black peoples opinion vary on the use of the word. some black people think it is unacceptable to use the word at all but on the other hand some black people use it as a term of endearment towards their black friends and i blindly accept any interpetation of the word usage form any black person. but the black people that use it have changed how they define the word from a negative one to a positive one...what is wrong with that? and why do white people feel that because we use the word with each other that they are entitled to use the word or that because they cannot say neither can we? is it hard to accept that the rule for acceptable usage of the word is based on a double people can use it others cannot? by the way i feel the same way about "c" word with white people they can use it i cant. the option to use this word is earned by going thru the black experience and the only way one can really go thru the black experience is to be black. opinions please