so inquisitive about a customer's private life and instead find out about their needs and wants from their customer point of view?

Remember, your entire livelihood depends upon how good your relationship is with your customers. Do a bit of research and try to improve things - these links will help.

Customer loyalty is of paramount importance. Customers want to see you as a pillar of the community and not some evil witch.

Wake up before it's too late. And remember, 'word of mouth travels like a raging fire storm'. And by the time the original message reaches person number ten, you are a member of the KKK.

Then there's the whispering campaign mounted against you by a potential customer, whom you annoyed, saying they should be married before age 29.

What damn business is it of yours.

Concentrate on making your enterprise the talk of the town and not a bunch of crap.
2015-02-13 06:59:37 UTC
THE BIBLE makes a powerful warning with things that could be ranked with being a ' busybody"

(1 Peter 4:15) “15 However, let none of YOU suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a busybody in other people’s matters. . .”

SUCH ACTIONS could really have sad affect on the hope for finding a suitable marriage mate!

(1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12) “11 Make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we instructed you, 12 so that you may walk decently in the eyes of people outside and not need anything.”

Being a Christian( if you are ) encompasses the following qualities of which we should try hard to practice:

(Colossians 4:5, 6) “5 Go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside, making the best use of your time. 6 Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should answer each person. . .”
Y! answerer
2015-02-11 20:54:54 UTC
A lot of people never marry or marry late. Say, they like being single and unattached, they have too much focus on their career or they may have some failed relationships and bouncing back, or they were hurt by someone close and turned them off marriage, or they have some goals to conquer before they marry....or simply coz they've not found anyone.

There are hundreds of reason. Ppl are marrying late and it's better that way coz you are more likely to stick to a marriage when you marry late. Coz the kind of ppl you like (when you are more mature) when you are in your 30s is completely different from the kind of guy you like when you are a little immature.

Again, that is very subjective.

There is no right age to get married and each to his/her own. So follow "rules" you come up with to yourself or say that it's your opinion. Unfair to impose it on others.
2015-02-13 12:52:16 UTC
Very rude and ignorant of you to say. Very shallow perspective you have. Not everyone (woman or man) wants to go out and get married for the sake of getting married! Some people want to actually meet the right person and not settle just because society says they "should be" married by a certain age. I wonder why the divorce rate is at 50% and married people cheat!
2015-02-13 17:01:24 UTC
Yes, you were being very rude, but if she is mature enough, she won't take it personal. I was married at 23 and divorced and had three kids by the time I was 30. I vowed never to marry again (not live with anyone either). Marriage, for me, was a nightmare that I wouldn't wish on anyone else.
Meow :3
2015-02-11 16:19:53 UTC
I think it's rude. What if she doesn't want to get married?

She may not be the marrying type, or maybe she's just waiting for the right guy. I know of people who have waited until they were past their 70s in order to find the right person, and I'd much rather be alone than stuck in a marriage with the wrong guy. You know?

I don't want to make you sound like an awful person. You have your opinion. But please, don't force it on others :)
2015-02-13 00:54:59 UTC
Some people may not want to be married & have different plans about what they want to do with their lives, besides it's her decision to make not yours. You shouldn't be sticking your head into other people's relationships and telling them how run their lives. Maybe from now on, you should consider keeping your next thought to yourself!!! You should be old enough to know if your comments are rude or offensive, so grow a brain & think next time!!!!!
2015-02-13 08:47:28 UTC
Yes. Not everyone is married at the age of 25. My girlfriend and I are both 25 and we don t plan to marry until much later since we have only been dating for about two years now. It takes time to prepare for something like that. There are people out there who doesn t want to get married, others who are being patient, and then those who are trying to find the right person for themselves. Because of the economy becoming harder to handle, marriages are happening much later in life when there s a chance for a financial standing.
2015-02-13 20:01:42 UTC
Tough question. I hope she took it as, a compliment. I sort of agree with you, that people who are older than 25, should already be married. Although some of us, including me, aren't. And before you judge me, believe me, the fact I'm not married, some times bothers me. But I've put the bothersome fact, on the back burner, so to speak.

Were you being rude to that girl? I don't think so.
2015-02-13 18:45:05 UTC
And some come by people house to ask why a woman isn't married.

Marriage is not a requirement for success. It can be a block to some who

want to do things with their life instead of cater to male dominance and be

mistreated due to a lack of insight and even then it can hinder a hypocrite

who just live himself and expect to be cared for by women who recognize

the python deep within and know that won't work for them marriage loses it's

taste after a few years you know! then what? all the foul starts to be on display.

I will LEAVE no need to marry for that!
2015-02-12 11:24:08 UTC
Who the Hell do you think you are telling a person that they should be married by now ?

Either your slightly deranged and certainly immature, or have been brought up, (dragged up), to be totally devoid of manners and any resemblance of common sense.

Planning and deciding to get married is a personal choice and not an obligation, and Its because of products like you that people decide NOT to get married, and definitely NOT to risk having kids. I sincerely hope that as you grow older you will develop a lot more sense than you obviously possess at the moment, though if this an example of your potential, then I doubt it.
2015-02-12 07:52:48 UTC
You could not have been more rude. It is, frankly, not your place to tell her. It is not your business! Would you like it if she had done this to you? Maybe she was dating someone at 25 and the guy she was dating was a real jerk. Should she have married him just because she was 25 and, according to you, "should have been married by now.? So in your world, she should have married the jerk and is now perfectly miserable just because she is 25? You, and many more Americans, need to learn the concept of boundaries.
2015-02-12 23:55:55 UTC
Yes, it was rude! People nowadays make their own decisions on what age they marry. Today people marry because they love each other, not because they are forced by their parents. What if you dont find someone untill you're forty? Or fifty? It's not a bad thing. It's just some people wait for the one rather than elope with someone who glances at them.
2015-02-12 12:22:22 UTC
I understand why you would jump to conclusions like that because I've done this once and learnt, but it honestly isn't your place to say. It's her life and it's as though you're telling her how to live it. People of any age can get married, even old people still find love. It is also a sensitive matter and you don't know what's going on in her life.
2015-02-12 14:25:21 UTC
More irrelevant than rude. Im sure this was not the first time She's heard such a comment. Everyone thinks and communicates in ways that reflect his/her upbringing and social enviornment. It was an opinion. How many times each day do we hear the opinions of others and expess ours to others? Many, many, many.

We are communicating here in this group, effectively to share our opinions about (nearly) everything with other members, no?. Like the OP's basically asking "What are your opinions of what I said to...."

Most people are not deeply swayed by others' opinions and vice-versa. We generally take such advice "with a grain of salt" and continnue on in our set ways.

Your customer may have been offended, but if so I don't think too deepy.

