Funny comeback to rude cell phone users?
2007-08-15 10:42:25 UTC
I work in a service industry that sometimes requires me to have financial transactions with clients.
One of my pet peeves is people on their cell phone talking to their friends, co workers, etc. while I am trying to conduct business with them.
I understand the phone call to your doctor or lawyer maybe - but calling a spouse to discuss what to have for dinner tonight in front of me is annoying!
I also go to the bank on occasion for my work and see it happen to the tellers on a frequent basis.
Anybody have a friendly, funny way of letting people know how you feel about their rudeness? (I would never say anything at work to someone, just when I am out at other places and see it happen to someone else)
Ten answers:
2007-08-15 15:22:48 UTC
I'd try to think of some catchy comebacks that had to do with their conversation, so they would be embarassed by their boorish behavior. For example, if they were asking the person on the other line what was for dinner, I might respond, "Ooh, please do let me know. I'll be there at 7."
2016-05-19 01:19:28 UTC
I should hope not. Since I am a teacher, I am not very important to many people outside of the school. My family can reach me in an emergency at the school office, but I leave my phone off all day. After work, I only call my children or maybe a friend once per week. You will rarely find me on the cell phone, since I reserve it for emergencies and time critical calls. I have a phone at home. That is where I take my personal calls, so I HOPE that it doesn't disturb anyone. I just don't need to have a phone at my disposal all day since my level of importance is rather low. Nobody should need me before 3:00, so it stays off.
2007-08-15 11:20:05 UTC
I can't believe that anyone has actually suggested YOU are the one with the problem.

In the institutional setting, the fix is EASY and I've seen it done.

Signs say: "So that we may provide the best and most timely service to everyone, please step to the back of the line [waiting area, lobby, etc.] if you need to make or receive a cell call during a business transaction at this office."

I've seen this done, and it works.

As to your clients, the MOMENT they place a call (or obviously intend to keep talking on a received call) you do this: Look at your watch and make a facial expression of surprise and alarm. Loudly whisper, "Oh! I've got to run! Call me when you're free, OK?" and hand them your business card. Turn and GO.

Alternative method. Pretend you receive a cell call of your own. In consideration of the client's privacy, gradually walk away while talking to your caller. Say things like, "Oh NO! That's awful? Are you OK?," etc. Look back and wave "goodbye" to your client, shrug your shoulders, give an "I'm sorry" expression. Walk back, hand them your card, then go.

At a restaurant? Use the "emergency cell phone trick," leave some bucks on the table and scoot.

A call FROM a doctor or lawyer MIGHT be an exception, but a call TO anyone is NOT.

My methods are not humorous -they just put the ball squarely in the court of the offending party and they don't insult ANYONE.
2015-04-28 02:50:02 UTC
Approach or sit next to the Cell phone user. And really make it obvious that you're eavesdropping. You might even ask, "Would you repeat that?". When they realize that THEIR private space isn't so private, they usually move out of earshot or hang up.
2007-08-15 10:55:50 UTC
are you talking about people that are in line doing bussiness that our on there cell phones? It is rude to have a private conversation while a cashier is trying to check you out. I work in a hiring office and applicants are always sitting in the lobby on their cell phones and I simply tell them to take it out side, we are trying to work and cant with them talking on the phone. As far as telling people in the general public, really its not your place tp tell some one that they should not use their cell phones.
2007-08-15 11:43:07 UTC
lindsey m, i definitely have to agree with you, that's a really good one! If i were the person that asked the question, i would pick you as the best answer!
2007-08-15 10:55:37 UTC
How about saying sweetly, "Go ahead, I'll wait until you're finished with your call." If that doesn't fix it, they're beyond help.
lindsey m
2007-08-15 10:54:33 UTC
When they are at your work and asking their spouses what they want to eat for dinner, you could respond with, "Anything ole' thing is fine with me...." Then look up, act startled, and say, "Oh, I thought you were talking to me." ;)
2007-08-15 10:51:57 UTC
Mind your own business. Everyone does it. I had rather talk to my husband about what we are having for dinner than chat with my teller. If you say something, you will be the one to come off as rude.
2007-08-15 10:53:48 UTC
you should ask to put their phone away politely after you smack them

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