what's happening with our youth?
2008-05-27 11:13:56 UTC
Is it more a question of what happened to adult hood?
I remenber adult been responsible, going to work and show the right way by society standards.Now I see, ignorant (literally ignoring) people, that rather answer:so what?or non of your business right?wrong.
because if you tell your one year old to shut fk up, the little will repeat it, to the parent and others and the cycle is never ending.If you shout, aren't healty and can't offer a decent example of life, how will they?
I see kids as the product of a really sad, infintile society who rather swear in your face than admit to be wrong and maybe need to learn a thing or too to improve them self and as society we all pay for grunting kids (30 yars old and over that is).
For a while now I stick to animals company in hope that society will recover and be a civilised place to bring up kids.

your thoughts.

Ps:for those only interested in spelling your dear spell check show no mistakes.
Thirteen answers:
All Me...
2008-05-27 13:04:57 UTC
I agree with you. I am a 15 year old girl and I see teenagers everywhere with foul language and no respect for anyone, no respect for their elders or even their peers! I suppose I'm one of the luckier ones I had a good parent. But then again, half of the teens I see now have one parent (or two) who they blame, or don't live in the best of places or don't have a lot of money. Yet, neither do I. All I had was my mum bringing me up, we didn't have a lot of money and don't live in the poshest of places. So I don't think parents can be entirely to blame. I mean of course I agree with you about teaching them manners and everything, as it's because of my mum that I do have good manners and morals. But parents seem to be the blame for everything where as I don't see why, when the child is old enough, like my age 15, they can't see right from wrong. I know they may not have been brought up in the best of places but surely they can see why spray painting someones property or spitting on the floor would be bad? I mean that's pretty obvious if you ask me as it is morally wrong!

Sorry if I have just babbled on, lol.. I seem to go off the point. But yes, I do agree mostly with what you have said. Although please don't just think that it is all teens that act like this, and that it is all the parents fault, because it's not always the case!

I'll be quiet now lol =]
2008-05-27 12:43:43 UTC
All schools should introduce an etiquette class for at least half an hour weekly in their junior years.

Unfortunately not all children have manners drummed into them at home, some are learning quite the opposite. Furthermore, they are influenced by their peers, media, gangs etc..

Yes, we as adults should set the example, however it is not easy dealing with children that are rebellious, we can only keep at it, guide them and do our best.

The end result is not always the fault of the parent or the teacher. Some kids have experienced hardship, abuse, deprivation, isolation etc.. therefore they may rebel or react with bitterness, we can only show them the right way through love and understanding, hopefully make a difference.
2016-10-13 14:35:12 UTC
With web pages like facebook that facilitates plenty freedom no count what jokes we make or intense factors that would are available the process jokingly which technologies is project because of the fact our human habit isn't continually nicely communicated to the unique objective that different individuals will misunderstand misrepresent those factors or maybe no count if it truly is comprehensible its an abuse of freedom that youthful human beings gets use to and think of its common, i'm no longer that previous yet I understand this difficulty and abusing freedom is accessible in the territory of freedom present it is created.
will m
2008-05-27 11:50:22 UTC
c*nt off sh*tbags.

What is it which makes these words, this particular arrangement of vowels and consonants so offensive? Surely aversion to swearing is simply a peculiar social construct, an abnormality if anything. The human race creates language, and then assigns it value, in some cases relegating it to the realm of the foul and unspeakable. There is a disdain constructed around particular words in order to ostracise those whom they describe, or those who say them. It is a repressive regime which does more to harm our society than to benefit it. Let the words go, and if you really are going to criticise bad language, i suggest you examine your own diction, is crude to say the least. You are not so far from the 'grunting' kids as you imagine.

