2011-08-11 22:54:05 UTC
Also, I need to find two references now and am not sure what to do about those....I'm working my first job at Starbucks and just recently started. My manager wouldn't be great to go to; I have hardly worked with her and she doesn't like me...I would ask one of my shift leaders but I've made mistakes (spilled once or twice/wrong drinks/have been late a couple times) and don't feel confident asking him for it -though he does like me. Plus, I believe the higher ups(shift leaders and manager) wouldn't be too happy to hear I'm getting another job. They'll probably think I'm readying to leave and will just boot me before I can. There's also a guy I'm studying with(20 yrs old as well) for a certification I could ask but they did say "no friends, just people you've worked with/under"... I thought I had this in the bag, but now I'm stressing. I guess I'm merely an applicant. (And seriously, it has been maybe 3 months of me going in frequently for various things and them acting as though I was about to work there...)