How do you manage receiving a receipt, dollars, and coins at the same time with one hand, and putting it in your pocket and wallet. You'd think you would first slide try to hold down the dollar bills with your thumb and slide your coins down to your other hand along with the receipt, put both in your pocket, and then take the dollar bills and put them in your wallet. But every time I try separating the coins+receipt from the dollar bills from my hand, stash the coins+receipt in my pocket and put the bucks in my wallet, I always feel rushed because there's people in line behind me and the cashier gives me this "Hurry the hell up already!" look. I know this question sounds kinda retarded but it's something that's always bugged me. It's like I'm not given time to put away my money where it belongs, so I constantly find myself walking off with my change in my hand and a foot long sub in the other. But may sound insignificant but it kinda sucks for me.