how do you tell a guy it HURTS TO BE IGNORED BY HIM?
swept away
2006-03-10 18:55:03 UTC
how do you tell a guy it HURTS TO BE IGNORED BY HIM?
Four answers:
curious me
2006-03-10 21:05:33 UTC
Tell him straight-out, give him an example or two. If he doesn't act like he cares or makes no changes in how he is treating you, and IF you are not married, perhaps you are wasting time with Mr. Wrong, that you could be spending with a Mr. Right somewhere along the line. You must value yourself as a person enough to do this; if you continue to allow him to act like you don't matter, then you are basically agreeing with him. You do matter, you do have a choice, and there are plenty of other guys that would likely find you captivating and enjoy acknowledging you and including you in their world.
2006-03-10 19:12:07 UTC
Guys are really stupid when it comes to this stuff. My husband always tells me to just come out and say what I am feeling because there is no way he can read my mind. Tell the guy how you feel, don't be defensive or anything, just state your feelings. You have to be able to be truthful and open to the person you are with.
2006-03-11 02:11:00 UTC
you answered your own question hey (insert name) it hurts when you ignore me. He will probably say sorry, if he doesn't seem to care, kick his *** to the curb, and find a real good person
2006-03-10 19:23:55 UTC
You dump his sorry azz and find someone who apreciates you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.