And those are my opinions on this subject
2015-02-11 17:15:03 UTC
As I recall there was this thing called Women's Lib, and during this period of time, Women sort of liberated themselves from the social morass of a bygone era in which women were supposed to be social butterflies,and let their husbands do their thinking for them. Thank God for women like Virginia Wolf, and other free thinking women who launched the thinking processes that eventually helped women escape the confines of this particular way of thinking. Women now validate themselves...they no longer need someone else or even marriage and/or babies to feel fulfilled AS a woman. You were rude, yes, but I don't think your rudeness was meant malevolently (and, if it was, well shame on you!), but I do believe you answered based on your own limited perceptions of what women should be doing by a certain age.
2015-02-18 11:16:26 UTC
What age are u living in? im 27 and im NOT married but i am with someone. i dont have any desire to be married until my 30s. not only were u very rude, u were also nosy. past 25 being married pshhh...most marriages occur these days where 30 is the MINIMUM age of marriage by many people. this isnt the 70s where 18 year olds pop out babies everytime their biological microwave goes off and marry the father for the sake of keeping the family together, or the stupid teen who thinks she knows all and marries her teenage bf because shes blinded by love only have them dump them, or cheat and end up divorced by 26. nope i rather get to know who im marrying before i marry and not just go by a statistic that aged out over 40 years ago just for the sake of being married. i rather be smart about it
2015-02-13 10:57:09 UTC
Extremely rude and mean. How you know what has happened in her life? Perhaps she was engaged and it didn't work out? Perhaps her boyfriend died? Perhaps she's gay and just not telling you, a rude person what her life is? And I'll bet she becomes an ex customer. I'm pretty sure I would drop you. You're obviously a child with a fantasy view of the world.
2015-02-11 18:11:07 UTC
Yes, it was rude. You have no idea about her life, and getting married is a personal decision. It's not your business whether she has a boyfriend or not, and there is certainly no deadline on getting married! I didn't think I'd ever get married, but I did, and I was 42 when I got married. And we have no kids, by our own choice.
2015-02-12 11:21:33 UTC
Yep pretty insensitive and rude. Who are you to say when anyone should marry? I didn't marry until I was 30 and older is getting more & more common these days. Can't marry until you meet a right person so maybe you owe her an apology!
2015-02-11 10:00:32 UTC
Yes, it is rude to tell someone she should be married. You don't know the history/story of this woman, and it's really none of your business. A woman does NOT have to marry to be complete.

I am hoping you are joking and are looking to see how many people you can get a rise out of.

This person can lead a very happy and fulfilling life without being married. So, mind your own business and take care of yourself.
2015-02-13 02:12:50 UTC
Yes, it was extremely rude. I for one didn't get married until the age of 32, because I never found a boyfriend until I was 30....But now we have been married 19 years and it was WORTH THE YES it is None of your Business and your mother was 100 percent correct.
2015-02-16 13:22:51 UTC
Yes it was rude and a ridiculous thing to say. You were rude in even assuming that she would want to have a husband. She may not even be interested in men, or anyone for that matter. It doesn't make you a bad person, but you should apologize if you have the chance.
2015-02-12 13:06:47 UTC
Man, I think you have your answer, that was just dumb (at least with my North American POV & Sensibility) Why is it any of your business? (I know that should have been asked to death by now 110 answers in) I also sure hope you have a better relationship with her than just a casual customer because she's probably never patronizing your establishment. Also don't forget if you have a good experience you'll probably tell A friend, and if you have a bad one you're more likely to tell 10 friends. Good luck man, wherever you are (cultural relativity and all that)
2015-02-11 21:00:26 UTC
Absolutely it WAS rude. First off, it is none of your business. Second, she might have a boyfriend and he just has not asked her. Perhaps, she is hoping he will. Perhaps, she has been hoping for a long time. Perhaps, she just broke up with a boyfriend. Perhaps, she was married and he died 2 months ago or a year ago. Perhaps, she is divorced and looking. It was exceedingly rude and very audacious - brazen. Look up the words. You probably do not know either but I cannot think of another at the moment.
Jedi Jan
2015-02-14 18:58:58 UTC
Of course you were rude. That may be your opinion, but you have no right to tell any other person that they are wrong, should have complied with your opinion, that you should have kept to yourself. It was none of your business to begin with, none of your business to tell someone they should have been married etc.

I think you embarrassed your mother more than the woman herself. You should feel embarrassed by your ignorance too. Apologies to the woman and your mother are in order. Then I should think some time should be spent in quiet contemplation to consider why your education and manners are left wanting.
2015-02-11 22:24:21 UTC
It's really none of your business. There are many many many reasons why a woman might not be married at any point in her life. There is nothing that says anywhere that all women MUST be married. When you get older you may understand this better.
2015-02-12 09:38:01 UTC
It's none of your business - and not that unusual for people to be unmarried by 29.

The average age of first marriage in the developed world is now late 20s/30s anyway.

It's not the 1950's.

I'm 25, unmarried but engaged, and couldn't care less that certain cultures look down on that.
2015-02-13 20:21:53 UTC
Absolutely. It's her life, and not yours. You have no right to tell others how to live. And where did you come up with these rules that you should marry after turning 25? People do not follow a script, they follow their heart. If they don't want, or have been unable, to marry, then who are you to tell them otherwise?
Texas Czech Chick
2015-02-12 11:02:35 UTC
Yes it is rude.

There is no set age for a person to get married, and why would you care anyway???

On the other hand maybe this woman never plans to get married.
2015-02-14 09:37:01 UTC
Rude and ignorant. Not everyone get's married. Some enjoy their single life. Then you put an age limit to it? You were way out of line. Wished I could be more encouraging.
2015-02-12 09:59:40 UTC
Yes it was because everyone can't have the same ideas like you have. If she is not married it's because she didn't find the good one, the man who could be make her happy everyday. I think it was rude and delicate to tell her that because of that. And because she could think that she wasn't normal but she is normal, as I said she probably didn't find the man who could make her dream that she wasn't married yet. Marriage is not a simple thing. It's a commitment and thinking she wasn't normal according to you maybe she could feel ashamed. If someone is married or not is not your business. It's personal.
2015-02-12 19:58:21 UTC
If you have to ask if it was rude then your intention clearly was not to be rude. You were expressing your thoughts. Which unfortunately were rude. you sound very young. Even if you don't understand about people and marriage yet a good thing to remember is to not make any personal comments about people. happy birthday would have been a far better re sponse.
2015-02-14 14:30:16 UTC
Of course that was very rude. People should marry at whatever age they want. There is absolutely no time limit on when someone should or shouldn't be married. It's their business anyway and not yours at all.
2015-02-11 23:46:06 UTC
Of course it's rude as well as insulting. It's really none of your business and you had no right to say such a thing to her. I'm surprised you even have to ask if it was rude. You need to get some people skills and stop being so judgmental.
Mama Mia
2015-02-15 20:21:38 UTC
Of course it was rude. It was also probably very hurtful and possibly cruel. Many women would love to be married, and they just haven't been able to find a mate who is willing or able to commit. Your mother should have made you apologize on the spot. Death of a potential mate, a lack of desire, or simply not finding the right person, could be the reason. It was not your place to push your expectations upon someone anymore than she should feel free to judge you, and comment publicly on your life. You were wrong.
2015-02-13 21:49:28 UTC
1) I'm assuming you're under 25, so I'm going to remind you of how it feels when someone refers to the stereotypes of teenagers. For instance, a doctor asks you in front of your parents if you are doing drugs. You say "no" and then you find that the doctor ran tests in your blood to see what kind of drugs you're on. You ask why, and he says, "Well, you're a teenager. They *all* do drugs." Now, maybe you *do* use - I don't know - but it isn't nice to presume it, either.

