2012-02-23 02:45:41 UTC
If he really loves you, he will do atleast something to make you feel good. If husband really loves his wife then he will surely take care of her needs, isn't it. Here where the problem, its not that you only be with someone for money, but when you are with someone, isn't it natural that you expect atleast some from him.
How would you feel if the guy with whom you are with, he at one place claims to love you, but don't have heart to spend much on you like not even give you a card or a flowers, not even take u to dinner, or even he has to call u, he cares for phone bill more than talking to u, he do this even though he can reasonably afford.
Is it wrong to expect from your husband to once in while spend on eating out, candle light, movies, basic things, little gifts like cards or anything which makes you feel good, etc. especially when he can afford it. But there are some types of men who wants a women for sex and chores, and they keep claiming that they love her, but from hearts of hearts they don't have heart to spent anything on her, they just want a wife to bear kids and take care of home, and when wife complaints that he never takes her even for movie or dinner or not even giving anything except food and shelter then she is tagged as golddigger or she is told that all that is more important for you than your husband.
Can golddigging be mistaken with any expectation which is reasonable?