Your Q was really well written & very sharp. You're being very hard on yourself.
I completely understand why your perception is that some well-heeled types are speaking down to you (& others) because they consider others to be not up to snuff. But I contend it's only your insecurities that are making you feel that THAT is their motive.
Truth is; condescending types are NOT all they are appearing to be..
for IF THEY WERE..they wouldn't be condescending or patronizing. RiGHT?
Posers are people who're doing everything in their power to convince others of their worth..as well as trying to convince themselves.
Anyone who intentionally goes out of their way to make another feel LESS THAN is not coming from a good place. They aren't comfortable in their own skin. They're not satisfied with having whatever they have been blessed with..it isn't enough, until they can make someone else feel badly. Is THAT a secure, together, decent, civilized person? Or, is that a poser?
The most successful, blessed, worldly individuals are exactly the opposite of the condescending types you've described.
Jennifer Aniston wears 39c flipflops & a sweatshirt from 12 yrs ago and she has the ability to wear (or present herself) any way she wants. She isn't trying to appear to be a certain way, so others would feel LESS THAN. While, the Clinique cosmetic clerks at Macy's do everything in their power to appear to be rich & successful.
Once you start seeing the pattern and start recognizing who the true blue types are vs the posers, you'll realize it has nothing to do with YOU..it's all about THEM, and how insecure THEY feel.
Anyone can be attractive. It's make-up, cute shoes & possibly fake hair (ha) It REALLY IS more important to be a good person than some vacant, self-absorbed, cocky twit. Those "let them eat cake" types are soon discovered as the frauds they are..and someone chops off their head. (as history has shown).
Try to let it roll off your back. If others (even strangers) can't be civilized, they are not anything more than cute shoes, make-up & fake hair.
When you feel like cowering, stand up straight. If you feel like hiding, DON'T. Force yourself to be nice to yourself. Cut yourself some slack. Ask yourself:
'would anyone else feel badly if some snob treated them poorly'..? OF COURSE. Anyone would. Don't allow mean-spirited people to make you feel badly. They are wrong, rude, & impolite. Karma will take it's toll on them, sooner or later.
Take care of yourself. Be nice too yourself.