2) Professionalism - On your job, you are representing the company. You have to be careful what you say. Keep it professional. Think two 15-year-olds have no business getting married and expecting their 2nd kid? Simply say "Congratulations." Find out that a 90-year-old is marrying someone half their age? "Congratulations." A five year old says "I can count to 10" and then messes up, "Good job." Do you get the idea?
Sam B
2015-02-13 09:51:33 UTC
I't not only is it politically incorrect, she will now feel inadequate for her 29th birthday. Yay Im 29 ! and people are already screaming in my face that I've wasted my years. We all have ideal acomplishments we feel we should reach at certain ages, but mairraige is indeed optional. Today its viewed as a majorly careful decision, not a madatory coming of age event. People are getting married later in life, which now results in less divorces as well. Im 28 and only get pressure to consider it around age 35, I think thats reasonable.
2015-02-12 15:24:40 UTC
that is very disrespectful! First of all you can marry at what ever (legal) age you want. Also since she s a woman your e making it out to be that women HAVE to be married. Pffffft absolute shtt! Maybe she never wants to marry. Maybe she is planning her wedding. Perhaps she hasnt found the right person to commit with and doesnt want to marry and old goon she comes across. You are rude!
2015-02-14 17:48:33 UTC
Very rude! No one likes personal comments about how they live their lives. Many people don't marry until they are much older than 29 and some people never do.
2015-02-15 18:50:43 UTC
How old are you and are you married? Marriage isn't for everyone. You sound like you belong in the 1950's where women belonged in the kitchen. You sound like a judgemental person. Why don't divulge some basic info on yourself and let the world tell you your flaws and let us know if that's rude.
2015-02-15 10:11:30 UTC
Yes, definitely rude. It's up to a person to determine when they want to get married. Society shouldn't make them feel as if they have to get married by a certain age.
2015-02-13 07:04:14 UTC
Its not only rude but also, we have no business poking our noses into the personal matters of people. There used to be a time when women stayed at home and looked after the home and kids and man was the hunter. Happily ,that era has passed and most women now are economically self sufficient and capable of making their own decisions.
nanny ogg
2015-02-11 15:42:05 UTC
It is rude to tell anybody what their life is supposed to be like...

Marriage is not for everybody, how could you be so thick you have no idea what has happened to her or anything about her personal life. You need to grow up young lady and think before you speak and hope that you have not hurt this woman.
2015-02-14 07:34:33 UTC
it is ABSOLUTELY RUDE to tell someone they SHOULD be married at a certain age. If that were the case, they may have to settle for someone they may not love and who is not a good match. If you state it as YOUR OPINION, you might suggest why you feel that way but in reality, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS when, or even IF anyone gets married by a certain age.
2015-02-11 17:30:38 UTC
That was an extremely ignorant and rude comment to make. First off not everybody chooses to get married and some people don't get married until they are older, more financially set, have experienced life.... I couldn't even entertain the idea of getting married until I was in my mid to late 30's. Besides whether or not someone is married is none of your business.
2015-02-15 13:09:47 UTC
Very rude there was a 88 yr old couple who just got married for the first time. Can't hurry love you just got to wait love don't come easy just a game of give and take--love that song..
2015-02-14 04:13:30 UTC
Completely rude to tell anyone anything about their personal decisions. Especially when you know nothing of her personal history.

What on Earth gave you the idea that "everybody" over a certain age should be married?

Ok, your troll worked, you have had lots of replies.
The Global Geezer
2015-02-12 11:08:06 UTC
Very rude. You don't know what is going on in her life, what circumstances there are, what issues this lady has, what fears she may have (which she maybe doesn't know how to deal with). What she is doing with her life isn't really any of your business. And why were you saying this to your CUSTOMER as well? I'd be surprised if she came back to you.
2015-02-13 18:50:32 UTC
I'm not sure if it was rude. From your comment, I could not tell if you were simply expressing your view to her or were disparaging her. But I will say that nobody should feel pressured into doing anything they do not want. If she does not want to marry, then that is her right and you should respect her position. I'm sure she has her reasons.
2015-02-13 07:01:16 UTC
Yes it is rude. Here me out:

Anyone should have the freedom of decision when deciding to get married. NO ONE should interfere with one's private life unless they're in the wrong or putting themselves in danger, or you're a friend or family of theirs. If they say no they're not married, and their older, don't go "Oh you should be married by now!" the main thing is is that they're happy. You don't have to get married to express happiness, despite the fact that it is commitment.

2015-02-12 12:17:34 UTC
I won"t yell at you like many others have but YES, you were quite rude.

That viewpoint went out with the close of the Victorian era (C 1918-end of WW1).

By asking, or rather making that comment, you are also hinting she is in some way unmarriagable.

Times have changed greatly (thank god) .

I doubt I need go intomfurther details. You did not mention YOUR Age though.
2015-02-13 19:59:22 UTC
Let me think about ... um, YES. Everyone finds someone in their own time, and hell, some people don't. They never do, and they can be completely content that way. There are a lot of reasons that she and thousands of other people aren't married. So just, maybe, refrain from asking people those kinds of questions in the future, yes?
2015-02-12 22:09:30 UTC
yeah, if you ask me, I think it was quite rude of you to say that to her, because even though she is 29, lots of people at that age and even older, I know soenone ten years older than me, and is still ughn married, although im 33 yesterday, and im planning to get married soon, I just though t that this lady might be offended by that, because she might feel pressurised into getting married now, maybe she hasn't found the right person yet, and is quite happy to be single at the moment, there might be many reasons why she could be offended, but I think its best in future, you don't really say that to other people, because I don't think they like it
2015-02-12 18:28:21 UTC
Over 50% of marriages end in divorce and one of the big reasons is people getting married for the wrong reasons such as "because everybody else is married" or "I'm getting old I should be married" or any other similar reasons like yours.

