2011-10-20 22:11:45 UTC
I was flabbergasted when Beth CALLED ME and said she was upset about my review and asked me to remove it. She read all of my other reviews and figured out who I was. My review of the doctor's office was fair and truthful, but I had mentioned her by name, which perhaps wasn't right. So I removed the review. Then I changed my Yelp identity and removed a lot of information from other reviews that might identify me in the future to anyone else.
Several months later, I re-posted my review. It was milder but still negative, and I did not name anyone. My review stated that the doctor was terrific, but the office staff was rude to people. I felt that I was entitled to my opinion and frankly wanted to warn others about how rude Beth can be. There are many other negative reviews of this doctor's office, and some of them do mention Beth's name. Those other reviews are much more harsh than mine. The doctor's office has 3.5 stars, by the way, because others have written 5-star reviews, which balances it out.
Almost a year passed. Today, out of the blue, she called again, saying that Yelp emailed and told her that my negative review had been reposted. Yeah, I reposted my second review almost a year ago! And people have posted other negative reviews since then (and a couple of postive ones). I didn't speak to her directly; my husband got the call (I was out at the time). I have a hard time believing that Yelp emailed her now about a review I posted almost a year ago -- or that they told her it was me posting it (what about privacy??)
I was surprised that she "figured out" that it was me writing the new review, since I had changed everything about my Yelp identity. Maybe she is trying to call my bluff; I don't know.
I feel that I am entitled to my opinion. My review is not inflammatory. It is truthful and I don't mention Beth's name; I just talk generally about how rude the office staff is. And frankly, I feel that Beth is stalking me. It's kind of creepy.
On the other hand, we both live in the same town, and odds are that I will come face-to-face with her at some point and that will be a very uncomfortable situation.
Part of me says, "just remove the review and be done with her...the past is the past....bad karma, etc"
And part of me says, "she treated you badly for years. She even made you cry a couple of times. You are entitled to your opinion, especially since she is continuing to be rude to people now."
I would love to hear some educated opinions about this ethical dilemma.
I'm considering just deleting the review so I can just be done with her and move on. I feel like this is hanging over me. But being the stubborn person that I am, I resent feeling pressured and bullied by Beth.