2008-08-12 22:02:18 UTC
The following are some royal comments. “… His majesty the king claims building water gates to lead the water goes out of the east is an effective method to solve drought water, flood, brine issues. His Majesty the king convinces, after his consulting team calculate cost benefit analysis, building dams and water gates is the most efficient way to solve the issues and will save some cash in the long run. His Majesty the king believes building water gates get rid of brackish and increasing shrimps production as well as creating more agricultural and fishy careers…..”
The subcommittees from various ministries must work together to create effective and practicable that will produce the highest benefit for residents of Pakpanang. His Majesty has also hired several environment consultants to work with subcommittees and the royal irrigation workers. 7 November, 2538 the cabinet has officially approved the project, by the plan operating between 2538-2546, using budget money approximately 15,800,000,000 Thai baht. The project has three significant components includes: compose of construction side irrigation work; follows to correct environment effect; and development agricultural work in Pakpanang.
The Organization Operates
There are several executive committees and subcommittees as follows:
1.) Pakpanang River Basin Project Executive Committees
2.) Pakpanang River Basin Project Subcommittees
3.) Royal Irrigation Department Subcommittees
4.) Pakpanang River Basin Public Relations Project Subcommittees
5.) Pakpanang River Basin Agriculture System Subcommittees
Characteristic of the project
Pakpanang River Basin Project composes of four major components
1.) Irrigation construction: The Royal Irrigation Department was assigned to
be a project administrator, which budget is approximately 13,400,000,000 Thai baht. The project composes of various components includes constructing water gates and flood gates to release and obstruct Pakpanang River and building ridges to separate fresh water and brine water.
2.) Environmental Solution: Ministry of Science and Technology determines
pollution control area; Department of Fisheries develops law and regulations about the shrimp farms and its location; Agriculture and Cooperative Society for Agriculture Bank support special loans for farmers; other government sectors follow the same law and regulation as well as checking on-going environmental issues.
• Eradicate the weed in nature channel
• Build a pipe treats the dirty water from shrimps markets
• Construct a pipe treats the dirty water from local community
• Verify qualities of underground water, seawater, and soil
• Follow fishry resources around Pakpanang River area
3.) Developing Agriculture
Ministry of Science and Technology established the major policy
as follow: improve quality and quantity of rice production; encourage integrated
agriculture; organize shrimps farms and its locations; conserve soil, water, and other
environment; and develop organizations for agriculture.
• Rice production increases
• In-season rice farms increases
• Out-of-season rice farms increases
• Resuscitate shrimp industries
• Improve integrated agriculture
• Support other agricultural careers
4.) Public Relations
Pakpanang River Basin is a large project; therefore, public relations
plays significant role to communicate between the king, officials, and the residents.
1.) Protect the trespass of the brine to agriculture land
2.) Create fresh water resources
3.) Diminish natural disaster
4.) Eliminate the argument between shrimp farmers and rice farmers
5.) Reduce migration issues
6.) Increase quality and quantity of agriculture product
7.) Improve quality of life
8.) Resuscitate overall Pakpanang’s ecology system
In conclusion, Pakpanang River Basin Project is one of three thousands
projects that the king proposes around the country. This project is an effective way to
to create many agriculture and fishery careers and improve qualities of life. As a
consequence, we can proudly say our beloved king is an intelligent, visionary,
and charismatic leader.