Don't get married unless you really want to be with that person for the rest of your life or at least think you do.
2015-02-12 14:19:56 UTC
yes it was rude, because you shouldn't tell her how to live her life. And you don't know, maybe she wants to get married but know one found her appealing in that way. BUT don't be upset or worried about it, it was a mistake you made! Just don't ask people questions like that again. Before you ask a question that could be risky ask yourself "Would I like it if someone asked me this?" and if the the answer is no do not ask the question. Don't panic about it though, just relax and if you see her again apologize and move on with your life.
Tip Tip kitty
2015-02-12 08:16:46 UTC
As someone who is perfectly happy being single and childless I get very tired of people trying to 'help me' find someone. I wouldn't blame the woman for no longer being a customer. It was not only rude but poor business.
2015-02-12 15:06:59 UTC
Yes. I don't plan on getting married, unless this wonderful man sweeps me off my feet and never makes me question our love. That's not likely though, life doesn't really work like that. Why do you need a ceremony to prove your guys love to other people. It shouldn't be about that. Marriage basically means nothing and there's so much hype over it.

You realize there's people who just never want a relationship ever right?
2015-02-13 07:16:21 UTC
Yeah thats rude, Just because shes over 25 doesnt mean she has to be married
2015-02-12 15:59:08 UTC
If the answer to this is not overwhelmingly obvious upon reflection, then you are probably doing a lot of really stupid things to other people that are far beyond rude. Check yourself into a mental hospital. You are either a moron, insane or both. Sorry, am I being rude?
2015-02-14 14:16:23 UTC
Very rude and not a little presumptuous of you. Considering that you are most likely well below the age range you speak of, what makes you think you know what someone who's 25 should be doing or not doing? You should have kept your opinion to yourself.
Wu LongDi
2015-02-14 02:49:31 UTC
Everyone is entitled to marry or not marry as they see fit. If someone doesn't want to get married it's their business. So yes, it's rude.
2015-02-12 20:02:48 UTC
Yes it was very rude. There are people who don't get married, or simply don't want to. Some people like unmarried life or don't get married for other reasons. She could have been married and divorced already. You don't know her story so you are not there to judge her.
2015-02-13 16:49:22 UTC
It is rude to tell anyone they should be married or have kids etc. Some just don't want to and that's fine.
Mee-OW =^..^=
2015-02-11 20:48:50 UTC
Of course it was! Though I too grew up with those same beliefs and was desperate to marry at 25 years old. Of course it ended in divorce THEN trying to have babies by 30 was the next hurdle. It's hard, but you should not have said anything.
Q The First Timelord
2015-02-12 11:19:36 UTC
You tell me. Do you think it's rude? I personally don't, but then again, I also don't have the same opinion as you and wouldn't have told a woman that because I abhor marriage. But that's just me.
2015-02-12 09:09:05 UTC
Mainly rude. Most people haven't found the person or someone to love them and are single. There are people these days who can't find a date or someone to go out with and wish to remain single and wait for their "soul mate" before dating. Some want to date someone who they feel like they have something in common with more than someone they have nothing in common with or someone they do't know.
Lauren Q
2015-02-14 20:27:58 UTC
I can t believe you would say something like that. People these days don t understand how strong marriage bonds need to be. Some people don t want to get married or can t find somebody they like, but you shouldn t tell them they NEED to find love. Then you think it s okay? You probably hurt her feelings badly. She s probably semi-lonely and then you say "You should be married by now." You re so rude. What s wrong with you?
2015-02-13 01:11:08 UTC
It's your opinion but it was unsolicited. It's not rude for just women either. I hate being asked why I am not married yet.
2015-02-14 07:35:19 UTC
I got married at age 41 and have three children, 24, 23, and 18; so it's never too late, if you marry someone young.
2015-02-13 20:35:51 UTC
Depends on the woman's bonding with their attracted gender. If they have a close bondage with their suitable gender, then I would expect them to be married also. But it also depends on if they even DO want to get married. Some people just aren't the type that want to get married.
2015-02-15 19:06:50 UTC
It was not only rude but it was not your place to make that judgement. There are many reasons why people choose notr to get married; better to be single than stuck in an abusive relationship.
You may be right
2015-02-13 05:23:59 UTC
It could be rude considering you don't know what her situation is, but other than that, people used to say stuff like that all the time, it's really no big deal.
2015-02-11 15:57:00 UTC
Of curse it was rude, very rude, what has it got to do with you whether she is married or not? you do not know anything about her life,a friend of mine just could not bring herself to get married, her father had beaten up her mother on a daily basis for years,bottom line,you make no personal remarks to customers,when she said it was her 29th birthday you should just have said happy birthday for tomorrow, that's it!
2015-02-12 04:45:03 UTC
You're just giving your opinion so its not so rude.But you should ask her why she haven't married yet and then you should ask her to marry.This is because some people don't get married because of some reason.We don't know what are they actually going through.So understand their situation and then give your opinion to them.But you're not rude, you're just telling her what you feel.
2015-02-12 14:31:29 UTC
It was rude, and it is your narrow-minded opinion. Many women intentionally wait until their in their 30s before they get married. It's a personal decision.
2015-02-15 17:39:57 UTC
Yes, besides you don't know the reason why she might not be married yet. Maybe it is the very thing that she wants but has not obtained as yet. You probably stuck a dagger into her heart, be considerate of people and their lives. Everyone's story is not written the same.
2015-02-13 13:44:37 UTC
yh, thats kinda rude. Its her choice on whether she wants to get married or not. Maybe she isnt ready to settle down yet or just hasnt met the right guy yet. i know that before i get married i want to have a life first, like get a good career and have a fun time
2015-02-15 04:54:09 UTC
rude and old fashioned... how dare you judge people.

I am 32, special needs and not married

people in this situation have a hard enough time with their confidence as it is and don't need to be judged or criticised for NOT being married...
2015-02-13 00:57:25 UTC
Well if you wanted to give her a complex and make her feel inadequate because of your comment then yes it was rude! I can't actually believe that you don't know already that it was.
2015-02-16 13:38:55 UTC
Yes 10% rude I think you should apologize. Because some elders are not married yet 😕 you might never get !married yourself
2015-02-14 13:27:29 UTC
I think it is rude as not everyone want to be married. some perfectly feel living alone and lives more full and happy life than many being in marriage.
2015-02-11 18:04:15 UTC
It’s a bit of a silly question really, as you know full well it is rude and arrogant in any society.

