2009-03-26 10:31:25 UTC
Mr. Thomsun : “ Hey Sons, Daddy is home !”
Ralph : “ Oh Dad! I knew you would surprise us today with bonus that you were expecting last month. I overheard you and mom talking about it just yesterday.Right ?”
Mr. Thomsun : “ Bonus ? No my son you are getting me wrong. I have retired from my job and now I would get to spend time with my Family.”
At this Ralph gets upset and starts to walk out of the room without speaking any word. Mr Thomsun follows him
Mr.Thomsun : “ Ralph see what I have brought for you, the latest pair of Jeans that you that you had liked in the advertisements. and Peter, here you go , your skate board.”
Ralph remains silent but peter speaks on his behalf.
Peter : “ Dad! The thing is that Ralph has borrowed loans last month and was expecting to repay them from the bonus that you would be getting but now…..”
Mr. Thomsun : “ Ralph, you are a grown up man now. Why don’t you find some job for yourself ? I mean don’t get me wrong but I always wanted to tell you this eversince you graduated. Wasting time on streets just roaming and passing time with people who never give you good advice will not help you my son. It is high time you start thinking for yourself “
At this Ralph starts getting violent and starts breaking things in the House.
Suddenly Mr Thomsun gets a call from his ex-boss that they have decided to postpone the retirement till next two years.
Hearing this news Ralph gets back to normal and pretends that he was only joking.
What in your opinion was Ralph doing ? Why did he behave the way he did when he knew that his dad was right ? What does this tell you about Ralph ?