If you want things to change stop whining to strangers on computers, don't tell one year old to 'shut fk up,' and become a f*cking social worker.
2008-05-27 23:47:01 UTC
I agree with what you are asking, and also most of the answers you have ha so far. But listen, most of these problems stem from he lack of fear, sorry if this is going to upset the PC users we hav on here. But its true: why did you and me do what we was told to do it class when we was at school? Fear of the cane, the ruler across your knuckles or just the plain old detention after school! it start before this mind, the children of today are no longer in fear of there own parents because the PC world we live in has made it impossible to discipline there children, now my mother never touched me as a child she would role a news paper up and bang it hard on the table ( there was five of us in kids with one parent) we all stopped messing around when she did this for fear f it being on your backside! now the children know they are not going to get it across there backside so don't take any notice. I'm sorry but its true if you have no fear then you will not do what you are told! the kids that Carry knives are doing it because they fear getting stabbed them selves, if there was a proper deterrent that they feared they would not carry them????
2008-05-27 11:30:00 UTC
I believe that our youth today are being given too much freedom and independence than what we were previously given...Kids who drop out of school aren't necessarily being pushed back into the educational system which inevitably leaves them out on the street with nothing to do except resort to crime and violence to keep them occupied and somewhat stimulated..

I'm only 21 years of age and I am disgusted with some of the ways of people my age...society has changed and it's getting worse...the Government introduced ASBO's to little these days just laugh and tell you where to stick it...

It costs nothing to teach kids proper manners these days; it doesn't hurt to say 'Please' and 'Thank You'...and it won't hurt you. I am one of those people who will say 'Err Please?' in a shop if a teenager doesn't say it...I would probably be in danger of getting the crap kicked out of me but you know what? If they want to do that, let them...I'm more mature to know what's right and wrong and to know how to deal with situations and to be polite and proper...

I am not middle class or whatever you want to call it, I'm a normal girl from a normal family who was brought up on the right principles in life...I was taught not to swear at your elders and most certainly not to litter the streets or damage property etc that did not belong to me...I still stand by what I was taught because I was taught this for a reason...

Kids these days need to remember...the damage that they cause is destructible and if the tables were turned, they wouldn't like it themselves...

Teenagers and young adults alike need to remember the proper principles in life if they want to get anywhere...if they don't then I wish they would just go somewhere else where I do not have to put up with it and see it...I work my *** off to get where I am today and to get myself a good hell if I'm going to let an inpolite, ignorant and cocky teenager prevent that!

And if they want respect...they should earn it not expect it!

Ah my piece ;-)
2008-05-27 11:33:33 UTC
Good Question....Answer is that no one is allowed to give out discipline anymore,the Schools are not allowed to even shout at them, or even tell them what to do, and when it comes to the home....well they are like raving lunatics, and do not take one bit of notice.They stay out all hours, so get into more trouble, and that is how it starts. It is now time to change the Governments stance on behaviour, and get this put to right. Their motto is "I do not want School. I do not want to work, and I will let the Government keep me." Time for a clean sweep. !!
2008-05-27 17:39:02 UTC
Yes, there are many kids who are disrespectful and violent, but there are also many kids who are kind and are doing great things. We should all just try to not focus and blame everyone such as the media and parents for kids' behavior and instead help them to learn how to be courteous and succeed in life.
2008-05-27 11:20:47 UTC
my parents brought me up well i think, in terms of manners and so forth, but i do agree that it seems to be going seriously downhill. Swearing numerous times in each sentence is the norm, respect is virtually non-existant and most children are so self-righteous they deserve a good ole slap! civilisation is definiately going medieval on us....!
2008-05-27 11:39:45 UTC
i swear it's the microwave! everybody thinks i'm crazy for saying that but i didn't see kids acting up until that dang thing was introduced to the kitchen! we're all "glow-worms" now! everything must come, NOW, NOW, NOW! HURRY UP! ME FIRST!

no respect for patience. no respect for rules and order...only ME FIRST, ME FIRST, HURRY UP!!!! NOW NOW NOW MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!

kinda like adults in traffic, huh?

its that dang microwave!
2008-05-27 11:35:16 UTC
its not just the spelling, its the grammer. Your sentences are incoherant and spell check wouldn't catch that.

I'm not entirely sure what your question is though (again with the grammer).
2008-05-27 11:23:21 UTC
Well I'm today's youth and I'm disgusted by it. What happened to manners and respect?
2008-05-27 11:24:11 UTC
I absolutely agree. We have horrible youth because they have horrible parents.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.