Trolling and its brainless questions is becoming very boring here on answers. As there is no point to it, but stupidity and ignorance.
2015-02-11 12:34:10 UTC
Yes it was very stupid. How can you tell someone when they should be married??? That's the problem today, people try ti get married at a certain age and pressure the boyfriend, then later they end up divorce, Marriage is very, very sacred ti God and no one should get it if they are not ready or doesn't love the person. God said, marriage should be for eternity.
2015-02-12 13:59:35 UTC
Of course it was rude. Whether she marries or not has nothing to do with you... and why should everybody over 25 be married anyway?
2015-02-12 13:40:50 UTC
Everyone has his or her own fate.I know a woman who got married at the age of 31 and hasa a happy family and 2 kids now
2015-02-12 21:35:09 UTC
How would it have made you feel if she'd have asked you, "You've been married for several years. When are you going to get a divorce?" Hint: Not everybody wants to be married, and those who don't, don't owe anybody an explanation.
2015-02-12 02:35:14 UTC
VERY RUDE some people choose a happy life single rather than a miserable one married. will you find the right person when you are older.
2015-02-15 19:57:14 UTC
All my friends were married by then and I felt pretty sick about always dating freaky guys. I went to therapy for being sexually abused.

You really have no idea what kinds of things prevent people from marrying. The fear that your child might be abused kept me from considering it was a viable institution.

So yes it was the wrong thing to say but then some of us are really too honest for our own good. Most of us say things we later regret.
2015-02-12 23:03:50 UTC
Of course it was rude what has it to do with you if someone is married or not
Linda G
2015-02-15 12:09:29 UTC
Rude, and incredibly stupid, if you expect to keep her as a customer. If you want to go out of business, go right ahead and offer unsolicited opinions on the personal lives of those who contribute to your financial well-being. No one wants someone around who doesn't follow the most minimally decent standards of conduct; I don't care what your business is.
2015-02-13 14:40:19 UTC
yeah it was kind of rude especially since that is a customer and you really shouldn't be judging someone like that. Its like when relatives tell you to get married and you feel really annoyed, but since you don't personally know her and aren't related to her, thats also probably hurtful to her since marriage is a sensitive topic since you don't know whats going on in her personal life
Charles D
2015-02-14 06:21:28 UTC
that was very rude. She may not want to marry at all or wait till late in life. I waited until age 57 and glad I waited
2015-02-12 12:32:50 UTC
Yes. Some people don't want to ever get married or maybe she could not be able to get a husband because people don't like her so it is mean for you to say it. It is okay a long as you don't say something like that again. :)
2015-02-16 11:31:09 UTC
R-U-D-E you don't know that woman's life back off of her man she's probably going to think about what you just said for weeks and feel like a loser until you apologize
2015-02-13 12:30:14 UTC
I am from Utah and a devout Mormon. If a lady isn t married after her 26th birthday, an intervention is held in order to help her with proper societal ways. If you aren t married by 25, you are a menace to society and a heathen. It is frowned upon by the church.
2015-02-13 00:32:21 UTC
YES IT IS RUDE if you wanna put it lightly. Don't be too surprised if you don't get any customors at your house anymore. You need to ring her up right now and apologize you insensitive fool.
2015-02-13 16:56:23 UTC
Yes. You have no right to tell anyone what to do with their life, especially in sensitive topics like this (unless she asked for your opinion).

Your mom already told you it was rude, how come you did not get it yet?
2015-02-14 19:11:34 UTC
Yep, very rude. It is none of your business when she chooses to be married. Think before you talk next time.
2015-02-12 20:38:45 UTC
There is no law that you have to get married and yes it was rude.
2015-02-13 20:24:41 UTC
customer to your house? what do you do?

Yeah. . . telling anyone what he/she "should" be doing or "should" be is rather narrow minded and rude but I wouldn't feel bad about it either. . .some cultures just can't imagine being single after a certain age. This is all really a new era and modern thing.
2015-02-14 13:22:09 UTC
Don .
2015-02-12 08:17:10 UTC
Sure was. You shouldn't even have to ask this question. It's flat out rude and judgmental to question someone else's life choices. Can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut.
2015-02-13 02:18:32 UTC
Rather than "rude" I just find it a bit odd, I think you're mentally stuck in the traditional times of everyone "settling down" at a certain age.
2015-02-12 13:38:02 UTC
Very Rude and Judgemental.
2015-02-13 16:17:42 UTC
That was completely rude and unnecessary. You do not know her situation. Not everyone wants to be married anyways.
2015-02-12 05:58:50 UTC
2015-02-12 20:49:57 UTC
Yyyyeah...not the best thing to say if you don't know if she's not married for personal reasons or just got out of a relationship.
2015-02-11 22:08:17 UTC
If you said it to me, I would simply consider the source.

I'm 54, I've never been married and don't want to be married. I'm perfectly happy single.
2015-02-12 07:55:37 UTC
It is kind of personal. I have friends who aren't married. For some, marriage is everything, others don't really care. It's a personal choice.
2015-02-12 19:21:39 UTC
Yes, it was very rude of you, and I think you should make an effort to apologise to her. Whether she is married, or not, is solely her business, and outsiders have no right to question her.
2015-02-14 01:08:06 UTC
Yes it was rude and thoughtless. Everyone does not get married at 18 years old. It is her business not yours.

But then...maybe you put something on her mind. Mox nix.
2015-02-13 20:09:37 UTC
Who the hell do you think you are telling people when or even that they should be married ?

Yes, it was Damn Rude alright.
2015-02-14 08:30:18 UTC
Yes it was bordering on rude, unthinking certainly. What business is it of yours anyway? Perhaps she does not believe in marriage, a widow, divorced or just not into men
2015-02-13 20:43:13 UTC
Yes. That is pretty rude to tell a lady that.
2015-02-13 05:12:07 UTC
It's okay honey, you see you're what people call a c*nt. C*nt's don't really know when they are being rude since it's just part of their personality. So you're fine, don't worry about it.
Ashley J
2015-02-14 08:08:26 UTC
Hun, I have reached 64 with out a husband or kids, I have had a wonderful life and some great guys in it. Not everyone is made for marriage.
2015-02-14 07:39:18 UTC
tbh its was kinda rude because your kinda implying somethings wrong with her if shes not married. also your wrong lots of people aren't married at that age and some people don't get married at all
2015-02-11 21:32:20 UTC
Dumb troll question. I bet you're that woman's ex and got dumped. Guess that explains being 29 and not married.
2015-02-11 16:37:42 UTC
It may not be rude depending on your cultural background. What is rude in western society could be perfectly normal in another society.
2015-02-12 10:50:58 UTC
2015-02-12 14:54:46 UTC
Yup, rude, but mostly just a comment that you don't make to people. You just go on with the conversation. You'll learn.
2015-02-13 19:32:40 UTC
First of all, it's not even your business to tell her to get married or not. It's her choice.

