2008-05-27 11:13:56 UTC
I remenber adult been responsible, going to work and show the right way by society standards.Now I see, ignorant (literally ignoring) people, that rather answer:so what?or non of your business right?wrong.
because if you tell your one year old to shut fk up, the little will repeat it, to the parent and others and the cycle is never ending.If you shout, aren't healty and can't offer a decent example of life, how will they?
I see kids as the product of a really sad, infintile society who rather swear in your face than admit to be wrong and maybe need to learn a thing or too to improve them self and as society we all pay for grunting kids (30 yars old and over that is).
For a while now I stick to animals company in hope that society will recover and be a civilised place to bring up kids.
your thoughts.
Ps:for those only interested in spelling your dear spell check show no mistakes.