What defines a "sware" or "cuss" word?
2006-03-19 21:41:29 UTC
There is no need to post any sware words, as there is no need to list words you believe are sware words.
Seven answers:
Ted Pack
2006-03-21 06:49:58 UTC
Time, place and culture. Doctors can name the private parts of the body without offending people, but you wouldn't use the slang terms in polite conversation. In the 1840's the "N" word that rhymes with "trigger" was simply illiterate, not offensive. It was like saying "ain't". Today you can get your jaw broken, if you use it.

On the other hand, in the 1840's, you would not discuss gay or lesbian love; today you could introduce "Bruce and his partner, Bob" to the Queen of England, over tea. On a lower level, using a lot of the words having to do with private parts could get your jaw broken, if you used them around a lady with a large husband back then; today teens use them all the time.

Hateful words tend to be swear words. The "B" word that rhymes with "witch" is OK if you are a dog breeded talking to another dog breeder, or to a vet. If you compare a lady human to a lady dog via that word, however, it is impolite.

Words about private parts or private bodily functions count. So do racial, ethnic and religious slurs.
2016-11-12 06:43:25 UTC
Swear Or Sware
Fall Down Laughing
2006-03-19 23:06:51 UTC
How does a word become a "swear" word (not a "sware" word)? Ask Yahoo! answered this question:
2016-11-12 05:20:21 UTC
The word "conception" confuses the difficulty because we are speaking about faith, so this is deceptive human beings into wondering that atheists trust some thing. this is actual in basic terms the different of conception. An atheist is man or woman who denies the existence of a deity/deities and does no longer worship any deity. considering the fact that I actual have seen yet another incorrect opinion about atheists, if I had my druthers i ought to also upload to the definition above, "...and that denial incorporates each and every of the secondary characters linked with that deity". reason: some non secular human beings immediately make a stupid bounce and mistakenly imagine that if atheists deny God they ought to worship devil. i do not understand any atheist who worships some thing, now to not indicate a mythological being believers made up.
2006-03-19 21:56:57 UTC
a word considered to be offensive to a majority of people. The word is usually slang for the correct word. Most people just don't like the tone in which the word is given.
2006-03-19 21:45:39 UTC
i guess sware words r words that offend others i guess it depends on the person u say the alleged sware word too.
aunt B
2006-03-19 22:04:49 UTC
Any word said with malice and hate in your heart.

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