You can help her.
2015-02-14 01:46:49 UTC
I'm never getting married .. because i hate the idea of marriage .. there's so many things that you sacrifice when you get married
2015-02-13 19:34:35 UTC
It's rude to wish that fate on anyone.
2015-02-14 23:38:25 UTC
That was so disrespectful. Her choice to and not too get married should't concern you. You are just like the rest of society.
2015-02-12 02:54:44 UTC
I am sure that she wants to live the single life and is very happy living by herself. Yes that was very disrespectful and you should even apologize to her. She might not want to get married at all. Getting married is no obligation.
2015-02-13 03:50:28 UTC
Not everyone wants to get married, and maybe they do they just want it to be the right time, or maybe they do they just don't have the money. My mum has never been married and probably never plans to.
2015-02-13 01:49:21 UTC
Hell yeah it's rude, I mean maybe she doesn't believe in marriage, maybe she doesn't want someone nagging her and ruining her life and actually doesn't need someone else to be happy and enjoys her freedom. Who the hell do u think u r telling her what to do with her life, mind ur own business and keep ur opinions to yourself.
2015-02-12 07:21:27 UTC
VERY VERY VERY rude. I am in my 40's and have never wanted to be married and never want to be either.
2015-02-18 05:19:26 UTC
Yes it was's none of your business actually so you shouldn't express your opinion, because you don't even know what she's been through..especially because she is a customer..
2015-02-11 09:47:26 UTC
Good grief what century do you live in??? LOL. YES, it was very rude of you. Who are you to judge, anyway? And to presume someone is married, it's also silly. Listen to your mom more. She's right.
2015-02-12 13:58:35 UTC
I dont consider it as a matter of politeness. If someone say such thing, I dont really feel offended but I consider it as a less intelligent personality and I will not be your customer any more. I want to be a customer of more intelligent salesperson.
2015-02-12 11:28:39 UTC
Well kind of sorta. In our world today finding Mr. or Miss right is getting harder and harder. As is proven by the divorce rate. Patience does have it's virtues after all !
2015-02-13 18:50:54 UTC
you cant just say that to someone.

its rude.

its her choice when to be married,maybe shes not ready.who are you to tell someone when they should be married.very rude.
2015-02-14 02:46:53 UTC
The best solution is to remain silent in such situations. Silence is Golden.


Instead of circumventing and delaying the main issue, you can feel free and frank and open your heart's content.
2015-02-13 11:13:25 UTC
Just plain rude
2015-02-13 13:08:17 UTC
It'd not be nice to tell her that. It implies that she's not so cute or no one interested in her an that's why she's still not married. It's important to think about why say before you say it.
2015-02-12 12:14:54 UTC
Marriage is sexist religious crap. A form of ownership or slavery. Like putting a ring through the nose of a bull to lead it around and demonstrate its already owned.
2015-02-14 18:36:29 UTC
A customer came by your house? Your mom told you that you were rude? So you are a bum that lives with his mother into adulthood and you are being rude to people? Glass houses you jerk.
2015-02-13 00:02:22 UTC
It is 100% rude.
2015-02-12 10:30:23 UTC
WOW, really? a) its not your place to tell people they SHOULD be married by a specific age and b) who the f*ck says she WANTS to get married?

not everyone in the world WANTS to get married, let alone at 25.

keep that sh*t to yourself next time. just because YOU think people should get married at a specific age DOESNT men everyone else does
2015-02-14 07:55:38 UTC
Yep but I'm guessing you are about 13 years old and just too young to understand marriage yet.
2015-02-13 05:05:58 UTC
Yes you were rude...she probably gets that from elderly relatives all the time. People decide for themselves these day
2015-02-11 08:39:31 UTC
Very, VERY rude, and you had no right at all to say that! Not everybody wants to get married or have even met the right person yet, who are you to judge them?
2015-02-12 09:27:50 UTC
Rude, offensive, out of line and insulting all at once. Mind your own business, Kanye.
2015-02-14 02:50:29 UTC
HAHAHA marriages don't even last these days. People don't even try for their kids, theyre just so sold by all the "easy" "fast" stuff in the world that they skip town at first sight of anything "hard" Marriage is a waste of money in these times
2015-02-12 09:08:42 UTC
It's everyone's personal decision when to marry not other"s.
2015-02-13 08:38:04 UTC
You were rude. It is none of your business as to whether or not anyone is married or not. Your question could have been "got anything special planned..." or "happy birthday to you". Slap yourself silly!
2015-02-12 15:17:11 UTC
Yes, becuase woman are sensitive about their age. The older they get, the more worried that their time to find someone is running out.

You just reinforced that negative way of thinking
2015-02-11 19:20:32 UTC
Crude rude, ain't none of your business
2015-02-13 10:59:02 UTC
Yeah, It was a little rude. You were also stating your opinion as though it was a universal fact.
2015-02-11 09:13:42 UTC
Are you crazy?!?! What country do you live in?

You know good and well that it was rude.

Many people never marry in the USA.
2015-02-13 17:27:05 UTC
Definitely rude!!!
2015-02-12 09:14:36 UTC
Watched all episodes of TV drama Cold Feet?
Common Sense
2015-02-11 08:47:29 UTC
I don't know who the heck you think you are or where you get your ideas from, but you are, indeed, one rude individual.

I don't know how old you are, but I will say that people of any age should have some social grace, and that includes you.
2015-02-12 23:21:52 UTC
If you are friend of that women then its ok ....You can tell her but ..your not closed to that women or you are a strenger then yes it is annoying ...!!! :X

Closed friend can be a part of personal life of that women , totally strenger or barelly knowing person should not take interest in anyone's personal life.
2015-02-11 08:36:43 UTC
Yes. Very rude.
2015-02-13 14:26:11 UTC
Some people don't want to marry and live the rest of their lives in their own private Hell.
Jake No Chat
2015-02-12 16:38:48 UTC
Yes, it was rude. You can think what you want, and have your own opinions, but you should not presume to volunteer such things with others. If they ask, then do it if you want to, but do not just blurt it out.
2015-02-14 17:03:12 UTC
Show me the evidence that everyone over the age of 25. Should be married.
2015-02-12 10:33:18 UTC
Truth is, It's none of Your Fn business You total A- Hole.
2015-02-12 21:03:14 UTC
she should be married and divorced multiple times by now. tell your mom hi. I'll stop by later
Smokies Hiker
2015-02-13 08:30:27 UTC
You are a fool for asking such a personal question in the first place since you knew absolutely nothing about this person! My guess would be that she may be a "former" customer of yours! I know I would be!
2015-02-12 17:45:46 UTC
Sorry to say, but kind of. I'm not trying to come of as a jerk, but you shouldn't tell people what they should or shouldn't do or have or whatever unless you know them really well.
2015-02-13 15:05:16 UTC
Yes that was rude LOL wow dude not cool
2015-02-14 11:33:57 UTC
Yes you are a rude inconsiderate jack *** and you owe her an apology. Is that clear enough for you?
2015-02-12 22:32:31 UTC
Very rude. You should never assume as it probably makes an *** out of U and ME. Think about it...
2015-02-14 05:31:01 UTC
Rude, yes.

