Got a new inground pool. Need help with the neighbors!!?
2008-06-19 13:53:08 UTC
Ok, we get this new inground pool. We live in a very social, close knit neighborhood, with LOTS of kids. The whole neighborhood is knocking down our door to swim in our pool. I want to send out an email to our neighbors (we all communicate among ourselves by email a lot) with our new pool rules. I'm concerning not just about everyone's safety, but about our privacy as well. I have a draft email already written but I would be VERY interested in hearing some of your thoughts/ideas about what our new pool rules should be.

Eleven answers:
The Dragon Reborn
2008-06-23 13:42:04 UTC
no peeing in the pool.

no going into our house wet.
2008-06-19 14:10:13 UTC
By sending out an email to the neighborhood, you are inviting kids to come to your pool.

If I were you, I wouldn't send out the email because you are setting yourself up as a public pool club. If you feel obligated to send the email anyway, I would limit the pool to "first come first serve" up to 4 at a time (all those under 18 must have a parent present) and include certain hours and certain days when the pool is "open". If the kids abuse the privilege any other time, they will be uninvited to use YOUR pool. Remember, you are responsible for the kids while they are on your property.
Inundated in SF
2008-06-19 16:09:45 UTC
I think it is wonderfully caring and honest of you to let your neighbors--and anyone else who may use your pool--to know in advance what the rules are (and to make sure they inform their kids too). I would even go further by telling them that all children under (legal age) will need a signed parent's consent, and anyone legal age must sign a contract saying (1) they have been informed of and agree to the rules and (2) the owners assume no liability. Your sane neighbors will realize how thoughtful you are and agree to it. Those that somehow take offense won't sign and so won't be allowed to swim. Since the pool is on your property, you will still be liable to a certain extent but at least you did what you could to make users adhere to basic pool safety rules.
2016-05-22 09:41:53 UTC
I'm am experiencing the same problem. New pool, new friends. Send your email, dont feel bad about it, the neighbors would probably do the same thing if they were the ones with a new pool. Give them pool hours, and supervision by the parents required.
Completely Anonymous
2008-06-19 14:43:58 UTC
I think you could set yourself up for liability issues by opening up the pool to everyone. Just be careful. Personally, I would never let people come over just because they feel like it. I also agree a locked fence would be a good idea. One drowning, and the neighborhood can turn against you.

Rules should be clearly posted by the pool.

For example:

- No diving in the shallow end.

- Everyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

- No fighting.

- No running around the pool.

- Clean up after yourself.

- No swimming before ____ AM or after _____ PM.

Find or make one of those signs that says "Welcome to our OOL! Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way."
2008-06-19 21:28:40 UTC
Besides the disclaimers that others have talked about, I would list STRICT times that neighbors are allowed to come and swim. If you do not set times, they will show up at any hour. Make sure you also have a good fence and lock so that no one can enter when you are not there. If kids show up without parent(s) to supervise, DO NOT allow them to swim. You are not a lifeguard.

If neighbors get huffy, tough toenails - they didn't pay to have the pool installed.
2008-06-19 14:01:19 UTC
I would express (like you said) items about safety, the fact that other parents need to be around when their kids are there bc you do NOT need to go through that potential disaster should there (God forbid) an accident, and when you get to the part about privacy, try not to say things like "time to ourselves" but rather "private family time" or something like that. It'll make those barracudas back off a little without being able to accuse you of stinginess. I wish you raisin-y fingers and a lovely summer!
2008-06-19 14:03:44 UTC
If you don't add anything else, please make sure they know they are using it at their discretion. This saves you from being sued if something happened. Make sure you let them know you do not mind having them over to swim but there are certain times and days you want this to happen. Also inform them about safety rules and that they are responsible for their own actions and to please be safe and supervise if possible. I don't want anyone to get hurt and then you get blamed for it. I hope this is also apart of your homeowners insurance. It is for ours. Good luck and congrads. A pool can be a lot of fun as long as you and the others are responsible.
2008-06-19 14:00:50 UTC
If you have not included a waver of injury or death in the rules you are leaving yourself open for a suit when some one gets hurt. You need to hold yourself and family blameless and not responsible for this and more.
2008-06-19 14:09:07 UTC
ugh that's nice of u to share just don't let ur house be overrun with people wanting to use ur pool. I wouldn't want that!! Props to you, you are sure to make lots of kids happy.
2008-06-19 14:26:33 UTC
First of all, if you don't want the responsibility of these kids in your pool, I would NOT have them there. They can end up inviting friends and next thing you know, when you and your family go to use YOUR pool, you can't because there will be a MOB of kids there! Friends of friends, and tons of kids, all who will see YOU told them they could.

