2015-03-24 22:38:35 UTC
However, whenever one of my friends feels the need to lecture me, particularly when I haven't asked for their advice, it really, really bothers me. For example, my family is a bit quirky. And we have our own way of doing certain things. Every so often, one of my friends will catch wind of some bizarre quirk and lecture me about how wrong it is. For example, my family members borrow money from each other all the time. We don't let each other pay each other back, either. We just give each other money if someone needs it. I admit that's probably weird, but it's just how we do things. My best friend today started lecturing me about how wrong it is my family does this and that we're all taking advantage of each other. Before I could stop myself, I snapped at her to mind her own business (which I shouldn't have done - she just struck a nerve). She responded that she was" just looking out for me." I still thought her comments were really unnecessary.
This is just one example. People always feel the need to lecture me about things that aren't their business or things they don't know about, and I don't know how to tell them to stop without being rude. Does anyone have any advice on how I can *tactfully* stop others from lecturing me unnecessarily? Thanks in advance.