But you may be forgiven, since you are obviously rather weird
2015-02-14 10:09:55 UTC
u are an idiot thats all, idiots cant be rude, they are simply too stupid, dont worry, if she s smart enough to NOT be married by 29, she got that the problem is YOU and ur stupid slave mentality and stupidity, grow a brain !
2015-02-12 15:34:03 UTC
Yes, very!! Who are you to tell someone when they HAVE to get married?? BTW I'm 42 and unmarried (have b/f and we are both against marriage. I don't have kids either and don't want any).

What is your "job?" Because you don't sound like a very nice person either. You probably just lost a customer. If it was me, I would never go back to you again and tell my friends not to give you their business either!
2015-02-12 11:12:32 UTC
Yes, that is a silly thing to say. People say this to me and I'm 29 but it can be quite offensive, even if they say it lightheartedly.
2015-02-15 12:27:16 UTC
Yes, I have to say it was only because its offensive. Not to mention you probably hurt her feelings and lowered her self esteem. And as others have pointed out not at all correct, I hope you get the chance to apologize.
2015-02-12 21:21:32 UTC
Very rude,
Michael Mazik
2015-02-12 05:10:37 UTC
Very rude. Not your business.
2015-02-11 19:54:30 UTC
Yes, she has his own life and you have no right to tell this, even you are not a relative or family member so how can you said her.
Frank Brown
2015-02-12 09:41:47 UTC
What a stupid woman it's each individuals choice when and where marriage takes place not like death where we have no choice.
2015-02-14 13:05:17 UTC
Yes that was very rude, it is none of your business what she does
k w
2015-02-16 10:30:07 UTC
yes, it WAS rude.

you are free to think that, but coming out and saying it is rude....besides, it's none of your business
2015-02-13 05:10:39 UTC
Very rude. Everyone has their own time.
Holly M
2015-02-12 09:05:14 UTC
Yeah it was rude, I can understand why she would be offended, people set their own life goals and ideas of achievement. Your opinion although valid, afterall its your opinion is of little consequence to her.
2015-02-12 10:26:37 UTC
the appropriate age for marriage not only differs between cultures but also from person to person. but even if you find her pretty old and still single, i wouldn't really advise you to mention it. i mean , it maybe that she doesn't care. and it also maybe that she's insecure about it.
2015-02-16 16:25:00 UTC
Yes - it's her life and she doesn't have to conform to your ideas of marriage or how best to live life in general.
2015-02-11 14:16:14 UTC
Very rude and also incorrect
2015-02-12 16:10:32 UTC
Before I tell you my opinion, how old are you? Just wait until you are 25 and remember what you told her. What goes around comes around.
Just Hazel
2015-02-13 00:26:38 UTC
Of course it was rude.
2015-02-11 10:12:01 UTC
25 is young this isnt the 1800 were people die at 30

people live till 100 in their 30s is when people should get married or have children no earlier
2015-02-11 09:31:33 UTC
The question must be a joke. It is obviously rude if you truly cannot figure it out. Maybe if you were in 1950, your question may make sense.
2015-02-13 11:59:20 UTC
Very rude.
2015-02-14 01:21:08 UTC
2015-02-12 10:31:03 UTC
Marriage takes time. You never know the ladies side of the story, may her husband died, or she can't find the right guy. Think before you speak hun.
2015-02-12 17:58:07 UTC
Very rude indeed
2015-02-12 01:38:50 UTC
Her decision to marry or to not marry is none of your concern and you should have never bought it up.
2015-02-15 18:57:27 UTC
Yes very rude and very ignorant of you.
2015-02-14 08:53:35 UTC
Yes, it was extremely rude and was absolutely none of your business.
2015-02-12 07:51:30 UTC
Why should anyone be married right now? Why not let them choose when they want to get married?
2015-02-12 10:50:59 UTC
Rude to the point of being a bully.
2015-02-13 21:03:09 UTC
I don’t if it was rude or not but it sounds pretty stupid . If your unhappy its no sign everybody wants to ride in your boat
2015-02-11 20:27:06 UTC
Yes it was rude.
2015-02-11 17:01:03 UTC
Yep, pretty rude and none of your business.
2015-02-13 12:09:31 UTC
No, it was very much not. Because the truth hurts but helps. We should all be true of each other for a better planet.
2015-02-14 15:50:13 UTC
2015-02-11 09:55:31 UTC
I'm not sure whether you would say it was rude , I think it was a very insensitive remark . You don't know whether she had a fiancé who was in the armed forces and had been killed . This is just one scenario , but , you just never know other peoples circumstances. We all need to think before we speak .
2015-02-13 01:38:02 UTC
VERY RUDE..I think you should change your mentality...Everything else that I had to say has already been said by the others.....
2015-02-12 13:25:17 UTC
Rude in the extreme. How on earth can you think otherwise.
2015-02-12 07:33:27 UTC
A bit.. But people have the choice to stay single. Dont make her feel bad abou that because maybe she chose that.
2015-02-12 21:22:58 UTC
Yes it was vary rude.
2015-02-12 20:21:22 UTC
Yes it was very rude indeed.
2015-02-14 21:42:32 UTC
YES! It is very rude
2015-02-13 05:44:34 UTC
Yes, it was rude.
Nestor Zapata
2015-02-12 21:56:33 UTC
no man it wasn't rude I think you should've like slapped her with a twinkie to face up reality.
2015-02-11 16:04:51 UTC
Yes because it's none of your business and you ought to tend to your own business.
2015-02-12 15:44:04 UTC
Yes it was rude, ignorant, foolish and misinformed
2015-02-13 08:26:13 UTC
Yeeah of course. Nobody SHOULD be married. People can live life the way they want.
2015-02-12 20:14:53 UTC
tsy , fa tena mahalala fomba ianareo . Raha nilaza izany tamiko , dia efa nanoroka ny boriky .