Next make sure for insurance and safety reasons you have a fence with a lock around the pool so no one including pets can get into this pool and drown accidentally. Including younger kids who may just want to see what it's like. Your house insurance should have it mandatory an so should your town that you have a fenced in locked area for the saftey of the area and for your own peace of mind.

I would think long and hard before agreeing to let these kids in your pool any time they want. Do you want them in there, whenever they please? When you're not home? When you and your wife and kids want some quiet family time and can't have it because YOU told them in an e-mail that they could come whenever they wanted?

They have NO right showing up at your door that way. You have a right to do whatever you want in your yard and get whatever you want for you and your family without having to have a ton of kids there to baby-sit them! You're also going to have to feed these kids, give them drinks when they're thirsty, and then IF and ONLY IF they tell you when they have to use the bathroom they will be in and out of your house or peeing in the pool itself.

I know you're close knit, but that's more of a reason why the parents should have more respect for your space and call you and talk to you about it before sending their kids to your door, that's just wrong! They should have talked to you first and not let their kids do that and I'm sure they knew their kids did it, and it's wrong of them. They need to respect that you want to spend time with your family in the pool and may have plans and could've had functions going on when the kids showed up and it was wrong. If you're all close you should be able to talk to them about this.

This is a decision that you should sit down with your wife and talk long and hard about. Do you want these kids coming and going as they please? When you have company and dinner parties? When you want some quiet time? Do you want to buy extra food and drinks for them? Do you just want the responsibiliy if someone should get hurt, I'm sure if the parents send them over they are going to expect that YOU are watching them. Do you want these going in and out of your yard and pool as they please? You're sitting down for dinner and there out your window are kids coming and going through your yard.

I would say that you are willing to have some pool parties over the summer and that there are some days when you and your wife are home that you will welcome the kids over with some RULES, but you will let them know in advance when those days are. You're sorry it can't be everyday but you will let them know when they can come over and what are expected of when they do come over.

For us, our pool rules were always:

NO pushing each other into the water

Keep hands to yourself!

NO rough housing in the water or around the pool!

No Jumping in the shallow ends

No peeing in the pool, let someone know when you have to go!

No eating around the pool

NO drinks in the pool NO food in the pool

Life jackets must be worn (depending on age, if they can swim, etc)

NO running around the pool area (someone can fall and get hurt)

NO hanging on the ladder

Use the ladder ONLY to get in and out of the pool

NO jumping on and off the pool toys

NO pushing anyone under water!

Always let someone know when you are here!

Always let someone know if you're not feeling well!

NO one enters the pool area without an adult present!

It's sad you have to be this way but you don't want to be taken advantage of either and you don't want anyone getting hurt. If this was your child.

Good luck. It's hard because these are your neighbors and if you're friends with them it can be hard, but at the same time if they're your real friends, they WILL understand! You bought this pool for you and YOUR family, NOT for the community! You have a right to enjoy it with your family and don't owe anyone in the neighborhood anything. You can just narrow down the pool use to pool parties with the neighbors or certain days when you know you're not doing anything and feel like having the kids there. You know you're going to be the ones babysitting, so you have to make sure you're up for that and if you're not, you're not. There's going to be times when you're going to want to be in the pool with you and your wife and you can't be made to feel guilty about that, and if they don't understand they're not real friends.

Good luck and I hope all goes well for you!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.