I love you long time.
2015-02-12 22:55:09 UTC
Yes, that was RUDE
2015-02-12 11:18:30 UTC
Very rude of you, and so untrue. You certainly lack wisdom!
Blue Sky
2015-02-11 08:38:25 UTC
Yes, you were rude because unless she asked for your opinion on the matter, then it was none of your business.
2015-02-11 18:07:31 UTC
Yes, it's impolite!
2015-02-13 07:40:33 UTC
29 year olds should be married so you should have told her. It is your 1st amendment right to do so.
2015-02-11 23:20:48 UTC
Yes, it is really rude!
2015-02-16 11:24:38 UTC
Highly inappropriate.
Shih Tzu
2015-02-11 08:42:29 UTC
Yes, that was extremely rude.
2015-02-11 08:53:14 UTC
Yes, that was rude and totally inappropriate.
2015-02-12 18:20:59 UTC
im 25 and do not want to get married any time soon.
2015-02-12 14:27:10 UTC
Im 33 and NOT married. So what??
2015-02-13 03:41:09 UTC
yes. Not all people are meant to be married, or have children.
2015-02-13 22:45:27 UTC
2015-02-12 02:59:12 UTC
Yes it is. Everyone lives their lives according to their interests and time. Not your place to judge this.
2015-02-11 18:29:06 UTC
It's not even accurate
2015-02-13 10:14:21 UTC
Yes. If she had asked you then the answer would be the same. People need to be treated kindly, end of story.
Everything Zen
2015-02-13 00:41:45 UTC
That's her business, and no one else's. So yes.
2015-02-12 20:24:24 UTC
well you are just a little rude shmuck aren't ya
2015-02-13 15:32:16 UTC
unbelievably rude yes.
Tad Dubious
2015-02-16 13:34:09 UTC
Yes, Dashan. Your Mom was right.
2015-02-13 02:23:48 UTC
YES .. it was rude .. very rude .. no more to add.
2015-02-11 19:21:53 UTC
Wow that is so rude :O
2015-02-14 06:41:21 UTC
You MOM said? How OLD are you? Are YOU married, yet?
2015-02-13 07:50:11 UTC
YES. There is no written law of age.
2015-02-13 04:21:06 UTC

Thanks, am also fine like you then dear for remind informing is differ with order here you are just informing & i request you to make use informing way for ordering for successful life.
Rufus Chicken
2015-02-16 12:26:36 UTC
2015-02-13 13:40:11 UTC
No Dashan, your basically and idiot! It's none of your business!
Hot Bunnie in the City
2015-02-11 11:32:32 UTC
Its rude. Its her business, her choice. Not yours.
2015-02-12 21:45:13 UTC
Yeah, super ignorant.
2015-02-12 20:35:10 UTC
Rude??? I don't know, but in our society???????
2015-02-13 01:35:13 UTC
you must be joking surely? if not then you are extremely rude.
2015-02-12 12:40:23 UTC
Should) is a minor fraction that is not determined by ones faith.

we can only strive for what we want the most!
2015-02-15 12:19:13 UTC
Why can't you mind your business?
2015-02-13 07:57:21 UTC
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-02-14 10:01:14 UTC
It was insensitive, she might want to be but waiting for the right time or the guy to pop the question.
Antique Silver Buttons
2015-02-12 07:36:12 UTC
Cool story, troll!
2015-02-17 03:48:18 UTC
Very rude!!!
2015-02-11 16:43:11 UTC
Yes, you don't know her reasons.
2015-02-12 10:41:42 UTC
< married by now?>>

Objectively, yes it was.

< married by now.>>

But who are 'you' to make that judgement?

< should be married.>>

But, again, that's merely your OPINION. And your OPINION doesn't give you the right or the duty to berate people who don't "comply" with your "world view".

< this. Was it?>>

Obviously it was!

No one is ever too old to listen to their mom.
2015-02-14 07:32:43 UTC
yes its rude and pushy
2015-02-14 02:04:33 UTC
2015-02-14 01:47:08 UTC
It was rude.
2015-02-13 16:23:56 UTC
Marriage is not for everyone: too much stress and friction.
2015-02-12 08:16:12 UTC
2015-02-14 10:27:54 UTC
Yes. How is her marital status any of your business?
2015-02-13 21:00:33 UTC
I mean i dont think so... If it was in a joking serious way I think that fine but if it was in a mean way that well... mean
2015-02-12 02:47:36 UTC
yes, it is rude. how would anyone want someone else to say, you should be .....
2015-02-12 11:47:35 UTC
yes we are under pressure as it is, how do you think that made her feel stop being a bully
2015-02-11 12:32:36 UTC
If I were your manager and she had complained (she should have) you would be out of a job now.
2015-02-12 17:46:44 UTC
2015-02-14 01:28:32 UTC
Yes, you are a boorish fool and should be embarrassed.
2015-02-13 12:57:22 UTC
Very rude. Please take some lessons in manners and social skills. What were you thinking?
2015-02-12 01:58:33 UTC
why are you obsessed with the idea that everyone on the planet should be married
2015-02-14 03:54:03 UTC
I shouldn't worry too much about it....... She probably didn't even see you.
2015-02-12 15:38:29 UTC
Yes, it was not polite to tell her this.
2015-02-14 10:41:35 UTC
Yes it was. It is none of your business.
2015-02-15 14:21:46 UTC
yes, it was very rude.
2015-02-13 19:42:24 UTC
Ya a bit.
2015-02-11 08:52:33 UTC
Only trolls say thing like that.
2015-02-12 08:06:24 UTC
youre so ****** up u ******* **** ***** *** ***** ian even gon front u a dumbass for sayin that **** homie cuz u shouldnt be sayin nuttin bout marrage u fuckboi foh ian gona lie
2015-02-15 20:11:59 UTC
yeah her husband might have left her, or died. or she might be homosexual, or she might be taking care of a family member who takes up alot of her time.
Linda R
2015-02-13 11:29:56 UTC
This is really none of your business.
2015-02-12 14:56:30 UTC
very rude.
2015-02-13 09:15:46 UTC
very rude.
2015-02-11 11:20:38 UTC
yes it was and her status is none of your business
2015-02-13 16:06:34 UTC
Sorry. But your mom was right.
2015-02-12 17:47:20 UTC
becuse its calling them old and its nice becuse its calling them pretty
2015-02-13 17:49:08 UTC
I mean, it wasn't very nice...
2015-02-13 23:34:57 UTC
Um...yes. How old are YOU? 5?
2015-02-14 05:14:29 UTC
2015-02-16 03:56:03 UTC
Depending on how you said it and what your convoy was about
2015-02-14 16:51:19 UTC
Not at all
2015-02-13 06:49:26 UTC
yes it was
2015-02-12 15:07:27 UTC
thats the rudest thing i have ever heard
2015-02-13 06:40:34 UTC
Why would you insult your customer?
2015-02-13 13:10:41 UTC
2015-02-11 20:52:33 UTC
2015-02-12 13:50:03 UTC
You know it was
2015-02-12 07:30:19 UTC
Well,it sort of was.
2015-02-14 22:49:20 UTC
Marriage should actually be illegal.
2015-02-12 11:01:23 UTC
yes. it is her choice.
2015-02-14 02:01:43 UTC
it was stupid not rude...
2015-02-15 10:47:27 UTC
Yes you nasty *****
heck in
2015-02-14 10:46:17 UTC
yea o/c its rude wtf is wrong w you do you have no manners like for real get it together
2015-02-13 07:30:11 UTC
its not your business.
Hardcore City
2015-02-15 00:11:06 UTC
stupid. It was a stupid mistake.
2015-02-13 19:43:52 UTC
2015-02-13 08:46:48 UTC
2015-02-11 11:50:08 UTC
Setti Momo
2015-02-13 07:45:21 UTC
2015-02-12 10:34:08 UTC
2015-02-14 04:06:46 UTC

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